Wild Romance

Chapter 135 Fighting

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The two front-end ghost pawns who opened the way were startled when they saw a huge monster suddenly appearing in front of them. When they fixed their eyes and saw that it was the king of wolf, lion, beast and ghost, they immediately rushed towards the king of wolf, lion, beast and ghost with their weapons, and used their weird moves The weapons stabbed and slashed at the ghost king.

The Wolf, Lion, Beast and Ghost King watched the ghost pawns pounced on him and slashed at him. He didn't dodge, and after standing and roaring and beating them for a while, he suddenly aimed his head at some ghost pawns who were close to him. Hold out a few times.The ghost pawn who was kicked, like a kicked doll, flew a long way before falling into the river.Immediately afterwards, the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king roared a few times in a row, stood up on both feet, bent down and pointed at the ghost soldiers in front of him with his front feet, and started to fight from left to right. , let out a scream of "ah", and was shot out in an instant, falling into the Heishui River tens of meters away, and then disappeared without a trace.

Before he finished drinking a sip of water, the twenty or thirty ghost soldiers in front were blown away without a trace by the king of wolves, lions, beasts, ghosts and ghosts.

Seeing how powerful the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king was, Wei Xiaoping immediately said to the two ghost dogs who had just arrived: "Ma Lao Da, Niu Dahua, attack the wolf, lion and beast king from both sides to distract it. Attack from the front, remember, when attacking, you must be ruthless, try your best to kill it as soon as possible. At the beginning I saw it grow so big, it was not easy, now I see it against Brother Gao Yang's pawn They hate you so much, I think of what it said in the past few decades, in order to improve its mana, they ate a lot of corpses of ghosts, and then absorbed the essence from the ghosts that were eaten to supplement their Skill energy, so that one day the energy will reach its peak, and it can break the curse of Yan Wangye's ban. According to it, looking at its figure that is dozens of times larger than that of its companions, I don't know how many hell ghosts have died over the years Its subordinates, therefore, must not continue to leave it to endanger other prison ghosts!"

"Okay, master, in order to save the prison ghost from harm, and to allow the master to return to the underworld safely, we must eradicate the enemies who block our way in the future, and kill the most hated prison ghost in Heihe Prison. Monster!" The two ghost dogs said at the same time, and after finishing speaking, they immediately approached the wolf, lion, and ghost king from both sides, then jumped to the side of the wolf, lion, and ghost king, and stretched out three dog mouths to aim at the wolf, lion, and ghost king's legs Stretch and bite.

The wolf, lion, beast and ghost king, who was standing and bending down to aim at the ghost pawns clearing the way on both sides, shot left and right. From the corners of his eyes, he saw two monsters suddenly appearing on the left and right and attacking him. He stopped and took a closer look. It turned out to be two monsters The strange dog on the top knew that these two strange dogs were Wei Xiaoping's attendants, and that they also had mana that could avoid the power of Yan Wangye's forbidden spell, so he turned around and bent down, intending to beat the ghost dog on the left. The flower was caught alive.

The horse boss on the right saw the wolf, lion, beast, and ghost king bending over to the left, so he jumped from the right, jumped onto the back of the wolf, lion, beast, and ghost king, and stretched out three dog mouths with sharp fangs to point at the wolf, lion, beast, and ghost king. He bit hard on the back of the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king tightly, and then tore it vigorously in three different directions.

Unexpectedly, this wolf, lion, beast and ghost king, because he kills and eats all kinds of ghost corpses from animals or humans in the underworld all the year round, and then absorbs the essence from these ghost corpses that are eaten, so that his mana will continue to increase over the years. , all parts of the body are extremely flexible than those of the same kind, so although the teeth in the mouths of the three dogs, the ghost dog and horse boss, are sharp and long, although they have tightly bit the back skin of the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king, they cannot tear it. skin.However, although it couldn't tear the skin of the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king, it could bite the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king.

