Wild Romance

Chapter 139 Wolf Lion Beast King Eats Gao Yang

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"My soul, Wei Xiaoping, pay my respects to Lord Yan!" When Wei Xiaoping heard the Nether Dog calling out to the visitor, he thought to himself, this old man is really Lord Yama?But when he saw that the visitor had an extraordinary bearing and a serious face, he also remembered that the Nether Dogs had just come from the underworld to the underworld before, and Lord Hades had personally received them, so they should have admitted their mistake, so they also knelt down and saluted.

"All three of you get up!" said the old man who was called Lord Hades by the Nether Dog, "Boss Ma Da Niu Da Hua, the first time you met General Wei Xiaoping, you just obeyed General Wei like this, and in order to protect General Wei's personal safety, face Vicious and powerful enemies, risking life and death, this spirit is commendable! Keep it up!"

Niu Dahua, the boss of the ghost dog and horse, said at the same time: "Please don't worry, Lord Yan. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the general's career, no matter how difficult or dangerous it is in the future, I will feel that I will forget myself and forget my life. I will try my best to protect General Wei's personal safety. Myself! This way we will live up to the good intentions of Lord Yama to us!"

Lord Yan said: "Well, after you follow General Wei Xiaoping back to Yangjian, you must be a righteous man. In order to be a righteous man, you must cut off friends who are not righteous. Not only for the personal safety of General Wei in terms of selfishness And to give up life and forget death, in a broad sense, to show kindness to mankind, even to all living beings, to stand up for all living beings on the earth when they encounter righteous difficulties, and to solve problems. This is the real righteousness. Cheese!"

The ghost dog and horse boss and Niu Dahua said: "Yes, we must obey the teachings of Lord Yan, we must obey the command of General Wei, be a benevolent and righteous person, and contribute our meager strength to the righteous things in the world!"

Lord Yan turned to Wei Xiaoping and said, "General Wei Xiaoping!"

Wei Xiaoping quickly responded: "Go back to Lord Yan, my servant!"

Lord Yan said: "When your new soul first came to the consultation office, I checked your resume and found that your character is very noble, whether it is in the previous life or in the present life, especially in the past life. In this world, in order to keep your twin brother Wei Xiaofan from committing crimes outside and get him back to you, you would rather accept three moves from him than fight back, which would cause you to be seriously injured and pass out. Your behavior can be achieved in this world Your level is very rare. Originally, your life expectancy should have ended the day before yesterday, but because your character is praised by the world no matter whether it is in the previous life or in the present life, I am also moved for you. In order to let you People with such noble qualities often do beneficial things for the world. Therefore, I make an exception to extend your life span in this world. As for how much your life span will be extended, this is a secret and a secret, and you don’t need to know! After you return to the Yang world, You must do more good deeds for the human beings and all things in the world, so that your life expectancy will be extended or shortened according to the good deeds you do! Please remember!"

Hearing this, Wei Xiaoping thought to himself: No wonder I bled profusely after being pierced in the heart by Wei Xiaofan's magic weapon—the golden halberd, but I didn't die. It turned out that Lord Hades extended my life!

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaoping immediately kowtowed and said: "Thank you for the great kindness of Lord Yama, for prolonging my life, so that I can do more good deeds for the world. After I return to the world, I will follow Lord Yama's instructions and do more good deeds for the world. Do more good things for all things, so as to live up to the good intentions of King Yan!" After finishing speaking, he kowtowed a few more times.

Lord Hades said: "That's very good!—Get up, all three of you."

"Yes! Thank you Lord Hades!" Wei Xiaoping and the two ghost dogs said at the same time, kowtowed their heads up and down at the same time, and stood up.

"Wei Xiaoping, in order to save you from worrying about things outside the world when you are doing things in the world, this king will grant you one wish now!"

Hearing Lord Yan's words, Wei Xiaoping thought to himself, what happened outside the world?What will happen?Suddenly thinking of the ghost king Gaoyang who was worshiped in Heihe Prison, Wei Xiaoping couldn't help asking Yan Wangye: "What happened outside the world? Could it be from Heihe Prison?"

