Wild Romance

Chapter 164 The King Touches the Ghost Dog

Seeing that the crowd brought out by Wei Xiaoping was frightened by their elephant, the two ghost dogs quickly turned their heads to the other side and lowered their heads.

"Boss Ma, among the people who came out with the master, is there any king?" Niu Dahua said.

"You ask me, who should I ask? I don't know who the king is!" said Ma Boss.

"If the king is among this group of people and is frightened by our appearance, will he be punished by the king?"

"I don't know! Sigh! When Lord Yan can turn us back into human beings, then we will not be looked down upon or feared by so many people when we go out with our master in the future!"

"Yeah, I think so too! Oh, don't think too much, since Lord Yan has assigned us to General Wei Xiaoping, we just need to follow the master seriously, listen to the master, why does the master tell us to do it, let's do it seriously It’s fine, I believe that one day Lord Yan, the old man, will be touched by us again and turn us back into human beings!”

"Well, just like in that village in the last previous life, we worked hard to do things for the villagers. When we returned to the underworld, Lord Yan came to receive us in person. We were very honored at that time! After looking at the door for hundreds of years, I was moved by Yan Wangye again, so Yan Wangye sent us to Yangjian with General Wei! Do you still remember what the envoy of Yan Wangye said when he came to find the master at the consultation office of the crossing of all things? The envoy said that he was originally It was also turned into a horse face by Lord Yama. Later, because he followed Lord Yama to do many good things, Lord Yama was moved and changed his horse face back into a handsome human face. How beautiful! I believe that Lord Yama will also make us Turn back into a human!" Ma Boss said.

All the ministers surrounded and supported the king Huang Jingrui.

Li Chaoqian was also frightened by the appearance of the two ghost dogs in front of him, so he quickly ran over and surrounded Huang Jingrui with his officials, and even got close to the surrounding area to grab the king.

"Wei Xiaoping, you all know that these two things are so scary, and the king asked you to bring them out, so you take them too? - King, are you alright?"

Seeing the king and his ministers panicked by the two ghost dogs, Wei Xiaoping immediately regretted it.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought you out!" Wei Xiaoping knelt down and said.

Huang Jingrui took a breath, stood up, and said, "Wei Xiaoping, the lonely king asked you to bring it out. The lonely king doesn't blame you! Get up!"

After seeing Wei Xiaoping stand up, Huang Jingrui said again: "Wei Xiaoping, what are these two called—dogs?"

"Ghost dogs!" Wei Xiaoping immediately replied when he saw that the king couldn't remember the names of the two ghost dogs.

"Yes! Nether Dog, why do these two Nether Dogs look so disgusting? They look as ugly as dead bodies!"

"Back to Your Majesty, these two ghost dogs have been in the underworld for hundreds of years, because they can't see the sun in the underworld, so their skin color looks like this!"

"Did they really come back from the underworld? They are so ugly, why did you bring them back?" Huang Jingrui asked.

"Back to the king, it was Lord Yan who sent these two ghost dogs to bring me back to the world!" Wei Xiaoping said.

Hearing that Wei Xiaoping said that Lord Yan asked him to bring back two ghost dogs, all the ministers jumped again, and Huang Jingrui was also startled by the word "Yan Wangye"!

Hades?Isn't this the legendary god of hell who specializes in managing people's life and death?The ancients said that if a person meets the King of Hell, it proves that this person is not already dead, and he will not live long. Therefore, when people of time mention the word Lord of Hell, they are afraid!Ominous!

And now Wei Xiaoping actually said that these two ghost dogs were entrusted by Lord Hades from the underworld to bring them back to the underworld in his dream!Since even Lord Yan has seen him, hasn't Wei Xiaoping already turned into a ghost?If a person becomes a ghost, doesn't he become a ghost only after he dies?

Li Chaoqian was also frightened by Wei Xiaoping's words. He thought he was in a dream, and pinched his thigh with his hands. Feeling that it still hurts, he said, "Wei Xiaoping, are you—a human or a ghost? How could you Come back from Lord Hades? And bring back these two horrible and disgusting things! Do you want to scare the king to death?"

Some of the ministers who were afraid also pointed to Wei Xiaoping and said tremblingly: "Wei Xiaoping, is what you said true? Anyone who has seen Lord Hades is either dead or alive. Soon-to-be, are you a human or a ghost now?"

When Zhang Lingpu first saw the two ghost dogs, he also felt a little confused. He thought to himself that he had seen all kinds of animals since he was a child, and he had fought all kinds of ferocious animals, so he was on the march. During the process, no matter what kind of big beasts I encountered, I was not afraid, and I was never frightened by any wild beasts. Even Wei Xiaoping's mount Rhubarb, I dared to fight it without fear, but now, I was a little scared by this ghost dog!I was frightened not because of how powerful these two ghost dogs are, but because of their ugly, deadly skin and three strange heads!

