Wild Romance

Chapter 131 The upcoming wolf, lion and beast king

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Chapter 130

The Ghost King Gaoyang saw Wei Xiaoping knelt down to him and called himself brother, he was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses and said: "General Wei really recognizes me as brother?"

Wei Xiaoping said: "Of course my younger brother sincerely worships the ghost king as his elder brother! My elder brother has voluntarily helped the new souls of the past in this Heihe Prison for thousands of years, and there are really very few people who can do good deeds for thousands of years, let alone my elder brother. Thousands of years of good deeds are obligatory, which is enough to prove how noble my brother is, and it is my greatest honor to have such a noble ghost king as my brother! ——I am afraid that the ghost king will despise me!"

Hearing this, Gaoyang Ghost King immediately bent down to help Wei Xiaoping up, and said with a bit of a stuttering mouth: "Xiaoping brother, I am a ghost with crimes. I have been imprisoned here for thousands of years. Can I go out and reincarnate in the future? You are an unknown number, and you are the new soul favored by Lord Yan, which proves that whether you are in the world or in the underworld, the moral character of your words and deeds is far superior to mine, but you are in a situation where my future is uncertain. Excuse me, recognize me as your brother, I am grateful, I wish for it! In this case, I will be honored to be the elder brother of the good brother! Originally, a ceremony is required to hold a ceremony for sworn brothers, but due to time constraints, we will not Now that the ceremony is over, I will call you 'Xiaoping Xiandi', you can do it if you agree, and then you can also call me 'Brother Gaoyang' in the same way, and then I will call you, and we will be considered as sworn brothers. , can you?"

After hearing what Gao Yang Ghost King had said, Wei Xiaoping immediately said excitedly: "Brother Gao Yang!"

Gaoyang Ghost King immediately held Wei Xiaoping's hand with both hands, and happily responded: "Hey! Brother Xiaoping."

Wei Xiaoping responded immediately: "—Hey! Brother Gao Yang, brother Xiaoping is here!"

After hearing what Wei Xiaoping said, the Ghost King Gaoyang hugged Wei Xiaoping happily, laughed hahahaha, and then shouted loudly: "Hahahaha, hahahaha... I have a younger brother, hahahaha, I have a younger brother!" Oh, hahahaha, I never imagined that I, Gao Yang, would be imprisoned in Heihe Prison forever, and I would be handed over to such a noble brother, hahahaha, I am so happy!"

The two Youming Dogs next to him and the ghost king Gaoyang's entourage Wang Jiming and other prison ghosts laughed when they saw the Ghost King Gaoyang holding Wei Xiaoping like a child, as happy as a very poor child who suddenly picked up a coin. , Gaoyang Ghost King is sincerely happy to have Wei Xiaoping, a younger brother who is in command!

"I have been with Gaoyang Ghost King in Heihe Prison for thousands of years, and I have served him for thousands of years. I have never seen him laugh or praise me so crazy because of me. The new soul, Wei Xiaoping, whom he met not long ago, was so happy to be his younger brother, and this Wei Xiaoping was about to leave Heihe Prison and return to the world of the underworld. From then on, the old ghost and the new soul were both yin and yang! Could it be that the ghost king of Gaoyang Are you confused? Laughing like crazy for a new soul that is about to be irrelevant? And we have served him for thousands of years, but we have never seen him so happy!" Wang Jiming thought unjustly.

The two ghost dogs thought, unexpectedly, the ghost king Gaoyang really wanted to recognize his master as a godbrother, and he was as happy as a child for being able to recognize his master as a godbrother, and the master was also so happy about the mutual sworn brotherhood with the ghost king Gaoyang, It seems that the master is quite willing to recognize the ghost king Gaoyang as his elder brother!Since this is the case, it might not be a good thing. As the saying goes, it is easier to travel when you have more friends!Now that the ghost king Gaoyang recognizes his master as his younger brother, he will send us out of Heihe Prison later. If we encounter any difficulties, he will definitely try his best to help us solve them!

Thinking of this, the two ghost dogs barked several times at Wei Xiaoping and Gaoyang Ghost King, congratulating Gaoyang Ghost King and Wei Xiaoping on their sworn brothers.

"Master, in order to return to the physical body in the yang world as soon as possible, we should hurry as soon as possible, the time is getting tighter and tighter, if we encounter some obstacles in the process of going, if we have to solve the obstacles by hand, it may delay time! "The two ghost dogs said to Wei Xiaoping at the same time.

The Ghost King Gaoyang heard this, and immediately said: "Xiaoping brother, I forgot to hurry because of the matter of our marriage. The two ghost dogs are right, let's hurry up, so as not to run into other prison ghosts on the way. If you want to talk to them again, if you want to fight, it will be delayed!" After finishing speaking, the ghost king of Gaoyang thought for a while, and said to Wang Jiming: "Wang Jiming, hurry up and gather five hundred more ghost soldiers, wait a minute Might come in handy."

Wang Jiming immediately knelt down to the ghost king, got up and left quickly.

"Brother Xiaoping, let's talk while walking!" Gaoyang Ghost King said, and then he and Wei Xiaoping floated towards the east bank of Heihe Prison side by side.

"Brother Gao Yangxian, why did you call five hundred ghost soldiers over? Is there going to be a powerful prison ghost blocking our way?" Wei Xiaoping asked suspiciously when he saw that the ghost king Gaoyang asked Wang Jiming to summon the ghost soldiers.

Gaoyang Ghost King said: "This Heihe River has many new souls with unfinished lifespans returning to Yangjian from here every year. They go in different directions, so the places they pass are different. Different places are managed by different ghost kings. I just manage One of the ghost kings in the nearby area. Originally, in the area under my jurisdiction, as long as I personally open the way to send out new souls, there will generally not be other prison ghosts to stop them. But, dear brother, you have offended the king of wolf, lion, beast, ghost and ghost today. His subordinates, and even killed his subordinates, probably because of this, the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king will use this excuse to coerce you to take you out of Heihe Prison."

Wei Xiaoping said: "At first we didn't want to fight those four wolves, lions, beasts and ghosts, but because we couldn't bear to see them killing other innocent prison ghosts and even eating them, we fought them. You know, although Lord Hades imprisoned the prison ghosts in Heihe Prison forever and did not sentence them to death, it was because they were not mortal, orphans, and they all had the right to live in Heihe Prison, so these wolves, lions and beasts wanted to kill them Or eat them, it is unreasonable, even against the rules! Besides, before we fight them, they are the first to fight us, so we have to fight them! If we don't fight, then It is dangerous to be killed or even eaten by four of them!"

The Ghost King Gaoyang said: "Yes, dear brother, what you said is very reasonable! The reason why Lord Yan locked us here and didn't sentence us to death is because we are all guilty. Therefore, everyone who is locked here All prison ghosts have the right to live! Since all prison ghosts imprisoned here have the right to live, why do you want to deprive other prison ghosts of their right to live? So, brother Xiaoping, you block those four wolves and lions. It is right for beast ghosts to eat and kill other prison ghosts!"

Wei Xiaoping said worriedly: "Brother Xian, do you think the king of wolves, lions, beasts, ghosts and ghosts will appear on our way?"

Gaoyang Ghost King said: "From what I know about the wolf, lion, beast, ghost and ghost king, it is very likely that it will appear! