Wild Romance

Chapter 136 The Way to Kill Wolf, Lion, Beast and Ghost

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After Wei Xiaoping's two ghost dogs arrived, he and the two ghost dogs ran to the two rows of ghost soldiers that opened the way for them.

Wei Xiaoping ran in front, followed by the two ghost dogs.The two ghost dogs ran and looked to the left, right and back to see if there were any enemies coming.

After they ran into the path opened for them by the two rows of ghost soldiers, the left and right rows of ghost soldiers immediately surrounded them to prevent other wolves, lions, beasts and ghosts from following.

Surrounded by the ghost king of Gaoyang and a group of ghost soldiers, the king of wolf, lion, beast and ghost saw Wei Xiaoping running into the path opened by two rows of ghost soldiers, and was surrounded by the ghost soldiers behind and ran towards the bank of the Heihe River. Roaring loudly, the body that was originally standing suddenly threw itself down towards the surface of the Heishui River, then raised its front foot, kicked its back foot, and quickly chased Wei Xiaoping and the two ghost dogs.While chasing him, he let out a huge roar of "Wooooow!" The roar sounded like he was extremely angry, but also a little miserable!Because like Wei Xiaoping, a new ghost with the power to avoid the Heihe Curse of Lord Yama is rare to meet once in a thousand years. It is precisely because of this that many ghosts who want to escape from Heihe Prison do not want to miss this opportunity. They want to catch Wei Xiaoping and force Wei Xiaoping to take them out.Now, the king of wolf, lion, beast and ghost sees that Wei Xiaoping and the ghost dog are about to reach the bank of the Heihe River, and he is about to lose Wei Xiaoping. In this way, Wei Xiaoping was able to avoid the new soul cursed by Heihe Hell, Lord of the Underworld.Therefore, when the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king saw that Wei Xiaoping and the two ghost dogs were about to reach the bank of the Heishui River, he was extremely anxious, so the roar was mixed with anger and compassion.

This wolf, lion, beast, ghost and ghost king threw himself on the river, using a lot of force because of his anxiety, and because of his huge body, the force of inertia was particularly strong. Its ghost pawns suddenly jumped towards the water surface, causing the ghost pawns on it to be thrown tens of meters away. It took a few battles before falling into the river.

Gaoyang Ghost King originally followed his ghost soldiers by grabbing the wolf, lion, beast, and ghost king's fur from the back, trying to crawl towards its head, trying to stab the wolf, lion, beast, and ghost king's eyes with a sword on its head. As long as the eyes of the wolf, lion and beast are stabbed blind, no matter how powerful and mana it has, the eyes will be blind, and all aspects of operation will be blind.

When Gaoyang Ghost King was climbing up behind the Wolf, Lion, Beast, and Ghost King, it stabbed the Wolf, Lion, Beast, and Ghost King with its sword at the back while climbing up. Although the sword was pierced into the back of the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king, and the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king was stabbed by Gaoyang ghost king's sword, but when Gaoyang ghost king pulled out the sword, the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king had just been stabbed by the sword. The wound will heal itself soon!Seeing this scene, Gaoyang Ghost King stabbed the Wolf, Lion, Beast and Ghost King several times in a row. Unexpectedly, the wound that was stabbed by the sword healed soon!

For the ghost body of the wolf, lion, beast, and ghost king to have the ability to heal wounds, the ghost king Gaoyang felt inconceivable, and thought: No wonder I saw that Wei Xiaoping also stabbed a lot of swords in its back, but I didn't see it feel any pain. This wolf, lion, beast, and ghost king has the ability to heal wounds by itself. If so, even if we stab it all over its body with a sword, it will heal itself completely in less than a moment, so there is nothing we can do to it?When thinking this way, Gaoyang Ghost King looked at those wolf, lion, and ghosts who were fighting with his subordinates, wanting to see that other wolf, lion, and ghosts were like their wolf, lion, and ghost kings, with some kind of self-healing wounds on their bodies function.

When Gaoyang Ghost King looked at other wolves, lions, beasts and ghosts who were really fighting with the ghost soldiers, he saw that some wolves, lions, beasts and ghosts were cut and wounded and were lying in the river. The friend who was injured in the river, after a while, the friend who was lying in the river and was injured, because another friend licked the wound with his tongue, after a while, the wolf, lion, beast and ghost lying in the water stood up automatically Seeing this scene, Gaoyang Ghost King was stunned, and he looked at other wounded wolf, lion, beast ghosts lying in the river. While lying on the ground, the wounded wolf lion quickly healed and stood up.At this time, Gaoyang Ghost King knew that the tongues of these wolf, lion, beast ghosts could give him and his companions the ability to lick and heal wounds. If this is true, wouldn't they be invincible?And this wolf, lion, beast and ghost king, its tongue didn't lick the wound on its back, and I didn't see it licking its own wound with its tongue, so what can heal?Since these wolves, lions, beasts, ghosts and their kings can heal their own wounds, how could Brother Wei Xiaoping kill one of their accomplices?Thinking of this, Ghost King Gaoyang regretted not asking Wei Xiaoping how he killed that wolf, lion, beast and ghost before!

At this moment, seeing that Wei Xiaoping and the two ghost dogs had already run away, the king of wolf, lion, beast and ghost roared angrily a few times, then the front body that was standing suddenly jumped towards the water surface, and then shook his whole body , Just like getting out of the water and trying to shake off the water droplets on his body, he threw some ghost pawns who grabbed its fur and stabbed them a few meters away.

