Wild Romance

Chapter 174 Fighting the Wolf Sculpture

Chapter 170 Four

The four wolf eagles collided with each other. In addition to their paws touching each other, some of them also scratched each other's chest or legs, and immediately feathers flew and blood spattered out.

The four wolf eagles were originally birds and beasts, and their thinking was relatively simple. When they saw that they were scratched by each other, their tempers came quickly, and they killed each other without even thinking about it...

After Wei Xiaoping flew up to a height of one foot, he flew directly to the big wolf eagle and the man without looking back.

At this time, the two wolf eagles hit by Wei Xiaoping earlier also flew around the big wolf eagle, and flew towards Wei Xiaoping together with the big wolf eagle. The wolf eagle flew in front of the big wolf eagle, and one circled around Wei Xiaoping's right, trying to circle around Wei Xiaoping's back, and attacked Wei Xiaoping together with the two in front.

The man on the big wolf sculpture also stood up from the back of the big wolf sculpture, brandished a snake spear, and hit Wei Xiaoping.

Wei Xiaoping saw that the man was able to stand on the back of the big wolf eagle and wield the snake spear, and he could move so freely, he thought to himself, it is really courageous to dare to stand on the back of the big wolf eagle at such a high altitude and wield a weapon to fight against others. Men are not easy!It seems that I don't know how much hardship it took to achieve such a skill.If I hadn't practiced immortality with my master, and my master hadn't taught me the flying fairy art, I might not be as courageous as him!This man is really a talent, if he can be subdued and serve our Qingfeng country, and guide him not to kill innocent people, that would be great.

When Wei Xiaoping saw that the three wolf eagles in front and behind were about to approach him, he used his right hand to sway the Demon Slaying Sword backwards without looking back, frightening the wolf eagle that was about to approach behind him, and then quickly jumped up and flew away. The big eagle that came over fixed its head, then turned its head down and its feet up, and started fighting with the man with the Demon Slaying Sword.

Wei Xiaoping slashed at the man with the Demon Slaying Sword, because he wanted to use force to subdue the man first, and then use words to persuade the man to submit to him, so when he slashed at the man with the Demon Slaying Sword, he used nearly [-]% of his energy. Strength, and in the process of chopping, the speed is also slightly slowed down to avoid hurting the man.

Seeing Wei Xiaoping's Demon Slaying Sword coming, the man thought about how he was kicked by Wei Xiaoping and almost fell off the big wolf eagle's back just now, he could not help but smoke from his seven orifices, and slammed the snake spear towards Wei Xiaoping viciously!

The man struck forward with a horizontal stroke, and because he struck with great hatred, the man almost exerted all his strength, so the speed was very fast and the strength was also very great.

There was a loud bang, and the snake spear hit the face of Wei Xiaoping's Demon Slayer Sword.

Although Wei Xiaoping's Devil Slaying Sword is composed of a kind of divine light, when it is used, it emits colorful glare, which seems to be impossible to hit, but when Wei Xiaoping uses it, he injects a wave of his own power into the sword body , can make the sword light instantly hard and sharp, so the man's snake spear can hit the side of Wei Xiaoping's sword, and not only hit, but because the side area of ​​the sword is large, the area of ​​force on the side of the sword is also large, That's why there was a huge "bang" sound, and a flash of lightning flashed at the junction of the snake spear and the demon sword.

When Wei Xiaoping hit his Demon Slaying Sword with the snake spear of that man, he felt a big vibration from the Demon Slaying Sword in his right hand, and he couldn't help admiring the huge force that the man made when he hit it, but He also took advantage of the strength of the man's arrival, flipped in the air, flipped the Demon Slayer Sword sideways with his body, and hit the man.

After the man hit Wei Xiaoping's Demon Slaying Sword, before he had time to retract the snake spear, Wei Xiaoping quickly turned around and the side of the Demon Slaying Sword that hit him had already slapped him on the back.

It turned out that Wei Xiaoping was afraid that if the sword edge hit the man, the man would be injured, but if he slapped the man sideways with the sword, the sword edge would not be able to hurt the man.

When the man saw Wei Xiaoping's Demon Slayer Sword hit him, he was stunned for a moment, thinking, this time he will be dead!

When the man flew out with his wolf eagle for a long distance, he felt only a dull pain in his back, and there was no bleeding. Only then did he know that his confidant had not received a sword wound. This kid seems to be inexperienced in combat, and he can't even feel whether it is the edge or the body of the sword, hehehe!

In fact, how did this man know that Wei Xiaoping wanted to use force to subdue him, make him submit to himself, and not hurt him, just now he used the blade of the sword to slap him on the quilt, so that he would feel pain without being injured of.

