Wild Romance

Chapter 140 Xiaoping wakes up

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Wei Xiaoping first saw that the ghost king of Gaoyang and his ghost soldiers were thrown down the Heishui River by the banning curse of Lord Yan because they stopped the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king, and the ghost soldiers were either injured or killed. Blame, after all, the ghost soldiers jumped onto the bank of the Hei River with the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king because they helped him stop the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king, and they were bound by the banning curse of Lord Hades!So Wei Xiaoping felt guilty and blamed himself.

When Wei Xiaoping continued to watch and saw the injured or dead ghost soldiers being eaten one by one by the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king, he burst into tears and choked up.Seeing this scene, the ghost dog horse boss and Niu Dahua couldn't stop being angry, sad and choked with tears!

Finally, when he saw that the ghost king Gaoyang was also slowly being eaten by the wolf, lion, and ghost king, Wei Xiaoping couldn't help crying. He couldn't help but stretched out his right hand and called the Demon Slaying Sword behind him to come out and rush forward, trying to kill the wolf, lion, and beast. The ghost king was killed.

Lord Yan saw Wei Xiaoping rushing forward with his sword in hand, he immediately called Wei Xiaoping to a stop, and said, "General Xiaoping, you don't have to feel sorry for the ghost king Gaoyang and his ghost soldiers, this is their fate, not to mention that they were here before In the yang world, they were all heinous people, so after their death, because of the serious crimes, they were supposed to be punished so that they could not even do ghosts, but their crimes were not so serious, so they were punished and imprisoned in Heihe Prison forever , Never get out of prison!"

Wei Xiaoping said: "But, after all, they died because they helped me leave Heihe Prison. I feel deeply guilty! What's more, since Gaoyang Ghost King was imprisoned in Heihe Prison, he has helped many passing new ghosts to clear the way to shore, and has been driving for several years. Thousands of years, this is enough to prove that he has repented a lot, and now that he is eaten by this wolf, lion, beast and ghost king, there will be few people like Gaoyang Ghost King who are so selfless and obliged to clear the way for new ghosts in the past!"

King Yan thought for a moment and said: "I have also paid attention to the fact that Gaoyang Ghost King has been volunteering to help new ghosts clear the way for thousands of years. Mitigate the crime, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen now, blame me for being late!"

Hearing that Lord Yan had considered mitigating Gao Yang's crime, Wei Xiaoping felt even more sad: If it wasn't for helping me out of Heihe Prison, brother Gao Yangxian might be able to reduce his punishment one day in the future and be reincarnated and handed down to the world... Hey!Thinking of this, Wei Xiaoping's heart ached again, and he kept blaming himself in his heart.

Lord Yan said: "Okay, the purpose of this king's coming here in person this time is to let you know that the ghost king Gaoyang is no longer there, and to ask you not to miss him in the future, the main thing is to cast a spell to send you back to Qingfeng Kingdom as soon as possible. Return to your physical body as soon as possible, because you were in Heihe Prison, fighting with prison ghosts, chatting with Gaoyang ghost king, and fighting with wolves, lions, beasts and ghosts, it took a lot of time, so now There is not much time left, I am afraid that you will be blocked by other unclean things on the way back, and your journey will be delayed, so this king will personally come to cast a spell to see you off!"

Hearing that Lord Yan wanted to personally cast a spell to send them back, Wei Xiaoping, the dog and horse boss of Youming, and Niu Dahua immediately knelt down and thanked Lord Yan!

Lord Yan laughed loudly, and pointed his right hand to the ground next to Wei Xiaoping, Ma Boss and Niu Dahua. Immediately, a black and white auspicious cloud appeared beside Wei Xiaoping and the others, and then he asked Wei Xiaoping and the two ghost dogs to step into the black and white auspicious cloud Inside, close your eyes!

When Wei Xiaoping and the two Nether Dogs stood still, Lord Yan lifted up the black and white auspicious cloud with his fingers, pointed to the east, and said: "Let's go!"

