Wild Romance

Chapter 177 Ghost Dog Battle 4 Wolf Eagle

Chapter 170 Seven

After seeing the two wolf eagles chasing after him, the ghost dog and horse boss immediately ran forward quickly. After running tens of meters, three bushes of grass appeared in front of him. The grass was very tall, dense and wide. And there is a small grass path between the clumps leading to other clumps.

Boss Ma saw that there were three grass paths leading to other directions in front of him, and one of them surrounded the grass beside him.

Boss Ma thought about it quickly, and then walked around the clump of grass beside him, trying to get behind the two wolf eagles and attack them.

The two wolf eagles chased to the position where the horse boss was just now, and saw three grass bushes appearing in front of them, and three grass branches branched from the grass path under their feet to the three grass bushes stretching forward.

The two wolf eagles suspected that Boss Ma might have gone through the grass path in the middle, but they were not sure, so the two wolf eagles chased separately, one chased towards the middle path, and the other one chased towards the left path. run away.

While the two wolf eagles were hesitating, Ma Boss had already walked around to watch them not far away. When he saw the two wolf eagles separated, Ma Boss lightly chased the one on the left.

In order to prevent the wolf eagle in front from knowing that he was following it, Boss Ma cast a spell to make his body float about one meter above the ground while chasing it, and then flew towards the wolf eagle being followed by him. There was no sound.

When Boss Ma was following the wolf eagle in front, he thought to himself, I can’t attack it now, because I’m still relatively close to the other one, and I’ll attack this one when I’m far away from the other one. You can't kill this one at once, and even if the other one knows that this one has been attacked, it can't come to help immediately.

As the wolf eagle walked forward quickly, it turned its head left and right from time to time to look at the two sides to see if the horse boss had crossed to other places on the side of the road.

Boss Ma followed this one for about half a mile, and the road ahead diverged again, one to the left and the other to the right.

Boss Ma thought to himself that the one to the right is likely to go around the middle one just now, and intersect with the middle one. In this way, if the wolf sculpture in front goes to the right one, it may be connected to the other wolf sculpture. meet.At this time, Boss Ma really hoped that the wolf eagle would go to the left, because the left one might not meet the middle one, so it would be difficult to meet the other wolf eagle. After one is farther away, you can attack this kind.

Boss Ma thought so, and by the way, he also used a special way of communication, Xiang Niu Dahua also lured the other two chasing him away, so as to prevent the four from gathering together.

The wolf eagle hesitated at the forked road ahead, then walked quickly towards the right one.

Boss Ma at the back saw that the wolf eagle really walked to the right, so Boss Ma had no choice but to follow slowly.

As expected, after tracking for less than half a moment, he met another wolf eagle on the grass path in the middle.

Boss Ma watched them from afar.

After the two wolf eagles whined to each other a few times, they separated again.

Because at the place where the two wolf eagles collided, a small rocky mountain blocked the way ahead, and the grass path in the middle extended to the right, and the other wolf eagle walked to the right, attacking and looking for the horse boss.

And this wolf eagle, who was followed by Boss Ma, turned around and walked back along the road just now.

Boss Ma saw the wolf eagle walking back, so he quickly backed away, hid, and observed where this wolf eagle was going.

The wolf eagle walking back walked to the one just now, and continued to walk forward quickly, turning its head to look left and right while walking, and continued to look for Boss Ma.

Seeing this wolf eagle continue to walk down the original path, Boss Ma thought to himself, this path is just opposite to the path that the other wolf eagle walked just now. Maybe the further you walk, the farther the distance between the two wolf eagles will be.

Boss Ma was secretly happy in his heart, so he followed and flew over lightly.

The wolf eagle continued to walk forward for about half a quarter of an hour, when it suddenly saw a clump of unknown vines with thorns blocking its way.

Seeing that there was no way ahead, the wolf eagle spread its wings and wanted to fly.

When Boss Ma saw that the wolf eagle was about to fly, he thought, bad, if the wolf eagle were to fly, it would be easier for them to find us by looking down in the air. I don’t know why they don’t use the way of flying in the air. Come to find me and Niu Dahua, now if this one suddenly flies up and finds that it is easier to find us by flying, at that time, other wolf eagles may also do the same, so that me and Niu Dahua will be spotted by them soon , No, I want to kill this wolf eagle before it flies up.

So, as soon as the wolf eagle spread its wings and jumped up, Boss Ma jumped onto its back as fast as lightning.

Because the bodies of these wolf carvings are huge, and their backs are also broad, Ma Boss leaped up, without any effort, he stood firmly on the back of the wolf carvings, and immediately stretched the head in the middle towards the wolf carvings On the back of his neck, he opened his huge mouth and bit hard.

After biting the back of the wolf eagle's neck, Ma Boss also pushed his feet back on the wolf eagle's back, and his body also turned forward and fell to the ground.

When the body fell to the ground, Ma Boss opened his mouth slightly, changed the position of biting the neck of the wolf eagle, bit the throat of the wolf eagle, and pulled the wolf eagle to the ground by the way.

When the wolf eagle's neck turned over and fell to the ground along with the horse boss, the neck was pulled to the ground by the horse boss, and was also twisted to one side by the horse boss. The neck was turned 180 degrees to the left, and the whole head was also twisted. The horse boss turned to the left.

The wolf eagle never expected that the three-headed monster it was looking for would secretly follow behind it and attack suddenly, catching itself off guard.

The wolf eagle was bitten by the boss of the horse, because the boss of the horse had several fangs as long as an index finger in his mouth, and the fangs deeply bit the neck of the wolf eagle this year. Guan was also bitten by Ma Boss's mouth, so he couldn't make a loud whining sound, but could only make a hissing and exhaling sound.

The wolf eagle whose neck was bitten by the horse boss could still breathe out but could not turn its head, so it stood up, hoisted the horse boss by its neck, and slammed forward indiscriminately, trying to hit the horse boss into another Somewhere, forcing Ma Boss to let go of his mouth.

In his previous life, Boss Ma had been foraging alone since he was a child, and he had experienced fighting various wild beasts, and he had acquired hunting skills and great strength. How could he care about this move of the wolf eagle?

Boss Ma saw the wolf eagle hanging by its neck and bumping around randomly, immediately jumped up its hind feet, then bit the mouth of the wolf eagle's neck and pushed it down vigorously, pressing and pulling the wolf eagle's head to the ground. .

I saw that the head of the wolf eagle was pressed so hard by the boss of the horse, and the whole head hit the ground with a bang.

The wolf eagle whose head was pressed stood up with both feet, and kept moving left and right, trying to pull its head up.

Boss Ma saw the wolf eagle's feet moving back and forth in this way, and the feet behind it also moved sideways along with the wolf eagle's feet, and did not allow the wolf eagle's feet to approach him, for fear of being caught by the wolf eagle. Claws on themselves.

The wolf eagle whose neck and throat was bitten by the boss of the horse kept scratching and scratching with its feet and claws on the ground, and its wings flapped on the ground from time to time, making crackling noises.

As the claws of the wolf eagle slashed back and forth on the ground, the ground scratched by the eagle claws blew up bursts of dirt and dust, and the weeds and some branches and leaves near the ground were blown by the wind blown by its huge wings. , blowing from side to side and making a crackling sound.

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