The wolf, lion, beast and ghost king who was bitten turned his head to look at the ghost dog and horse boss behind him, and stretched out his hand to grab the horse boss.Just when it turned its head to look behind itself, the Nether Dog Niu Dahua on the left immediately jumped to the place on the left side near the front left foot, and bit its left front elbow, upper arm and left side body with three mouths respectively. Then the four paws also tightly grasped its skin, and pulled it back hard.

Just as he was about to stretch out his front feet to catch the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king who was on the horse behind him, Niu Dahua on the left suddenly grabbed his front elbow, unable to turn around, and let out a roar.

Seeing that the wolf, lion, and beast king was bitten by two ghost dogs and couldn't turn around, the ghost pawn who cleared the way in front of him immediately jumped over, and stabbed the wolf, lion, and ghost king with all his strength. Helplessly, the wolf, lion, and ghost king The skin on the body is too tough, and the knives and guns of these ghost soldiers cut on it, just like it is tickling.

At this time, after Wei Xiaoping killed the other wolves, lions, ghosts and ghosts that surrounded him, he saw two ghost dogs biting the king of wolves, lions, ghosts and ghosts, and immediately jumped up and flew towards the back of the king of wolves, lions, ghosts and ghosts.

Wei Xiaoping stopped on the back of the wolf, lion, beast, ghost and ghost king, grabbed its fur with his left hand, and held the Demon Slaying Sword with one hand, aiming at the back and stabbing fiercely!

The ghost king Gaoyang on one side also repelled the wolf lion beasts who came up to entangle him, and jumped over, jumped on the head of the wolf lion beast ghost ghost king, grabbed its scalp, and chopped it to death with his sword. Cut edge said to Wei Xiaoping: "My dear brother, hurry up and take your ghost dog away, hurry up and go ashore, and leave it to us to stop the wolves, lions and beasts!" Then he shouted to Wang Jiming in front of him: "Wang Jiming , call all the brothers to surround all the wolves, lions, beasts and ghosts, and not let them leave a step, so that Wei Xiaoping and the others can go ashore!" Then he turned his head to the ghost soldiers who cleared the way to the east: "Brothers, Hurry up and come over and live with this wolf, lion, beast, ghost, ghost, king wolf, and leave a small part for General Wei Xiaoping to clear the way."

Hearing the shout of the ghost king Gaoyang, some ghost soldiers immediately ran over and surrounded the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king.

Wang Jiming on the side heard the call of the ghost king Gaoyang, and answered "Yes", but thought in his heart: This Wei Xiaoping is going back to the mortal world, and will be separated from us from now on, and it has nothing to do with us. I just don't understand, Gao Yang What is the plot of the ghost king helping Wei Xiaoping clear the way back to the underworld!The king continued to be very dissatisfied with the ghost king's actions, but because the ghost king Gaoyang was their king, he had to disobey the ghost king Gaoyang.

So, he ordered the other ghost soldiers to kill the wolf, lion, beast, ghost and ghost king unhappily.

Wei Xiaoping saw that most of the ghost soldiers were coming from the king's side, so he said to the ghost king Gaoyang: "Brother Gaoyang Xian, then we will go back to Yangjian first, and I will leave it to you to stop the wolves, lions and beasts here!" After I return to Yangjian, Brother Gao Yang, you must remember to always tell me about your situation in your dreams, don't let me miss you!"

"Hurry up and go, don't be so wordy! Remember my words, when you return to the world, do more things that are beneficial to human beings and all creatures!" Gaoyang Ghost King shouted.

"Boss Ma, Niu Dahua, let's go quickly, don't worry about us for Brother Gao Yang!" Wei Xiaoping stabbed fiercely on the wolf lion beast's back, and immediately jumped to the two rows of ghost soldiers to the east.

After hearing Wei Xiaoping's shout, the two ghost dogs bit the wolf, lion, beast, ghost and ghost king for a while, and then jumped towards Wei Xiaoping's direction.

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