Wild Romance

Chapter 176 Ghost Dog Battle 4 Wolf Eagle

Chapter 170 Six Nether Dogs Fight Four Wolf Eagles

It is said that the ghost dog horse boss and Niu Dahua fought four wolf eagles in the sky ten miles away, because the wolf eagles belonged to birds, and flying and fighting in the air was their strong point, while the ghost dog horse boss and Niu Dahua belonged to beasts, although they When Xiaoping and Xiaoping came back from the underworld to the underworld, they brought their own magical powers that they had in the underworld, and they could fly freely in the air, but they were beasts after all, and they were not good at flying in the air like the four wolf eagles, so the two ghost dogs The speed of flying in the air is not as flexible as the four wolf eagles. In addition, the four wolf eagles have huge bodies and fierce strength. Although the two ghost dogs are also strong and fierce, they are not as agile as the wolf eagles when flying in the air. They are flexible, and the number of wolf eagles is double that of ghost dogs, so when they fought, ghost dogs suffered a lot.

After hearing Wei Xiaoping's advice on how to teach them to fight, the two ghost dogs immediately attacked the four wolf eagles by retreating more than advancing, while pretending to be afraid of them, they retreated to the ground, intending to kill the four wolves. The wolf eagle lures to the ground.

When the four wolf eagles fought against the two ghost dogs, they were very proud of their superiority in the air.Now seeing the two ghost dogs retreating quickly to the ground while barely coping with their attack, the four wolf eagles thought that these two three-headed monsters were afraid of death in defeat and wanted to escape, how could they let them go?So he chased after the two ghost dogs.

The two ghost dogs retreated to the ground while talking.

"Boss Ma, let's retreat to that place on the ground? Why don't you land directly on the ground, but retreat obliquely to the far place?" Niu Dahua saw that Boss Ma seemed to be receding further and further away, puzzled, and followed him. side asked.

Ma Lao Avenue: "On the ground not far in front, there are many weeds as high as small trees and some small rocky mountains. After entering, there is a forest. The branches and leaves on the forest are very lush. It is estimated that the trunks and branches inside are very dense. The space should not be large, if we lead these four monsters there, it will be very beneficial to our way of fighting."

Niu Dahua asked, "What's the advantage?"

Boss Ma said: "Think about it, although we come back from the underworld, we have the magic of flying and can fly in the air, but we are beasts after all, and flying in the air is not our strong point, let alone fighting them! Running on the ground is the best way to fly!" It is our strength. These four monsters are birds with wings, and they are so huge that they are almost half times bigger than us. The wings displayed by them are almost four to five feet long and wide. Flying requires such a huge space, if we introduce them into the woods with a narrow space, because the space between the trees and branches in the woods is small, they want to spread their wings and fly to attack us, affected by the space of the branches, can they fly? ?”

After hearing this, Niu Dahua suddenly realized, and said, "Boss Ma, I know what you mean! We try to introduce them into places with small spaces, even places where it is difficult for them to turn around, so that we can do whatever we want with them." !"

Due to the rush to lead the four wolf eagles to the ground, the two ghost dogs descended very fast. Soon, the two ghost dogs were chased to the ground by the four wolf eagles, and the four wolf eagles followed immediately. to the ground.

The ground where they fell was next to a small forest nearby.

The ground where it fell was indeed as Wei Xiaoping said, covered with weeds and many small rocky hills several feet high, and there were countless grasses and small rocky hills on the entire ground.The grass is as big as a house, and the hills are as big as two or three houses.There is a certain distance between the bushes and the hills, forming a traffic network extending in all directions between the bushes and the hills, which is very suitable for activities such as hide-and-seek.

When the four wolf eagles were in the air before, they could attack the two ghost dogs from all around and up and down. After reaching the ground, they could not attack from below except from all around and above, that is, they lost the ability to attack in one direction. Angle, because it is impossible for them to penetrate the ground and then attack from the ground up.

After Ma Boss and Niu Da were separated, they went to other grasses or small tall stones in the opposite direction. They wanted to take advantage of these grasses and tall small rocks as a cover, and clumped other directions to the back of the wolf eagle. Attack them to make them more angry, and then run to the small forest, so that the wolf eagles will be angry after being attacked, and they will definitely pursue them even more.

Before the two ghost dogs separated in opposite directions, they looked back at the location of the four wolf sculptures. After confirming the location of the four wolf sculptures, they each quickly passed through the grass and the small high stone mountain on both sides.

When the four wolf eagles saw the two ghost dogs disappearing through the grass and the small mountain, they immediately became vigilant and divided into two pairs, chasing each other in the direction Ma Boda and Niu Dahua were running.

The distance between the grass bushes on the ground is a bit narrow, and the gaps between some small high stone mountains are not big enough. When Ma Boda and Niu Dahua ran towards these grasses or small high stone mountains, they intentionally showed them to the wolf eagle chasing them. Then deliberately slow down the running speed from time to time, and when the wolf eagles are about to catch up with them, they suddenly speed up.

The four wolf eagles were very angry when they saw the two ghost dogs running fast and slow in front of them, and when they were about to catch them, they suddenly sped up and ran again!

"Isn't this playing with us?" The wolf eagles thought, very angry, so they chased after them with more strength.

Since the two ghost dogs are beasts, they have hunted alone in the forest and forest for a long time since they were young. During the period of hunting in the forest and forest since they were young, they had many scenes of fighting with wild beasts for food. Very good hunting skills and wisdom, as long as the opponent being hunted is on the ground, even animals and beasts bigger than themselves are not scary to the two ghost dogs, but the right ones this time Monsters, they don’t know what species they are. They have wings, a head and mouth of a beast, and even a pair of thighs under the abdomen, which are the same as the legs of a beast, and bird grows on the legs. They come from human claws, and they are very powerful and ferocious. Therefore, the two ghost dogs, Ma Bodao and Niu Dahua, dare not underestimate the enemy, not to mention that their number is double that of the two ghost dogs. In the pincer attack, the two Nethers know that it is difficult to defeat the enemy, so only by designing against the four wolf eagles can they be sure of defeating the enemy.

The ghost dog horse boss and Niu Dahua each and the two wolf eagles chasing him, circled around the grass or small mountains from time to time, and sometimes attacked from behind suddenly when the two wolf eagles were not paying attention.

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