Then, the black and white auspicious clouds carried Wei Xiaoping and the others slowly to the east.

The general's mansion in the Qingfeng country's military camp.Inside Wei Xiaoping's room.

It is now between Yinshi and Maoshi, and Wei Xiaoping's horse Rhubarb stands by the threshold, with a pair of sad and vigilant eyes, looking at Wei Xiaoping, the owner on the bed for a while, and looking out the door for a while.Rhubarb's eyes are sad, because he doesn't know when the master will wake up. Today is the third day, and the master has not moved at all except his face has improved a little; he is vigilant because the master is from the Qingfeng Kingdom For a general whose master is seriously injured and holds an important position, if he does not raise his vigilance, if the enemy's spies sneak in and do something to him when his master is critically ill, he will be ashamed of his master and the people of Qingfeng country!

Zhang Xiaoyan was also sitting beside Wei Xiaoping's bed at this time. Although her eyelids were fighting from time to time, she was still unwilling to lie down and rest.

For three consecutive days, for Wei Xiaoping's health and safety, she has been taking care of everything for Wei Xiaoping herself, feeding Wei Xiaoping medicine, washing his face and feet, changing his coat, combing his hair, checking his complexion, etc.Sometimes he and Rhubarb take turns to infuse the vital energy into Wei Xiaoping, so as to help Wei Xiaoping recover his vital energy as soon as possible.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaoyan was so sleepy that she couldn't hold on anymore, she kept beating her sleepy head back and forth, and suddenly lay down on the edge of the bed.

While Zhang Xiaoyan was lying down with her face facing the edge of the bed, a semi-transparent figure formed repeatedly by the air floated in from outside the door.

When floating in the door, the transparent figure was like a comfortable breeze brushing over Da Huang's face.

At this time, Da Huang's eyes were being attacked by sleepiness, and the eyelids on both eyes were shaking lightly from time to time.

Suddenly, Rhubarb seemed to feel something gently brushing its face, that feeling was like someone was brushing its face with a small feather, which gave it a very peaceful and comfortable feeling!

Da Huang was taken aback, opened his eyes immediately, and quickly swept around.

Not seeing anything, Da Huang walked to Wei Xiaoping's bed and looked at the owner of the bed seriously.

At this moment, Rhubarb saw a translucent person who seemed to be transformed from the air, facing Wei Xiaoping who was lying on the ground, and lay down on it, and within a blink of an eye, the translucent figure was submerged into Wei Xiaoping. body.


Zhang Xiaoyan, who had just fallen asleep on her stomach, was awakened by Da Huang's loud roar!

"Rhubarb, is something wrong?" Zhang Xiaoyan looked around, saw nothing, then looked at Wei Xiaoping!

At this time, Wei Xiaoping opened his eyes at some point!

Although Wei Xiaoping's eyes were opened, his gaze was still a little dull, as if he had just woken up from a sweet dream and continued to obsessively recall the scene in the dream.

"Brother Xiaoping! Brother Xiaoping!" Zhang Xiaoyan called out in a low voice, full of excitement.Seeing that Xiaoping didn't respond, Zhang Xiaoyan wondered if she was too sleepy, her eyes were blurry, and she mistook that Wei Xiaoping had woken up, so she pinched herself, feeling the pain of being pinched, and then whispered to Dahuang: " Rhubarb, come over and have a look, is my eyes dazzled? Why did I see Brother Xiaoping open his eyes, but he didn’t respond when I called him? Come and see, is Brother Xiaoping really opened his eyes! "

When Da Huang heard Zhang Xiaoyan's excited speech, he walked over suspiciously!

Looking around, I saw Wei Xiaoping staring at the roof with wide eyes, and then looked around.

Da Huang growled without turning his head, which meant to tell Zhang Xiaoyan that the master really opened his eyes.

This is where?What can I see?Isn't it still dark? "

Zhang Xiaoyan heard Wei Xiaoping speak, and said excitedly: "Brother Xiaoping, are you really awake? Yes, it's not yet dawn!"

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