Wild Romance

Chapter 175 Fighting the Wolf Sculpture

Chapter 170 Five

It turned out that Zhang Lingpu and the soldiers did not practice immortality with Xuanzhe like Wei Xiaoping, and did not know any magic spells, so they could only come here at least. It took at least a quarter of an hour to arrive at Jiangjia Village from the palace.When they came to Jiangjia Village, they were very angry when they saw the mess in the village. They looked around the whole village, but they didn't see anyone there, and they didn't see where Wei Xiaoping was.

When Zhang Lingpu was wondering where Wei Xiaoping had gone, he suddenly heard the sound of an unknown monster coming from the sky, so he looked into the sky and saw Wei Xiaoping fighting with several huge flying monsters.Zhang Lingpu watched for a while, and found that when Wei Xiaoping was fighting those monsters, he seemed to be a little afraid of them, and he didn't dare to fight hard. Heavy hand.Therefore, Zhang Lingpu immediately took the bow and arrow from the archer, and at the same time ordered a dozen archers to aim and shoot at the monsters.

Thus, it happened that the six wolf eagles were shot by the fiery arrows and burned.

Seeing that it was Zhang Lingpu and a dozen soldiers who were still aiming bows and arrows at the six wolf eagles flying downward, Wei Xiaoping immediately shouted in the air:

"General Zhang, please stop! General Zhang, please stop shooting!" Wei Xiaoping shouted, and flew towards a nearby wolf eagle that was flying down.

Seeing that his wolf eagles were burned, the man didn't care about fighting Wei Xiaoping, and he also flew towards the burning wolf eagles that flew down, and flew towards the six wolf eagles that were going to rescue him. , but since the six wolf eagles all flew downward separately, the man didn't know which one to save first.

Wei Xiaoping shouted to the man: "Quickly, tell your burned wolf eagles to fly to the west of the village. There is a pond there, tell them to soak in the water, and the fire on them can be put out."

Hearing what Wei Xiaoping said, the man was stunned for a moment, and quickly thought: "Is this kid talking to me? He actually taught me how to save the wolf eagle? Is he sick? I'm his enemy!" When the man thinks of this, he doesn't care, it's more important to save his own wolf eagles!So he drove the big wolf eagle he was sitting on and flew forward, whistling.

The six wolf eagles that were burned by the fire flew towards the village west of Jiang's house when they heard the whistle from their master.

Zhang Lingpu and a dozen or so soldiers, who were aiming at the wolf eagles with bows and arrows below, couldn't hear Wei Xiaoping's words clearly because they were a little far away from Wei Xiaoping's shouting to them. The loud and sad cry drowned out Wei Xiaoping's call to Zhang Lingpu, so he couldn't hear Wei Xiaoping's cry even more, so he continued to aim at the wolf eagles.At this time, he saw the wolf eagles flying towards the west of the village, thinking that they were going to escape, so Zhang Lingpu immediately ordered to shoot arrows.

So, a dozen archers shot a dozen fiery arrows at the six wolf eagles flying away in the air, and Zhang Lingpu himself shot fiery arrows at the big wolf eagle.

When Zhang Lingpu first saw Wei Xiaoping fighting with the seven wolf eagles, he also wanted to shoot the big wolf eagle with a bow and arrow. He was hit by Wei Xiaoping, so he didn't dare to shoot arrows when Wei Xiaoping and the big wolf vulture were close. Now Wei Xiaoping is separated from the big wolf vulture and the man, and the big wolf vulture and the man also flew away with the six wolf vultures. , Zhang Lingpu had no more scruples, so he aimed his arrow at the big wolf eagle and the man on the wolf eagle's back and shot.

When Wei Xiaoping saw Zhang Lingpu and the soldiers shooting arrows again, it was too late to stop them, so he had to fly to the ground.

"General Zhang, hurry up, tell everyone to rush to the west end of the village. These wolf eagles jumped into the water in the pond at the west end of the village to put out the fire. Take the soldiers to surround the pond and capture them. Remember, no As a last resort, don't shoot arrows!" said.

When Zhang Lingpu heard Wei Xiaoping say that those monsters were wolf eagles, he immediately asked, "Wolf eagles? What kind of monster is this? It's the first time I've heard this name!"

