Wild Romance

Chapter 132 The Talking Wolf, Lion, Beast and Ghost King

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"The most difficult thing to deal with is an enemy like this kind of broken jar. When this kind of enemy fights against others, sometimes they will attack the opponent by putting themselves to death and reviving. If the two sides are evenly matched, as long as there is If the opponent is a little negligent, he may be defeated by him!"

Gaoyang Ghost King said: "My dear brother, you are right. It's because I know the wolf, lion, beast, ghost and ghost king very well, so I asked Wang Jiming to go back and bring hundreds of elite ghost soldiers to kill any enemies that may appear. Let's fight quickly so that the two sides won't delay the return of my younger brother to the world of heaven because of fighting each other!"

Seeing that the ghost king of Gaoyang thought so thoughtfully, Wei Xiaoping was very moved, and said: "Thank you brother Xian for your love, but unfortunately I have too little time to go back to Yangjian. Otherwise, I would like to stay for a longer time and spend more time talking with brother Xian !"

While speaking, before he knew it, he realized that he was still a hundred meters away from the bank of the Heihe River.

At this moment, a black shadow as big as a house suddenly appeared on the surface of the water near the east bank of the Black River. As the black shadow suddenly appeared, many black water curtains poured down from the top of the black shadow, looking Like a black waterfall; Immediately afterwards, fifty or sixty figures the size of a full-grown cow emerged from the water at the same time. They stood chaotically in front of the huge figure behind them, seeming to be protecting the huge figure behind them , At the same time, circles of black water waves rushed towards Gaoyang Ghost King and the others, but just as the black waves rushed to half the distance from Gaoyang Ghost King and the others, the black water waves gradually weakened, and finally rushed to Gaoyang Ghost King. Circles of black water ripples.

Gaoyang Ghost King looked carefully, and said: "Say Cao Cao Cao Cao will be there, hehehehehe!"

Seeing fifty or sixty black shadows suddenly appearing in front of them, the ghost dog and horse boss and Niu Dahua immediately ran to the front of Gaoyang Ghost King and Wei Xiaoping, barking at the shadows in front; The ghost dogs lined up side by side, raised their weapons, and made a battle formation, blocking Gaoyang Ghost King Prison Wei Xiaoping behind!

When Wei Xiaoping heard the words of the ghost king Gaoyang saying, "Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive", he wondered, is it really like what the ghost king Gaoyang said, the king of wolves, lions, beasts, ghosts and ghosts really came to block my way back to the world?

"Brother Xian, it's really as you said, the king of wolves, lions, beasts, ghosts and ghosts in front?" Wei Xiaoping asked

"That's right! It seems that this time, it's inevitable that we will have a fierce battle with the wolves, lions, beasts and ghosts!" Gao Yang Ghost King said.Gaoyang Ghost King said

"Why didn't they intercept us on the way we came, but intercepted us in the water far from the shore?" Wei Xiaoping asked.

The Ghost King Gaoyang said: "The reason why they are approaching the shore to block your way is obviously for you and the two ghost dogs to take them out of the Heihe Prison, because your body has a banning spell that can avoid the Heihe Prison .If you are willing to take them out, then there is no need to fight them. If you are not willing to take them out, they will use force to subdue you, force you to take them out, or look for opportunities to seize when you fly out of Heihe Your hands and feet make you have to drag them out of Heihe Prison together, and because they are close to the shore, they catch you when your time is tight, and before you have time to resist, they are likely to succeed!"

After Gaoyang Ghost King said so, Wei Xiaoping knew that the wolves, lions, beasts and ghosts chose to intercept them on the bank of the Heihe Prison, and it was also after Gaoyang Ghost King said that Wei Xiaoping knew that he and the two ghost dogs carried a kind of energy. Avoid the spell that the Lord of the Underworld gave the prison ghosts to permanently seal them in the Heihe Prison.