"General Zhang, Zhang Xiaoyan, quickly find someone to take down Wei Xiaoping and those two monsters, so as not to hurt His Majesty the King!" Li Chaoqian shouted.

Zhang Lingpu came back from being stunned, and immediately called all the soldiers and guards present to surround the two ghost dogs, and asked Wei Xiaoping sternly: "Wei Xiaoping,

"General Zhang, this officer is telling the truth. If you don't believe me, you can ask Zhang Xiaoyan and my master Xuan Zhe the real person!" Wei Xiaoping said.

"Master Xuanzhe also knows that you brought these two monsters back from the underworld? Also knows that you just came back from the underworld?" Zhang Lingpu asked Wei Xiaoping.

"When I came here last week, Master and Yan'er were by my side. Master visited from Qingfeng in the morning. When he came here, he saw these two ghost dogs and caused a misunderstanding. He used to tie them up with a rope! Later, I told Master what I encountered in the underworld, and he believed it after starting a business!"

At this time, King Huang Jingrui stood up, and after hearing Wei Xiaoping's words that Master Xuanzhe also knew and believed this, he said, "Since this is the case, we don't need to be afraid! Wei Xiaoping, can you tell me why Lord Yan asked you to put these two things together?" Bringing two monsters back to the underworld is scary? Can you control these two monsters now? Prevent them from walking around and hurting people and scaring people?"

Wei Xiaoping knelt down and said, "King, when I first came back here, the two ghost dogs also thought about this, so they asked me to tie them under the tree, so that people would feel uncomfortable when they saw them being tied under the tree. Not so scared anymore."

"It really happened? They asked to tie themselves up?" Huang Jingrui felt relieved when he heard that the two ghost dogs asked Wei Xiaoping to tie him up under the tree. Get interested.

"Yes, Your Majesty! They kept asking me about you, Your Majesty, on the way I brought them here!"

"What did they ask me? What did you say to them?" Huang Jingrui became more and more interested in them when he heard the two ghost dogs asking himself. As a monster, I also listened to what Wei Xiaoping said about what he encountered in the underworld, and believed what Wei Xiaoping said, so I felt relieved!While talking, he changed and walked towards the two ghost dogs!

After the ministers knew that Master Xuanzhe also believed what Wei Xiaoping said, they gradually let go of their fears and followed the king and Wei Xiaoping towards the two ghost dogs.

Zhang Lingpu saw that Huang Jingrui was no longer on guard against Wei Xiaoping and the two ghost dogs, so he walked ahead in peace.

When he was about to get the two ghost dogs, Zhang Lingpu told the soldiers surrounding the two ghost dogs to disperse, and he walked in front of them first, and began to look at them.

"Boss Ma, Niu Dahua, don't you really want to see the king? Now His Majesty is in front of you, why don't you kneel down and salute His Majesty?" Wei Xiaoping said with a smile.

The ghost dog and horse boss Wa Niu Dahua immediately turned around, uttered a whimper, and knelt down!The six heads kept pointing down and bowing!

Just now, the heads of the two ghost dogs were turned to one side of the tree because they were afraid of scaring the king and the courtiers, so the king and the courtiers did not fully see their true faces. When they turned their heads, the courtiers After he and the king saw their true colors, they were slightly frightened again, but when they saw the two ghost dogs kneeling and nodding to them, they began to calm down again!

"Wei Xiaoping, just now you said that these two ghost dogs were always asking the lonely king on the way with you. What did they ask the lonely king?" Huang Jingrui saw the two ghost dogs kneeling for him and nodded. Doing a prayer, I think these two ghost dogs are a little cute!

So Wei Xiaoping simply said what the two ghost dogs asked about the king on the way here, and how he answered them.

After hearing this, Huang Jingrui completely let go of his guard against the two ghost dogs, and tentatively touched the head of the ghost dog, Boss Ma, with his hands.

Li Chaoqian on the side immediately called the king to be careful, and Zhang Lingpu immediately shouted: "Your Majesty, don't touch them with your hands yet, let me test them out first, if there is no danger, you can touch them again!"

Huang Jingrui said: "Oh, General Zhang, Wei Xiaoping has told us about them just now, and they have saluted us, which proves that they are not as terrible as we imagined! So don't worry! And there are Wei Xiaoping is here, what are you afraid of? What's more, they salute me, and if I don't touch them, I will show that I am friendly to them. What's the matter? Come and don't be rude!" He laughed happily.

So he touched Boss Ma's head with his hand.

Seeing the king touching it tentatively with his hand, boss Ma also closed his eyes and let the king touch his head. This not only made the king not worried, but also made the king feel that he was enjoying the king's touch!

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