Wild Romance

Chapter 173 Fighting the Wolf Sculpture

Surrounded by the four wolf eagles, the boss of the ghost dog and horse and Niu Dahua are back to back and barking at the four wolf eagles back and forth in opposite directions.

Because the four wolf eagles all have a pair of huge wings, and flying in the sky is their strong point, so they are very flexible in their movements.

Although the Nether Dog, Horse Boss and Niu Dahua came out of the underworld, they still have the spells they had in the underworld, and although they can also fly in the air, they are not birds with their own flying characteristics, but beasts, which are more suitable for flying on the ground. The movements are running, so when they fight the four wolf eagles in the air, they are not as flexible as the four wolf eagles. Moreover, the four wolf eagles are huge in size and twice as many as the two ghost dogs. In addition, these four wolf eagles often change directions to attack the two ghost dogs. For example, when the four wolf eagles attack from four directions, two are up and down, and two are left and right. Guarding two directions, when they attack at the same time, the two ghost dogs can only ignore each other, and will soon be at a disadvantage.

Wei Xiaoping saw that Boss Ma and Niu Dahua had the upper hand in the battle with the four wolf eagles, so he used the special spell taught by Lord Yan to talk to the ghost dog in the underworld, and communicated with Boss Ma and Niu Dahua across the air, calling Ma Boss and Niu Dahua. Boss and Niu boasted to slowly lead the four wolf eagles to the ground, because they fight on the ground with four legs, while wolf eagles fight with them with two legs, and Ma Boda and Niu Dahua are super flexible on the ground than in the air , so when fighting the four wolf eagles on the ground, Boss Ma and Niu Dahua had an absolute advantage.

Boss Ma and Niu knew each other well, so they moved back and forth with the four wolf eagles, pretending that they were no match for the four wolf eagles, and slowly retreated to the ground...

Wei Xiaoping had just finished talking with Boss Ma and Niu Dahua, and the six wolf eagles chasing over here were also ready to arrive; the man was still sitting on the back of the larger wolf eagle, and while driving, he shook his left hand on it for a long time. The rope around the neck of a big wolf carving put his right finger into his mouth and whistled to direct the other six wolf carvings.

After the six wolf eagles heard the whistle, they originally flew in scattered. After hearing the whistle, they immediately lined up in three rows, with two in each row. They opened their wolf-like mouths, revealing dry white fangs as long as an index finger in their mouths, whining continuously, and flew towards Wei Xiaoping quickly.

The man and the bigger wolf eagle followed the six wolf eagles five or six feet away.

Wei Xiaoping thought, this man and the big wolf eagle are so far away from the six wolf eagles in front. Obviously, that man is either a little afraid of fighting with me, or he has too much desire for power, and he is afraid to share the same place with his subordinates. It's undignified to fight!But no matter what, I tried my best to subdue that man, so that the remaining wolf sculptures would be easy to clean up.

After Wei Xiaoping thought about it, he immediately cast a spell and flew over the heads of the six wolf sculptures in front, intending to subdue that man.

The wolf eagle in front saw Wei Xiaoping flying up suddenly, and wanted to fly over his head, so he immediately raised his head and changed direction, and rushed towards Wei Xiaoping.

The three wolf eagles above flew in front of Wei Xiaoping first, and they quickly approached Wei Xiaoping in the upper, middle and lower directions. The upper one stretched out its claws like iron hooks to grab Wei Xiaoping's head, the middle one and the lower one They stretched their necks, opened their mouths full of fangs, and quickly approached Wei Xiaoping's upper body and lower limbs. They wanted to scratch or bite Wei Xiaoping's head, chest and lower limbs all at once.

The other three flew around Wei Xiaoping's two sides, intending to attack Wei Xiaoping from the back.

These three wolf eagles flew very fast, they were only a hundred meters away from Wei Xiaoping just now, and they were within a couple of feet of Wei Xiaoping in the blink of an eye.

Wei Xiaoping saw how fast they were flying, and it was too late to change the flying direction, so he immediately shook the Demon Slaying Sword in his hand, and the entire blade of the Demon Slaying Sword instantly emitted a cloud of colorful light. Point to the wolf eagle at the bottom.

I saw a finger-thick colorful ray of light shot out from the sword tip of the Demon Slaying Sword, shooting towards the wolf eagle below.