"Since Gaoyang Ghost King also knows that I and the two ghost dogs can successfully bring any ghosts out of Heihe prison, he doesn't ask me and the ghost dog to take him out of Heihe prison. The spell, to escape the confinement of Heihe Prison, is the dream of thousands of prison ghosts! From this we can see that the ghost king Gaoyang has really realized some kind of truth of Taoism after staying in Heihe Prison for thousands of years!" Wei Xiaoping thought.

"Then let these wolves, lions, beasts and ghosts dream. Even if I'm stuck here forever, I won't take them out against Lord Yama's rules. Even if Lord Yama's Heihe Prison rules don't prohibit us from taking them out, I won't." I don’t want to do things that go against my conscience! Just imagine, when these wolves, lions, and beasts were originally in the world, they caused endless harm to all creatures in the world, and they were punished and locked up in Heihe Prison by the Lord of the Underworld. They still harm so many innocent prison ghosts like this. If they are really brought out to be reincarnated and handed down to the world, I don’t know how many lives will be harmed in the future! Therefore, it is best for such ferocious and brutal creatures to be locked up in the Heihe Prison forever, lest they go out and harm innocent lives!" Wei Xiaoping said calmly with dissatisfaction Said the tone.

Gaoyang Ghost King said: "Yes, these wolves, lions, beasts and ghosts are transformed by the souls of wild beasts, so their fierce and brutal character can never be changed! Therefore, no matter how much it costs, I will not let them drag you down."

"Thank you, brother Gao Yangxian! Brother Gao Yangxian has nothing to repay my brother's kindness here! I can only return to Yangjian and try my best to do good deeds. When I return to Yangjian at the end of my life, I will try my best to beg the Lord of the Underworld to see if I can do it." Give Brother Xian a break, and let Brother Xian have another chance to be reincarnated and passed on to the world!" Wei Xiaoping said.

Ghost King Gaoyang said: "Hehehehe! Brother, don't worry about this matter! In fact, I have already seen through whether I can go out to reincarnate and pass on to the world! When I was banned by Lord Yan and entered Heihe Prison, I resisted very much at first. North, and from the east to the west, hit any bank of the Heihe Prison, but you can't go out. Later, other prison ghosts told me that I knew that this place was cursed by the Lord Yama to permanently seal it, and the curse of the Lord Yama was aimed at All the prison ghosts locked in Heihe Prison, no one will ever be able to unlock them without the old man himself. Since then, I have given up on the idea of ​​escaping from Heihe Prison. Later in Heihe Prison, I recalled I said what I said and did in my previous life. I feel that I have done too many crimes in my previous life. It is only natural that I was banned here! Since I can’t go out to reincarnate and pass on to the world, it’s good to help those new souls from the past to open the way back to the world. Well, every time I can help those new souls go out, I hear them say thank you to me, I feel full of fulfillment and happiness in my heart, I think that kind of feeling is really good, so, can you get out of Heihe Prison? , I don’t really care about it, of course, if I can really go out and be a human being, and be able to do useful things for all living beings in the Yang world, the meaning is of course much greater than here!”

At this moment, the wolf, lion, beast ghost king and fifty or sixty wolf, lion, beast ghosts had come to the front.

"Gaoyang Ghost King, long time no see!" An old and low voice came from the wolves, lions and beasts!

Wei Xiaoping and Gao Yang Ghost King looked over and saw that the mouths of the wolves, lions, beasts and ghosts were not moving at all, and the mouths of the wolf, lion, beasts, ghosts and ghost kings were also tightly shut.

"Wolf lion beast ghost king, you were talking to me just now?" Gao Yang ghost king asked incredulously.

"Gaoyang Ghost King, do you think there are other ghosts here who would say such things to you?" Wolf Lion Beast Ghost King said.

Seeing that the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king can speak, and he can speak without even opening his mouth, Gaoyang ghost king is a little unbelievable. He hasn't seen this wolf, lion, beast and ghost king for decades. He never thought that he could talk when he met this time stand up!What the hell is it talking about?Without even opening your mouth, where does the sound come from?

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