While Wei Xiaoping quickly turned around and slapped the man down, the other two wolf eagles also flew to the top of Wei Xiaoping's head, and when Wei Xiaoping was slapped down, they followed closely with sharp claws to grab Wei Xiaoping's head and back.

After slapping the man, Wei Xiaoping also felt that the two wolf eagles had already flown to his head, and the distance was very close, so after slapping the man, his body also fell down naturally. He waved the Demon Slayer Sword towards the sky above his head.

The two wolf eagles didn't expect that when Wei Xiaoping was in the countryside, he would swing the Demon Slaying General at his confidant's head.

Because Wei Xiaoping was swinging the Demon Slaying Sword above his head in a hurry, he didn't have time to control his strength. He only heard a loud "bang", and the Demon Slaying Sword slapped on the claws of a wolf eagle that was closer to him. .

The wolf sculpture that was hit, because its position was under the other wolf sculpture, immediately turned forward and sideways after its claws were hit.

The wolf eagle that swooped down on it did not expect the one below it to roll over suddenly, and it was too late to control the inertial force of the downward dive, and its claws grabbed the back of the rolled-over wolf eagle.

The two wolf eagles screamed "Wow" at the same time...

After falling one or two feet down, Wei Xiaoping stood firm, looked up at the top of his head, and then at the four on the other side.

I saw that the two on the top of the head accidentally injured each other, one's claws were deep into the back of the other, and they couldn't pull them out. They were flapping their wings and twisted together.

The same is true for the other four, because they accidentally injured both sides, and they were still fighting together.

Seeing the six wolf vultures entangled with each other, Wei Xiaoping immediately flew towards the man and the big wolf vulture, trying to capture the man while the six vultures were entangled.

After being slapped and flying over one side, the man turned around and saw that the two wolf eagles here were entangled because of Wu Shang, and the four on the other side were also entangled. He became angry, and immediately whistled again, directing the six The wolf eagles stopped fighting each other, and hurried over to kill the enemy together.

Wei Xiaoping flew towards the big wolf eagle and the man, and the man also drove the big wolf eagle towards Wei Xiaoping.

At this moment, a series of "bang bang bang" suddenly sounded, and then several wolf eagles were heard screaming one after another.

At this time, Wei Xiaoping had already flown in front of the big wolf vulture and the man, flew obliquely towards the right wing of the big wolf vulture, swung the Demon Slaying Sword, and slapped the big wolf vulture's wing with the side sword, trying to kill the big wolf vulture. After its wings were injured, it was difficult for it to fly, and it had to fly to the ground, so that the man and the big wolf eagle could be easily caught on the ground without causing them serious injuries.

Seeing Wei Xiaoping hitting the wolf eagle's wings, the man immediately stretched out the snake spear like lightning, and blocked the demon-slaying sword that was about to hit the wolf eagle's right wing.The big wolf eagle also followed Xiang Zuo to wag its tail, and turned its head towards Wei Xiaoping, intending to bite Wei Xiaoping.

After Wei Xiaoping was misled by the man to use the Demon-Slaying Sword, he saw the big wolf eagle turn his head to bite him, and immediately hit the big wolf eagle's chin with his hand, and pushed himself down by the way, so that he could avoid the big wolf eagle. Bite the mouth.

The man also took advantage of Wei Xiaoping's downward flight, looking in the direction where the sound came from just now.

I saw that the lower abdomen of the six wolf eagles on this side and the other was burning with fire. I don't know why the lower abdomen of the six wolf eagles suddenly caught fire.

The wolf eagles kept rolling and flying down while flapping their wings.

Wei Xiaoping also turned his head to look in the direction where the wolf eagles were whining, and saw six wolf eagles whose belly feathers were being burned by the fire, screaming and flapping their wings and flying down.

Wei Xiaoping looked at the ground again, and saw that Zhang Lingpu had arrived at Jiangjia Village at some point, holding bows and arrows with the soldiers, aiming at the six falling wolf eagles.

Wei Xiaoping immediately understood what was going on. It turned out that Zhang Lingpu and the soldiers shot the six wolf eagles with the explosive arrows he invented.

Because the explosive arrow invented by Wei Xiaoping has a small explosive ball tied near the end of the arrow, and the explosive ball is covered with a flammable object. The effect makes the small explosive ball collide with the shot object, and the huge impact force makes the small explosive ball explode instantly, and ignites the flammable object wrapped on it, and floats on the shot object and surrounding objects on, and ignites the object being thrown.

These six wolf eagles were covered with feathers all over their bodies, and the feathers on their abdomens were relatively soft, so they were easy to catch fire. In addition, they were flying in the air, and the fire took advantage of the wind to quickly ignite the feathers on the wolf eagles.

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