The colorful light shines on the left paw of the wolf eagle below, and the light and the wolf eagle's claw touch each other, making a "touch" sound, and a flash of light like lightning flashes from where the colorful light meets the wolf eagle's claw The wolf eagle below made a sound of "Wow", and then the whole body of the eagle tilted to the left, and flew to the left.

After Wei Xiaoping shot the sword light at the wolf eagle below, he leaned his body backwards, raised his right leg, and flew towards the wolf eagle in the middle, his speed was as fast as lightning.

The wolf eagle in the middle had not had time to see clearly and take precautions, it was kicked hard by Wei Xiaoping's right foot.

The wolf eagle in the middle, which was kicked, rotated five or six times to the right in the air, then spread its wings and flew down obliquely.

After kicking the wolf eagle in the middle, Wei Xiaoping also took advantage of the force of inertia to fly towards the big wolf eagle carrying the man.

The man on the back of the big wolf eagle saw that Wei Xiaoping hit his two wolf eagles at once, and flew towards him, and immediately shook the rope around the big wolf eagle's neck.

The big wolf eagle understood, flapped its wings vigorously, and flew towards the top of Wei Xiaoping's head.

The man also grasped the spear tightly with both hands, aimed at Wei Xiaoping and stabbed.

When Wei Xiaoping was flying towards the big wolf eagle, he saw the big wolf eagle suddenly flying towards his head, knowing that the big wolf eagle wanted to grab his head with its claws, Wei Xiaoping immediately leaned back.

Just as Wei Xiaoping leaned halfway back, the wolf eagle's claws just passed over his head, and at the same time, the man's snake spear also brushed past his shoulder.

The clothes on the shoulders were brushed by the man's snake spear, and a few pieces of rags immediately flew up.

"It's dangerous!" Wei Xiaoping continued to fly forward for about twenty meters, then stopped, looked at the rags on his shoulders, and said to himself.

Just as Wei Xiaoping stopped in the air for a blink or two, the other four wolf eagles that were not hit by Wei Xiaoping also chased after him.

The four wolf eagles flew separately to Wei Xiaoping's left and right, trying to surround Wei Xiaoping.

The two wolf eagles that were hit by Wei Xiaoping flew down tens of meters in pain, and then turned around and flew up.

Wei Xiaoping saw the four wolf eagles trying to surround him, and saw the two that he hit were also flying towards him, he thought to himself, unexpectedly those two wolf eagles fell down after being hit by me , I thought they might be hit hard, but I didn't expect that I could use [-]% of the strength of this blow, and it didn't affect them at all. It seems that their resistance ability is beyond my expectation. If I want to defeat them, I need at least every blow, You have to hit fifty to sixty percent of the force.

When Wei Xiaoping was thinking this quickly, the four wolf eagles here had already surrounded him; after the big wolf eagle and the man missed Wei Xiaoping, they flew forward about ten meters away. , also turned around and flew towards Wei Xiaoping.

"No, I can't let these seven wolf eagles and their master - that man besiege me together. If the seven wolf eagles and that man attack me together, their attack power will be great. At that time, in order to protect me If I don’t get hurt, I may have to fight hard in order to get out, and they may suffer great damage or even die at that time. In that way, I didn’t want to cause them to suffer great damage or die, which violated my original intention. They teach them a lesson, so that they will do good to time like me in the future..." Wei Xiaoping thought.

At this moment, the four wolf eagles rushed towards Wei Xiaoping in the middle with their big and sharp claws from all around.

When Wei Xiaoping saw the four wolf eagles rushing towards him at the same time, he stayed calm for a moment, and when their claws were about to catch him at the same time, he swooped upwards and flew to the sky a foot away.

When the four wolf eagles saw that their paws were still one meter away from Wei Xiaoping, they thought they were going to catch Wei Xiaoping, so they all suddenly increased their strength and stroked towards Wei Xiaoping. Unexpectedly, Wei Xiaoping was so far away from their paws. When it is close, it can also jump upwards like lightning.

Due to the inertial force, the four wolf eagles had no time to brake, and they all grabbed each other at the same time.

I saw four wolf eagles, both of them touching each other, their four claws grabbing each other, and their four mouths full of fangs making a painful "wow" sound at the same time. Where they collided, dozens of them flew up. piece of feather

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