Wild Romance

Chapter 165 Respecting the Ghost Dog

King Huang Jingrui looked at the way the boss of the ghost dog closed his eyes and enjoyed being stroked by himself, and suddenly felt that the two ghost dogs were much cuter. He thought to himself, he never thought that two monsters that looked so ugly and looked so fierce could be so gentle. When people look at things, they can't completely look at the surface.

Thinking this way, Huang Jingrui continued to touch another Nether dog, Niu Dahua.

Niu Dahua, like Boss Ma just now, closed her eyes as if she was enjoying the king's touch, and barked like a dog of "um-um-um-hmm", showing a very warm look!

When Boss Ma saw that the king touched Niu Dahua, he squinted his eyes tenderly and looked at the king. The three heads slowly stretched out towards Huang Jingrui at the same time, and the two lower mouths slowly stretched out two tongues, licking Huang Jingrui's two feet respectively. The shoe, with the tongue on it, licked the king's arm lightly.

When Huang Jingrui saw the three heads of Boss Ma stretching out towards him at the same time, he felt a little frightened again, but when he saw that the three pairs of eyes on the three heads were squinting at him, their eyes looked very gentle, and Wei Xiaoping was also there. Beside him, he also became bold again, allowing Boss Ma to lick his feet and arms, and he continued to stroke Niu Dahua's head.

Huang Jingrui looked at the two ghost dogs so tenderly, thinking that when he saw them just now, he felt embarrassed.

I and the officials felt panicked, and felt embarrassed.

"Xiaoping, can you tell me, Lord Yan, why did he bring you these two lovely ghost dogs back to the world?" Huang Jingrui asked with a smile. When asking Xiaoping, his eyes still showed cute eyes. He looked at the two ghost dogs.

Wei Xiaoping saw that the king dared to touch the two ghost dogs with his hands, and let the boss lick him. Knowing that the king was not wary of the two ghost dogs, he even thought the two ghost dogs were cute, and he felt a sudden respect in his heart. Unexpectedly, the king adapted to the ugly and vicious appearance of the two ghost dogs so quickly.Now when I heard the king asking me to tell him why Lord Hades brought back the two ghost dogs, he only called out the first name but not the last name, and added the word "ah" after the two sounds of "Xiaoping". My attitude towards myself has also changed.

"Going back to His Majesty, Lord Yan, the old man, let me bring these two ghost dogs back to the world of heaven, so that the two ghost dogs can help us eradicate all people or ghosts who are dedicated to injustice and destroying the peace of the world in the world of heaven. It is dedicated to fight against injustice in the world, so as to offset the sins they committed in previous lives!"

After hearing this, Huang Jingrui thought to himself, so that's the case. In this way, these two ghost dogs must have fought very hard, so he asked:

"So, these two ghost dogs must be very good at fighting?"

"Yes, Your Majesty the King! On my way back from the underworld to the underworld, it was with the help of these two ghost dogs that I was able to escape the entanglement of some ghosts in the underworld and come back smoothly!"

Huang Jingrui heard Wei Xiaoping say that these two ghost dogs are very powerful in battle, and thought to himself, since these two ghost dogs are so powerful, wouldn't they add two generals to our country?Thinking of this, he said:

"Xiaoping, since these two ghost dogs were sent from the underworld to help us eradicate the injustices in the world and to protect the peace of all creatures and creatures in the world, can we let them compete in order to prove their abilities?"

Wei Xiaoping said: "Your Majesty, let me ask for their opinions. Although they were assigned to me by the King of the Underworld, and let them obey my dispatch, I still have to respect their opinions, so as to show respect for them!"

"Ah? Since they were sent to you by the Lord of the Underworld, they naturally have to obey all your arrangements. Why do you have to ask for their consent? If you even ask for their consent for this competition, then you have to ask for their consent when you go to the battlefield to fight." Do they agree? You know, military orders are like mountains, and no matter who they are before, they must obey them unconditionally. If they can't do this, how can they go to the battlefield to kill the enemy? How can we protect our country's security?" Huang Jingrui said a little unhappy.

Wei Xiaoping was a little unhappy when he heard the king's words, and immediately knelt down and said:

"Back to Your Majesty, these two ghost dogs were also human beings in their previous lives. They were punished like this by Lord Hades after they died because of mistakes in their previous lives! Since they were punished like this, they have experienced a lot of hardships. They have changed a lot in many aspects, which moved the king of hell, but the hardships they have experienced and the kindness they have done are not enough to atone for all their previous sins, so I sent them back to the underworld with me to continue their work of eliminating violence and peace and doing good deeds The way! Because they were sent by Lord Yama, they are also subordinates of Lord Yama, and since they are subordinates of Lord Yama, we respect them, which is equivalent to respecting Lord Yama!"

After hearing this, King Huang Jingsui thought it was reasonable, and said, "In this case, you can ask them to see if they are willing to compete!"

"Yes, Your Majesty! What kind of competition do you want?"

"Since it's helping us get rid of violence, we will inevitably go to the battlefield to fight against the enemy in the future. Then let them compete with some soldiers!"

"Okay! I'll ask Ma Boss and Niu Dahua to see if they are willing to compete!" Wei Xiaoping said.

Huang Jingrui heard Wei Xiaoping and Wei Xiao read out two strange names, and said, "Xiaoping, are the two names you read just now their names?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Oh! These two names are very strange! You should hurry up and ask them!"

So Wei Xiaoping squatted down, stroked the two ghost dogs, and said, "Boss Ma, Niu Dahua, in order to test your fighting ability, His Majesty the King wants some soldiers to compete with you. What do you think?"

The two ghost dogs whined and nodded at Wei Xiaoping, then looked at the king and nodded a few times.

Seeing Boss Ma and Niu Dahua nodding to him, Huang Jingrui felt happy again, and said, "Xiaoping, ask Boss Ma how many soldiers he can beat!"

Wei Xiaoping asked Boss Ma again, and Boss Ma made a whining sound again.

"Back to His Majesty, Boss Ma said, it doesn't matter, as many as you want!" Wei Xiaoping said.

When Huang Jingrui heard this, he was a little surprised, thinking, these two ghost dogs are too proud, how many soldiers are enough?Isn't this looking down on my soldiers?

"In this case, General Zhang, go find fifty strong soldiers and compete with Boss Ma. If it is not enough, add more!"

Zhang Lingpu composed and said: "Yes!" So he asked Zhang Xiaoyan to go to the barracks to find fifty soldiers.

As soon as Zhang Xiaoyan left, an attendant came to tell the king that it was time to eat.

Huang Jingrui said: "Tell the Gu Wang that the food should be brought here. The Gu Wang will have a meal with all the ministers. While eating, enjoy the contest between the two ghost dogs and the soldiers!"

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