The ghost dog and horse boss and Niu Dahua also thought that it might be something happened in Heihe Prison, so they also said: "Could it be something about the ghost king Gaoyang?"

King Yan said: "Exactly!" As he spoke, he swiped his left hand to the left, and immediately a mirror-like thing about two or three meters square appeared in the sky one zhang away, which reflected the events in Heihe Prison. .

In the Heihe Prison, the Ghost King Gaoyang and his ghost soldiers were riding on the back of the huge wolf, lion, beast, ghost and ghost king, and from time to time used various weapons such as curved scimitars, axes, swords, and halberds to confront each other. The wolf, lion, beast and ghost king slashed and stabbed fiercely on the back. No matter what, the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king showed no signs of injury at all!And the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king, no matter how the Gaoyang ghost king and ghost soldiers behind him beat it, it didn't go in. It just swung its neck and ran forward at a faster pace.Not far ahead of it, Wei Xiaoping and the two ghost dogs stepped up and down, one after the other, soaring towards the bank of the Black River.When the Wolf, Lion, Beast, and Ghost King reached the bank of the Heihe River, Wei Xiaoping and the two ghost dogs had already submerged into the top of the bank of the Heishui River, and from the place where Wei Xiaoping and the two ghost dogs disappeared, several flashes of lightning flashed, It disappears in an instant.

After the wolves and lions ran to the bank of the Heishui River, they jumped up to the top of the Heishui River where Wei Xiaoping had disappeared just now, and flew up. There were a few flashes of light, followed by a loud noise like thunder, knocking down the wolf lion beast ghost king, and at the same time some ghost pawns and Gaoyang ghost king riding on the wolf lion beast's back, followed by the loud noise, scattered one after another down...

The wolf, lion, beast and ghost king who fell back to the surface of the Blackwater River let out a roar, jumped up again, and was knocked down by several flashes of light.

Some of the ghost soldiers who were beaten down with the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king last time, probably because they were stunned by the flash, lay in the black water river. Swaying with the waves.

After the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king jumped several times in a row and was beaten down, he felt that there was no hope of escaping the Heihe Prison, so he slammed into the bank of the Heishui River like crazy, his head was smashed by the bank of the Heishui River, and then he calmed down for a while Afterwards, he stood up again, looking for the ghost pawns and the ghost king Gaoyang who had just been beaten down by the curse of Lord Yama. The hope of escaping Heihe Prison was shattered, which made the wolf, lion, beast, ghost king very angry, so he looked for the ghost pawns and ghost king Gaoyang everywhere. When it finds a ghost pawn, it will eat the ghost pawn in one bite.

When the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king found Gaoyang ghost king, it had already eaten about a hundred ghost pawns. It stood in front of Gaoyang ghost king, its eyes shot out the orchid light, and said fiercely: "Gao Yang, I didn't expect you to have today, right? You If you have anything else to say, just say it quickly, so as not to leave too many regrets in your heart, and die with regret!"

At this time, the Gaoyang ghost king, who was knocked down by the forbidden curse knot of Lord Yan, was already dying. He raised his eyelids weakly to look at the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king, and said, "For an unrepentant beast like you, I can't help you!" Do you have anything to say? Hahahaha! ——Oh, yes, I should have something to tell you. What I want to say is that I am very happy, happy that my good brothers Xiaoping have finally landed, my good brothers Xiaoping have landed safely Yea, the banning curse of Lord Hades is really powerful, hahahaha, only such a powerful curse can lock a beast like you, lest you, a beast, go out and harm human beings and the world of the world, hahahaha—”

After hearing this, the wolf, lion, beast and ghost kings were not angry, but said lightly: "Ghost King Gaoyang, I thought you would say something nice to me before you died, and asked me to spare you, so that I can let you die happily. , since this is the case, then I don't need to respect you as my rival, so let you slowly watch how I eat you from foot to head!"

After the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king finished speaking, he found the corpse of the ghost pawn to support Gaoyang Ghost King's head, put one foot on Gaoyang Ghost King's chest, and the other foot on Gaoyang Ghost King's thigh, and then stretched his head to Gaoyang The ghost king's double intercourse, slowly biting the toes of the ghost king Gaoyang with his teeth - the calf - and then the thigh...

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