Wild Romance

Chapter 166 Winning the First Competition

After a while, Zhang Xiaoyan brought more than 50 strong and elite soldiers from the barracks.

It just so happened that the attendants also brought the dining table and food.

After everyone chooses an open place to place the table, they begin to arrange the table and dishes.

Wei Xiaoping chanted a spell to unchain the Nether Dog, and asked Ma Boss to go to the open field and wait for Zhang Lingpu to send soldiers up.

After the dishes were set and King Huang Jingrui sat down with the ministers, Zhang Lingpu called dozens of soldiers to guard both sides of Huang Jingrui and the ministers.

Therefore, Zhang Lingpu read out the competition rules.

The so-called rules of the competition are to prevent the soldiers from being harmed during the competition with the boss of the ghost dog and horse.

As for winning or losing, because the horse boss is a ferocious beast with extremely strong power, the way to win against the horse boss is that as long as the horse boss can knock down the soldiers' weapons, the horse boss wins; The condition is that all the weapons are painted with red paint. If all the soldiers can touch the paint on their weapons to Boss Ma, Boss Horse will lose.

Zhang Xiaoyan first called fifteen soldiers to come up and compete with Ma Boss.

The fifteen soldiers were all valiant and high-spirited, all wearing armor, holding long weapons such as spears, halberds and spears, walked up, and surrounded the ghost dog and horse boss in the middle.

Wei Xiaoping shouted to Boss Ma: "Boss Ma, during the competition, you must compete seriously and be careful not to hurt the soldiers! Do you understand?"

Boss Ma uttered a loud dog bark and told Wei Xiaoping that when he heard it, he began to look in three different directions with three heads, watching the dozen or so soldiers around him vigilantly.

After Zhang Xiaoyan yelled loudly to start, the competition began.

As soon as they heard the beginning, fifteen soldiers immediately ran up to surround the boss of the ghost dog and horse in the middle, because it was the first time they saw such a monster, the soldiers did not dare to fight immediately, but surrounded the boss of the horse first, grouped together Walk around, looking for opportunities to jump on.

Boss Ma turned his three heads in three different directions, staring at the soldiers in three different directions, because he couldn't see behind him, so he turned his body for a long time to see another direction, and at the same time kept shaking Tail, sweeping back and forth, its thick tail like a human arm, every time it sweeps back and forth, it makes a whirring wind sound, that kind of wind sound is like a person walking in the dark night, suddenly sounding owl The howling sound is equally terrifying.

The soldiers were a little scared because they had never seen such an ugly monster with three heads and a body as large as a ferocious lion. They didn't dare to approach carelessly, so they just walked back and forth around Boss Ma.

Boss Ma's three heads also turned around following the soldiers' movements.

Seeing that the soldiers did not dare to do anything for a long time, everyone seemed to feel the power of the ghost dog and horse boss from the soldiers' daring to do nothing.

Boss Ma saw that the soldiers were only circling around him, and he didn't dare to get close to attack. He thought it might be his appearance that made the opponent feel scared, so he didn't dare to make a move!Think, with your guts, dare to compete with me?

In the previous life, because he was disliked by bitches and abandoned by his master since he was a child, he hunted food alone in the deep mountains and wild forests, developed a powerful ability and accumulated rich fighting experience.Boss Ma thought, if you don't do anything, I'll scare you away if I come first.

So, "Wow-woof-woof!" Boss Ma barked loudly in three different directions with three mouths at the same time, and the three voices sounded at the same time, very loudly, almost deafening people's ears!

The boss of the horse suddenly barked loudly, scaring every soldier surrounding him back two or three meters away, thinking that the ghost dog was about to attack.

Boss Ma's barking also shocked everyone present except Wei Xiaoping, Niu Dahua and the king. The guards standing on both sides of the ministers and Huang Jingrui raised their weapons in unison and charged the king. Surrounded by all the ministers, thinking that Boss Ma was about to start hurting people.

Zhang Xiaoyan and Zhang Lingpu were also startled by Boss Ma's cry, but they were relatively calm and did not move at all. Years of leading troops in battle had enriched them a lot of combat experience!Therefore, the surprise remained the same, and the father and daughter believed that the two ghost dogs brought back by Wei Xiaoping could not casually hurt people. If that was the case, then Wei Xiaoping would definitely not want to bring them back.

