Wild Romance

Chapter 138 Wei Xiaoping is fully awake

The two ghost dogs, the boss and Niu Dahua, who were tied up by Master Xuanzhe with the rope, are now locked in a room.

Huang Xianlin originally wanted to lock them in an iron cage, and then put them in the barracks for the soldiers to watch and play. After hearing Zhang Xiaoyan's words from Master Xuanzhe, saying that they would not be teased by others, Huang Xianlin felt that the master's arrangement was like this. Something must have been discovered, and the uncle said this, proving that there must be something worthy of the uncle's respect for these two monsters, so Huang Xianlin locked the two ghost dogs in a room so that no one else could see them.

"Didn't that old Taoist call that Huang Xianlin just now and lock us in a cage? Why did he suddenly change his mind and lock us in a room?" Niu Dahua barked in a low voice.

"I don't know either. I heard from the woman named Zhang Xiaoyan that it was the old man's idea. He said don't lock us in cages and don't let others tease us. Is he doing this as a kind of respect for us? Okay If we are locked in this house, or we are locked out, we will definitely be humiliated by those soldiers!" Boss Ma barked.

"You're right! Boss Ma, my stomach is growling! I feel a little uncomfortable! And I look weak. What's going on?"

"Me too. I've never felt this way when I was guarding the consultation office for crossing all things in the underworld. Why did this happen to my body when I came to the underworld?"

"I don't know. I haven't been to Yangjian for a long time, and I suddenly came to Yangjian, and I don't feel used to it?"

"My stomach growls more and more, and I always have the desire to bite something and swallow that thing in my mind!——"

"I suddenly remembered that the feeling we have now is because we are hungry. It is because we have returned to the underworld and returned to the nature of animals in the underworld! We were originally dog-like creatures with life. All living beings, all living beings will be hungry, and when they are hungry, they will want to eat to fill their stomachs, otherwise they will not have the strength to support their bodies, let alone..."

"I seem to smell a familiar smell, and this familiar smell seems to be floating here!"

"I smell it too! It's the smell of the master!" Ma boss barked happily, "--it's very likely that the master woke up and came looking for us! Great, the master finally woke up..... "

"—It's really the master's smell——! Boss Ma, the master has finally woken up! The smell is getting stronger and stronger!" Niu Dahua couldn't help saying, and then bit the rope that tied her with her mouth, "Boss Ma , this rope that the veteran soldiers tied us, what kind of rope, the more I bite it, the tighter it pulls—"

Boss Ma also opened his mouth to bite and bite the rope. The rope that tied it was the same as the one that tied the cows and flowers. The more you move it, the more it will automatically tighten.

"Me here too! Damn the rope, we can't move it even if we want to go out to meet the master! - woof - woof - woof woof!" Seeing that he couldn't bite the rope, Boss Ma barked loudly, wanting to use this voice to tell Owner Wei Xiaoping, they are locked here.

"Wow-woof-woof! Woof woof..." Niu Dahua also barked loudly.

After a while, hurried and messy footsteps were heard, walking towards the house where the ghost dog was locked up.

The door opened, Master Xuanzhe walked in first, followed by Wei Xiaoping, Huang Xianlin, and Zhang Xiaoyan.Because the door was a little small, Da Huang was waiting outside.

Boss Ma and Niu Dahua stared fixedly at Wei Xiaoping who was walking behind Master Xuanzhe, they were stunned by the appearance of Wei Xiaoping in front of them.

The master in front of him, General Wei Xiaoping, was so different from the image he saw in the underworld, it was a world of difference!

General Wei Xiaoping seen in the underworld, although his face is as handsome as it is now, but in the underworld, Wei Xiaoping's head is somewhat flattened, and his face and body are gray and white.

And now Wei Xiaoping in Yangjian has an oval head, a ruddy, rosy complexion, and looks very handsome and healthy!

The tails of Boss Ma and Dahua Niu kept swaying from side to side like clockwork. Their three dog heads faced Wei Xiaoping with lively eyes, barking loudly from time to time, and from time to time. He stuck out his tongue and breathed heavily, showing a very happy look.

