Wild Romance

Chapter 141 The "Monster" Surprised the Barracks

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When Rhubarb saw that his master had woken up, tears of excitement flowed from his animal eyes, and he immediately licked his master's cheek with his tongue.

At this time, Wei Xiaoping, because his mind was not fully awake, his eyes were still in a haze, when he saw the rhubarb, he regarded the rhubarb as the boss of the ghost dog and horse, and said: "Boss Ma, where is the old man, Lord Hell? The old man sent us back, and before we had time to thank him, we couldn’t see him! Go out quickly to see if Lord Yama is still there, if he is, thank Lord Yama for us!”

Zhang Xiaoyan and Rhubarb beside the bed were surprised when they heard Wei Xiaoping's inexplicable words: What's going on?Brother Xiaoping passed out for a few days, and started talking nonsense when he woke up?What Lord Hades, what boss Ma?What nonsense is Brother Xiaoping talking about?

"Brother Xiaoping, what Lord of the Underworld, what boss Ma? What are you talking about?" Zhang Xiaoyan said anxiously, hoping day and night that Brother Xiaoping would wake up, and then wanted to talk to Brother Xiaoping, but unexpectedly Brother Xiaoping woke up. Not only didn't notice me, not only didn't talk to me, but said something inexplicable!

Rhubarb looked carefully at Xiaoping's eyes, and saw that although Wei Xiaoping's eyes were open, they were still in a foggy state, not yet fully awake.Strange, didn't the master look around just now?What has become like this again?

At this moment, one of the two soldiers guarding the door suddenly heard shouting: "Zhang Yunliang, what kind of monster is this?"


The soldier named Zhang Yunliang said, "I've never seen it! Where did they come in from?"

"It looks like a dog, but it has three heads on one body. Have you ever seen such a monster?"

"Since I was a child, I have seen two-headed snakes, but I have never seen three-headed dogs! Strange, such huge two monsters, our place is a military camp, and it is heavily guarded! Where did they come in? What did the patrolmen outside do?" What to eat, let such a monster enter the general's mansion!"

"I don't know where they came from either! When I turned my head just now, I suddenly saw them standing on the left! It can't be some evil thing, right?"

"Yeah, it doesn't matter if it looks so ugly, and there are three heads growing on one body!"

"Two bastards, where did you come from? Get out soon?" The soldier called Zhang Yunliang pulled out his sword and yelled at the two monsters.

"Wow, woof, woof, woof, woof..." The two monsters suddenly called out, their voices were loud and echoed throughout the barracks from near to far.

The two monsters were originally strange, tall and mighty, and when they roared, the sound was so loud that the two soldiers just walked in and heard the screams, thinking that the two monsters were about to attack, they backed away in fright .

The huge bark made the surrounding patrols and soldiers on guard rush to look for it in the direction of the bark!Some soldiers who were sleeping were also awakened, and thought to themselves: This is an important place for military camps, dogs are not allowed in the first place, where are the dogs barking!Could it be a dream!So he covered his head and went back to sleep.

Huang Xianlin and other lieutenant generals who lived in another building next to Wei Xiaoping were also woken up, thinking, this is a military camp, and the military camp stipulates that no dogs are allowed, where is the barking sound coming from?And it's so loud?Moreover, listening to the sound, it seems that there is more than one!So, just to be on the safe side, they all got up and came out to see what was going on.

What Wei Xiaoping's two gatekeepers saw were the two Nether Dogs, Horse Boss and Niu Dahua.

After Yan Wangye cast a spell to send them and Wei Xiaoping back to the top of the general's mansion, and let Wei Xiaoping return to his body in the form of a soul, Yan Wang cast the ghost dog's soul shape on the ground, and then cast a spell to make them give up their original form. Therefore, they appeared in front of Wei Xiaoping's general's mansion out of thin air, so the two gatekeepers did not know where they came from.

When the two ghost dogs were still in the underworld, they had been guarding the gate with the two guards at the consultation office for hundreds of years. Because they often heard the two guards Luo Zhifu and Yang Zhijin talking, they also learned to understand humans The language of ghosts can even speak the language of human ghosts, so when they are still in the underworld and Heihe Prison, the two ghost dogs can talk to Wei Xiaoping.

But after returning to Yangjian, because Yangjian is another world, and the two ghost dogs have changed from their original souls back to their prototypes, although they can understand human language, they cannot speak human words. When the real three-headed strange dog is used, it cannot speak the human language in Yangjian. Therefore, although they can understand when the two soldiers speak, they cannot communicate with the two soldiers in the form of speech, so they can only use dogs to communicate with them. They barked to communicate with the two soldiers, but the two soldiers couldn't understand dog language, so they thought that the two strange dogs were about to attack them by barking loudly, so they drew their swords to drive them away.

The soldier who called Zhang Yunliang just now shouted loudly again: "It's so huge, and it looks so ferocious, what is it if it's not an evil thing? Don't let them get close to the general's mansion!"

Saying that, the two soldiers immediately drew their swords, and each of them walked over cautiously to a ghost dog.

When the two ghost dogs saw that they were coming to kill them with swords in their hands, they thought, unexpectedly, these two people are so uncultivated, and they want to drive us away and kill us before they figure out what we are here for. We are General Wei's personal assistants. If you two don't ask questions, you will drive us away. Are you afraid that General Wei will wake up and ask you?

The ghost dog and horse boss and Niu Dahua thought about this, and anxiously opened their mouths to speak out, but they opened and closed their mouths a few times, and instead of being able to speak human words, they let out a loud whine, and Because he couldn't utter a word, his lips furrowed anxiously, revealing his sharp fangs.

Seeing the two ghost dogs pucker their lips and show their fangs, the two soldiers thought that the two monsters were going to attack them, so the soldier named Zhang Yunliang shouted: "Liu Anping, the monsters are going to attack us, let's go first!" Let's act first!"

The soldier named Liu Anping also said: "Okay! Even if they don't attack, we will drive them away. This is the military camp area, how can we allow these monsters to invade!"

The two of them were talking, and they were not afraid of the two or three ghost dog monsters, they swung their swords and chopped at their heads.

Seeing that the two soldiers were really slashing at him with their swords, Nether Dog thought that this was General Wei Xiaoping's mansion, and the guards must be his master's subordinates, so while avoiding their slashing swords, he issued a The sound of the dog barking, trying to express what he meant to the two soldiers!

Unexpectedly, the two soldiers saw the two monsters dodging their swords, thinking that the two huge monsters were afraid of their attack, so their courage became stronger and their spirits became a little excited, so the attack became more and more intense. get up fast!

Zhang Xiaoyan and the big yellow monster beside the hospital bed heard the conversation of two soldiers outside the gate, the clinking of weapons hitting each other, and the loud and loud barking of dogs.Zhang Xiaoyan thought, before dawn, who came to make trouble at the gate of the general's mansion so early?This is the general's mansion, and he came here early to disturb Brother Xiaoping's rest. Didn't he know that Brother Xiaoping was seriously injured and was resting?So I asked Rhubarb to come out and see what was going on!

Da Huang walked outside the door and saw two monsters with three heads fighting against two soldiers back and forth.

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