"General Zhang, why don't the soldiers dare to go up? Are they frightened by the appearance of this ghost dog? Or did Zhang Xiaoyan pick the wrong soldiers? You go and pick a few brave ones to go up and make a start, so that other soldiers will dare to fight." Come on!" King Huang Jingrui said.

Huang Jingrui was originally eager to watch the excitement and see how powerful the two ghost dogs were in combat, so he didn't even go back to the palace to eat, and asked someone to bring the food here to eat. If you dare to fight, you will be a little disappointed.

"Yes!" Zhang Lingpu composed, and immediately walked towards the soldiers below.

Based on his own experience, Zhang Lingpu selected five soldiers who he thought were more capable of fighting, and then called them over to compete with Boss Ma with the dozen or so soldiers.

After the five soldiers went up, they surrounded him with the fifteen soldiers, encircling Boss Ma in the middle.

"Everyone listen to my password. When I shouted, everyone immediately waved their weapons and shot at it from different directions. In this way, our twenty human weapons hit it from twenty directions with different postures. I don't care. Believe me, you can't hit it!" a soldier named Li Li shouted.

After hearing what Li Li said, all the soldiers shouted in unison: "Yes!"

The dozen or so soldiers who were afraid before saw someone emboldened, and they also shouted, and the blood in their bodies suddenly ran wild.

"Go!" The soldier who spoke just now shouted.

So, twenty soldiers with twenty different weapons started to hit the boss Ma in the middle from different directions with different moves.

The five soldiers selected by Zhang Lingpu also jumped into the air together. When they jumped to a height of three or four meters from the boss of the Nether dog and horse, they suddenly turned over and sprinted down with their heads and weapons.

Seeing the soldiers waving their weapons from front to back, left, right, up, down, and trying to fight by themselves, Boss Ma thought, this method is really insane, it will seal me up like a net, if it is an ordinary person, they will definitely beat me up like this Undoubtedly dead!It's a pity that you read it wrong, we are not ordinary dogs,

Thinking of this, Ma Laida immediately yelled loudly. When it yelled loudly, the iron chain on its neck immediately straightened, and at the same time, the tail behind it also immediately bent upwards quickly. Immediately afterwards, Ma Laida's entire body suddenly Come and spin twice on the spot like lightning, the speed is as fast as a phantom.In a flash, with the rotation of its body, the chain on its neck and the tail behind its buttocks immediately rushed towards the soldiers who came up.

There was only a sound like metal colliding with metal, and more than a dozen weapons and soldiers fell to the ground in a disorderly manner. Far.

After Boss Ma knocked out the weapons of more than a dozen soldiers with the chains around his tail and neck, he immediately jumped away from the position where his body rotated just now and stopped when he saw the soldiers retreat more than a meter away. To the five soldiers who held weapons from three or four meters in the air and stabbed down while standing upside down.

The five soldiers originally wanted to stab Ma Boss who was surrounded in the middle from the air. When they saw that Ma Boss knocked down the weapons of a dozen soldiers around him in less than a blink of an eye, they left the middle ground. They may not be able to stab the boss horse, but due to the inertial force of the body rushing down, they can't control their bodies, so they have to let the weapon stab the ground.

After seeing the five soldiers' weapons piercing the ground, Boss Ma jumped over immediately, and then swung the iron chain around his neck.

The iron chain around Ma Boss's neck immediately swept over the five weapons that had been stabbed on the ground.

Only five soldiers were heard, and the weapons of the five soldiers were swept in the middle by the iron chain of the boss of the horse. The five weapons were swept off by the chain at the same time. The five soldiers lost the support of their weapons and hit their heads on the ground. fell to the ground!

The five soldiers turned over and stood up, looked at the other fifteen people, and looked at their own hands, and found that all the weapons of everyone had been knocked out by Boss Ma.

According to the rules, the soldiers' weapons were all destroyed by the horse boss, and the horse boss's tail was only dirty with some red dye. It can be regarded as the boss of the ghost dog has won.

Seeing Boss Ma destroying the weapons of twenty soldiers in the blink of an eye, everyone present was shocked, except Wei Xiaoping who looked at Boss Ma without changing his expression.Boss Ma's victory had already been expected by Wei Xiaoping.

King Huang Jingrui was startled, and said: "So quickly, the weapons of twenty soldiers were knocked down by that ghost dog? Did any of you see how the boss of the ghost dog knocked down their weapons?"

More than 20 ministers looked at me, I asked you for a while, and then shook their heads!

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