Wild Romance

Chapter 137 Wei Xiaoping is about to go ashore

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After the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king got rid of all the ghost pawns on his body, he felt sad and there were other ghost pawns that he couldn't get rid of. Running vigorously, "If you don't run with more strength, Wei Xiaoping and the others will go ashore and go away!" The king of wolf, lion, beast and ghost thought anxiously.

The ghost king Gaoyang lying on the back of the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king, saw the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king shaking his whole body, and threw off the ghost soldiers on the left and right of his body like water drops, and now he saw the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king adding Chasing after Wei Xiaoping with all his strength, he was extremely anxious, and shouted to the ghost soldiers below, come together and stop the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king, and told the ghost soldiers to use all their strength to entangle the wolf, lion and beast as much as possible. How long is the delay.

As a result, the ghost soldiers who had just been thrown away seemed to stand up again, and rushed towards the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king.The ghost soldiers who cleared the way in front saw so many accomplices together, but they still couldn't stop the huge and fierce wolf, lion, beast and ghost king. After hearing the order from Gaoyang ghost king, dozens of them ran away to stop the wolf, lion, beast and ghost together. ghost king.

After Wang Jiming heard the method of killing wolves, lions, beasts and ghosts taught by the ghost king Gaoyang, he taught the ghost soldiers to fight against wolves, lions, beasts and ghosts according to the instructions of the ghost king Gaoyang. Sure enough, several ghost soldiers killed a wolf. Immediately after the lion, lion, and ghost are cut down, the head of the downed wolf, lion, and ghost is cut off, and the severed head is kicked away with its feet. In the Heishui River, at first the limbs were paddling back and forth, but after a while, it slowly stopped and turned into a corpse of a beast ghost, floating up and down with the water of the Heishui River.

When the other wolves, lions, and ghosts saw their companions' heads cut off and kicked away, they knew that they could not save their companions. Knowing that their weaknesses had been mastered by the ghost king Gaoyang, they became even more furious. Dozens of wolves, lions, beasts and ghosts simultaneously He roared loudly, opened his mouth wide, and rushed towards the ghost soldiers in front of him with an almost crazy posture. Because of their huge body and because they often come out to kill some prison ghosts and eat their corpses, then Absorb the essence from the corpses of ghosts that they eat to turn them into their own skills and magic power. In addition, the types of corpses of ghosts they eat are different, so the magic power and power they carry are also very different. Although the skills However, because they often eat the corpses of prison ghosts, a lot of energy has accumulated in their bodies, so when they hit the ghost pawns, the force they emit is also abnormally strong, so the ghosts hit by them The pawn was knocked away dozens of meters away.Or some ghost soldiers saw wolves, lions, and ghosts opening their mouths to bite them, and before they could avoid it, they were directly bitten and torn by wolves, lions, and ghosts, and finally eaten by wolves, lions, and ghosts.

The five hundred ghost soldiers brought by Wang Jiming were carefully cultivated by the ghost king of Gaoyang before. After many battles, they became a strong, good at fighting, and loyal to the ghost king of Gaoyang, so they fought extremely ferociously. Yes, but these wolves, lions, beasts and ghosts, because they are ferocious beasts, usually come out to hunt all kinds of prison ghosts to satisfy their hunger. During the frequent hunting of prison ghosts, they also develop a strong physique. After eating, the essence of the eaten prison ghost is transformed into its own energy mana, so the combat power is also extremely powerful, fierce and brutal, so.The hundred elite ghost soldiers left by Wang Jiming fought with the fifty or sixty wolf, lion, beast ghosts. Although Wang Jiming had the upper hand in terms of numbers, in terms of combat effectiveness, the two sides were almost evenly matched. Affected by their ghost king's training, when fighting the enemy, they hardly take their own lives into consideration, that is, in order to win, they almost put themselves to death and desperately. This is the so-called survival after death.

Seeing these fifty or sixty wolves, lions, beasts and ghosts being so strong and good at fighting, some of the ghost soldiers also felt a little scared for the recklessness of the wolves, lions, beasts and ghosts.