Because Gaoyang Ghost King held on tighter, and when he saw that the Wolf, Lion, Beast, and Ghost King was about to pounce on the water, he immediately inserted his sword deeply into the back of the Wolf, Lion, Beast, and Ghost King. The hand holding the hilt of the sword was only grasping the hilt of the sword that was deeply inserted into the body of the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king, so no matter how the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king shook it, it could not shake off the ghost king Gaoyang.

Seeing that the ghost king Gaoyang couldn't get rid of behind him, the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king didn't care, what he was most anxious about was to run to catch Wei Xiaoping and the two ghost dogs.

Gaoyang Ghost King saw that the wolf, lion, beast, and ghost king ignored the pain on its back, so he quickly chased Wei Xiaoping and the others. Thinking that this wolf, lion, beast, and ghost king had the ability to heal wounds, Gaoyang Ghost King ran forward. Wei Xiaoping and the others shouted: "My brother Xiaoping, run quickly, the king of wolves, lions, beasts and ghosts is about to chase after him. It cannot be killed. After you run to the river, go ashore immediately. You can't help it!"

Wei Xiaoping heard the ghost king Gaoyang yelling that the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king could not be killed, and then he remembered the scene of killing the wolf, lion, beast and ghost before, so he shouted to the ghost king Gaoyang while running: "Gaoyang Xian Brother, after you cut the bodies of those wolves, lions, beasts and ghosts into two pieces, then kick the two pieces of corpses away, and don't let them touch each other, you can die!"

Hearing what Wei Xiaoping said, Gao Yang's eyes lit up, and he thought, that's right, cut the corpse of the wolf lion beast into two pieces, and then separate the two pieces of corpses from a long distance, no matter how great their self-healing function is, they can't Let's grow a whole body from another corpse!

Gaoyang Ghost King tightly grasped the fur of the Wolf, Lion, Beast and Ghost King, turned behind it, faced Wang Jiming and other ghost soldiers below, and told them the method Wei Xiaoping said to kill the Wolf, Lion, Beast and Ghost.

The ghost king, the wolf, lion, beast king, shook his body vigorously while running, trying to shake off the ghost king Gaoyang behind him. While running towards Wei Xiaoping, he heard Wei Xiaoping teach Gao Yang how to kill his accomplices, and also heard Gao Yang general After explaining this method to Wang Jiming and the other ghost pawns, they roared angrily in their hearts, and tried to shake Gao Yang a few times, but they couldn't get rid of Gao Yang, and kept jumping high with their front and rear feet, but still couldn't shake Gao Yang off, so angry Gritting its teeth and roaring, it wanted to roll on the river, to use its huge body to hold down the ghost king Gaoyang, but it was afraid of missing the chance to hunt down Wei Xiaoping, so it just wanted to run away with Wei Xiaoping and the two ghost dogs. .

At this time, because the wolves and lions had already run into the path opened by the two rows of ghost soldiers, the ghost soldiers were afraid that the king of wolves, lions, ghosts and ghosts would catch Wei Xiaoping, so a large part of the ghost soldiers ran over to catch the wolves, lions and beasts. Surrounded by ghost kings.

Gaoyang Ghost King shouted to the ghost soldiers: "All soldiers obey the order, no matter how much you pay, stop this beast for me, stop it, and I will reward you when you go back!"

So, some ten or twenty of the ghost soldiers hugged the front feet of the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king, and some more than a dozen jumped on the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king's head together, grabbed its chin, ears, eyelids, etc., Some dozen or so just hugged the wolf, lion, beast, and ghost king's hind feet, and some ten or twenty gathered behind the wolf, lion, beast, and ghost king's buttocks, and tightly grasped its tail, which was thicker than a human's thigh. Hold, and then pull back hard together.

The ghost king Gaoyang on the wolf, lion, ghost king's back saw that his subordinates had only grabbed the limbs, tail, and ear and eyelids on the head of the wolf, lion, ghost king, and thought, your limbs, tail, and head are all taken by me. The ghost pawns caught it, let's see how much more capable you can show it?I also took advantage of climbing to the back of its neck, cut off its head with my sword, and then threw the head far away to see if you can heal yourself!

I don't want to think that the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king comes out all the year round to kill other prison ghosts, eats the corpses of the prison ghosts he kills, absorbs various essences from the eaten prison ghosts, and then turns these essences into his own mana Skills have been accumulated over the years, and countless prison ghosts have been eaten by it. At the same time, the essence of many prison ghosts eaten by it has accumulated infinite energy, causing it to generate huge energy in its body!Therefore, there is nothing to be afraid of the current Gaoyang Ghost King and these ghost pawns who have dragged his limbs, but these ghost pawns hindered his way of chasing Wei Xiaoping.

The wolf, lion, beast and ghost king became impatient at being hindered by the ghost king Gaoyang and the ghost soldiers, and suddenly stopped running towards Wei Xiaoping. It twirled its body a few times, and turned its head left and right a few times, so all the pawns of the Ghost King Gaoyang who were stuck to its limbs, head and tail all fell out one after another like drops of water being shaken off. Falling into the water, only Gao Yang is stronger and has higher mana, he is still holding on to its fur tightly, crawling on its neck, letting the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king shake it, but he can't get rid of it.

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