Wei Xiaoping said: "I don't know why they are called wolf eagles. I just heard their owner call them that. I know. I will go to guard them first. You and the soldiers come together quickly!" Wei Xiaoping said Then, he immediately jumped into the air three or four feet high, and flew in the direction where the seven wolf eagles were flying.

Zhang Lingpu looked at Wei Xiaoping who was flying away, and thought of what Wei Xiaoping said just now, "I'll go and watch them first, and you and the soldiers should hurry up too", smiled, and thought to himself , Hmph, this kid, every time in an emergency, he always disrespects me and directs me like this every time!As if I were your subordinate!I am the general of Qingfeng Kingdom, so theoretically you have to come under my control too!However, this kid sometimes talks to me as a general regardless of his backup position, but every time he does something, he is very satisfied with me, so I don't blame him every time.What's more, Zhang Xiaoyan, my precious daughter, Yan'er, has a good relationship with this guy... Hey, where are the two ghost dogs that Zhang Xiaoping brought back from the underworld?Why not with him?Could it be that those two ghost dogs were fighting other wolf eagles in other places?

Zhang Lingpu thought about it, and immediately shouted to hundreds of soldiers: "Listen up, everyone, now immediately run to the west head of Jiangjia Village, and catch those monsters—those wolf eagles!"

While chasing the seven wolf eagles and the man, Zhang Xiaoping thought, strange, didn't I whistle and call for Rhubarb to come over and help catch the wolf eagles alive?What hasn't come yet?And what about the ghost dog horse boss and cow big flower?Where are they and the four wolves?

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded from behind, and there was a "click". Wei Xiaoping looked back and saw that it was Rhubarb who had arrived.

Rhubarb flew under Wei Xiaoping and approached Wei Xiaoping with his back.

Wei Xiaoping sat on Rhubarb's back, and said in the unique communication language with Rhubarb: "Duhuang, you are a bit late, do you not have enough rest?"

Rhubarb croaked in response.

Wei Xiaoping said, "You just came from Vice General Huang? What happened to Huang Xianlin?"

Rhubarb responded with a clicking sound.

Wei Xiaoping said: "It's fine!"

Rhubarb asked Wei Xiaoping again, asking me to come over, what happened?

Wei Xiaoping said: "A dozen or so wolf eagles attacked Jiangjia Village. I'll ask you to come together and see if we can capture them alive. If we can capture them alive, we will tame them to be our soldiers in Qingfeng. The troops are here!"

As soon as Da Huang heard that he was going to catch wolf eagles and come back to be a soldier of Qingfeng Kingdom, thinking of the two ghost dogs that his master brought back from the underworld this morning, and the way his master cared for those two ghost dogs this morning, Da Huang was not happy , I thought to myself, since I came to be with the master, I have been enjoying the care and love of the master alone for more than ten years. If the two ghost dogs brought back by the master are also so kind to them, wouldn’t they be shared by them in the future? concern?

Thinking of this, Rhubarb yelled unhappily: "Master, are those wolf eagles as capable as the two three-headed monsters you brought back?"

Wei Xiaoping heard Da Huang call the two ghost dogs three-headed monsters, and knew that he didn't like Ma Boss and Niu Dahua, so he said, "Da Huang, what's wrong? Don't you like Ma Boss and Niu Dahua?"

"I can't say I like it, and I can't say I don't like it, but I can't understand how they look like they have three heads, they are too ugly!" Rhubarb yelled.

Wei Xiaoping said: "Rhubarb, you can't say that about Ma Boda and Niu Dahua! In fact, they were human beings like me in their previous life, but they did something wrong and were punished by Yama after death to become like that. After being punished by the prince, they changed a lot. Before they were reborn in a village in the previous life, they helped that village do a lot of good things. They were loved by the villagers in the village in the previous life. After they returned to the underworld, the villagers there commemorated them Set up hero monuments for them, treat them as heroes, and set up temples, and commemorate them every year and festival!"

After hearing this, Rhubarb felt a little admiration for the deeds of Boss Ma and Dahua Niu in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. He thought to himself, if those two monsters with three heads can do that, so can I, but I'm not like them !I also thought, listening to the deeds of the two three-headed monsters told by the master just now, the tone is full of praise, which proves that the master likes and attaches great importance to the two three-headed monsters - I hope the master will still value me as much as before ...

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