Wang Jiming saw how desperate the wolves, lions, beasts and ghosts were. He also felt that although his soldiers were superior in numbers, they were not sure of defeating these wolves, lions, beasts and ghosts. He also saw Wei Xiaoping and the two ghost dogs When he had almost reached the bank of the river, he ordered a hundred ghost soldiers to support his side.

After adding a hundred ghost pawns, the combat power increased a lot at once. After a while, he killed a dozen wolf lion beast ghosts in a row, but Wang Jiming also killed and ate a dozen ghost pawns by wolf lion beasts. .

At this moment, Wei Xiaoping and the two ghost dogs had already run to the bank of the Heishui River, and when he was about to step ashore, he turned his head to say goodbye to the ghost king Gaoyang, and saw that the ghost king of wolves, lions, beasts, and ghosts was carrying almost a hundred ghost soldiers. , just like a small hill, jogging towards him, but he couldn't see the ghost king Gaoyang.

It turned out that this king of wolf, lion, beast and ghost was an old ghost king, and he had been banned here for thousands of years by the Lord of the Underworld, because he used all kinds of ghosts in Heihe Prison to satisfy his hunger all the year round, and from the corpses of ghosts that he ate into his stomach. It absorbs the essence and accumulates it all year round, so that it accumulates various energies in its body, making it extremely powerful in mana and force. Its body is as large as a small house, and its outer skin is rough and hardened like wearing armor. It is difficult for ordinary weapons to hurt it, so When the ghost soldiers of Gaoyang Ghost King saw that the wolf, lion, beast, ghost and ghost king could not be hurt by their swords, they all jumped on it and pulled its fur with their hands to increase the weight and load it, or they hugged its front and rear legs together to push it. It is inconvenient to walk, so it can delay the time, so that Wei Xiaoping and the two ghost dogs can go ashore in time.

And the ghost king Gaoyang also stood on the back of the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king with these ghost soldiers, and together with the ghost soldiers, they used all their strength to beat the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king on the back of the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king.Because there were too many ghost pawns lying on the back of the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king, they blocked the Gaoyang ghost king, so Wei Xiaoping looked over and couldn't find him.

At this moment, Ghost King Gaoyang stood up, and saw that Wei Xiaoping and his two ghost dogs had arrived at the shore, looking at him.

Gaoyang Ghost King knew that Wei Xiaoping was going to say goodbye to him, so he immediately shouted: "Xiaoping brother, hurry up and go ashore, after you get on the shore, all the ghosts in Heihe Prison will not be able to catch you, because this Heihe Prison was captured by Heihe Prison. The old man cast a banning curse. The banning curse issued by Lord Yan is along all the banks of the Heihe River, and there are curse knots cast by him, so after you go ashore, you can curse at ease! As for what you are doing on the way back, I will Maybe it’s out of control, because I can’t go ashore, no matter what, when you get to Yangjian, you must tell me your situation in your dream, don’t worry me!”

Wei Xiaoping only saw the ghost king Gaoyang at this time, he thought, never thought that this ghost king of wolf, lion, beast and beast has such great strength and profound skill, even with one or two hundred ghost soldiers lying on top of it, it can run so fast!Moreover, its skin is so hard that ordinary knives are difficult to injure its body. So, how can Brother Gaoyang Ghost King kill him?It is estimated that the sword carried by Brother Xian, Gaoyang Ghost King is not a precious sword, otherwise, Gaoyang Ghost King would have been able to stab the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king long ago.

"Brother Gao Yangxian, quickly ask some ghost soldiers to jump on the head of this wolf, lion, beast, ghost king, and together use your hands to hold the fur, ears, and eyelids on its head so that it cannot see its eyes and its head cannot move. Ask some ghost soldiers to hug its limbs and pull them in all directions, so that they lie on the river and chop off its neck with a sword. , and then remove the head, do not let the head and neck touch, so that it cannot heal itself!"

After hearing this, Gaoyang Ghost King said: "Understood, my dear brother, hurry up and go ashore, and leave us alone!" Then he commanded the ghost soldiers near Wei Xiaoping to push Wei Xiaoping to the shore.

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