Wei Xiaoping stared at the two ghost dogs in front of him, as if he couldn't believe his eyes, is this true?Are the two three-headed monster dogs in front of me real?Is it really the two ghost dogs that I dreamed of seeing us at the consultation office of crossing all things while I was in a coma?

At this time, all Wei Xiaoping's consciousness returned to the previous state, and he quickly recalled everything he saw in the underworld in his dream, starting from what he saw at the consultation office.

During the period when Wei Xiaoping was injured and comatose, in order to treat Wei Xiaoping, Master Xuanzhe, Rhubarb, Zhang Xiaoyan and Huang Xianlin's master Master Xuanwu each lost their own qi to Wei Xiaoping. The qi recovered quickly, the wound healed quickly, all aspects of the body's physical fitness and skill greatly increased, and the functions of consciousness and thought quickly returned to their original state, even exceeding the original function speed by several times.Before Wei Xiaoping was injured, the speed of recalling the past was [-] frames per second. Since he was injured, after receiving vitality from Xuanzhe, Rhubarb, Zhang Xiaoyan and Xuanwu, the function of recalling the past has changed from the original one frame per second. Hundreds of frames, expanded to hundreds of frames per second.

Wei Xiaoping's mind quickly recalled everything he saw in the underworld, including when he checked his previous life at the Consultation Office of Traveling Through All Things, he said he saw all the experiences in his previous life.

Wei Xiaoping only took less than the time to finish drinking a bowl of water, and during this period of coma, he talked about everything he had dreamed about in the underworld.

When he recalled that Lord Yan sent him and the two ghost dogs back to the underworld, a different expression immediately appeared on his face: It really was true, and in the dream, it really happened that Lord Yama sent him and the two ghost dogs back, and in the underworld The two ghost dogs in the book are exactly the same as the two ghost dogs in Yangjian now.

"Boss Ma, Niu Dahua, are you two really?" Wei Xiaoping said.

"Woo-woo-woo-woo-" the two ghost dogs barked, as if they were wronged and complained to their masters, and then barked, woof, woof, woof, as if they were complaining to their masters. Wei Xiaoping said, yes, master, we are the boss of the Nether dog and horse, Niu Dahua!

Wei Xiaoping said: "I remember that when you were in the underworld, you could speak human words, because you were reincarnated as human beings. Why can't you speak when you return to the underworld?"

Master Xuanzhe at the side saw that these two monsters were really brought back from the underworld by Wei Xiaoping, and was a little stunned. It turned out that there really is a underworld!The underworld was originally a place specially used to hold dirty things. Since these two monsters came from the underworld, aren't they what people call dirty things? Things in the underworld are easy to hurt people. Bringing these two dirty things Come back, if people know about it, wouldn't it be gossip?What's more, these two dirty things are actually molded, and they can be seen by the naked eye during the day!Since it is formed and something that can be seen with the naked eye, it will not be able to be gossiped or rumored by others and spread to the palace. After being known by the king, I don’t know what he thinks!

Also, the most important thing is, will these two monsters hurt people for no reason?

Huang Xianlin and Zhang Xiaoyan were also frightened when they heard that these two monsters were actually brought back from the underworld by Wei Xiaoping in a dream!Bringing back a ghost from the underworld from a dream is something unheard of in the ages, not to mention that the thing brought back turned out to be a monster that can be seen with the naked eye!And it's a monster turned into by a dog's soul!With such an ugly and cruel face, I don't know if it will hurt people?But seeing how they like Wei Xiaoping so much, shouldn't they? !

At this time, the two ghost dogs barked at Wei Xiaoping a few times, then lightly bit the demon rope on their body with their mouths, then moved their mouths away and looked at Wei Xiaoping!

Wei Xiaoping understood, and said to Master Xuanzhe: "Master, these two ghost dogs are really brought back from the underworld by my apprentice. They have sacrificed a lot to escort my apprentice back and fight against the prison ghost together with my apprentice in the underworld. Only then can the disciples return to the underworld smoothly! Can the master untie the ropes for them?"

Seeing that Wei Xiaoping asked to untie the two ghost dogs, Master Xuanzhe took Wei Xiaoping outside...

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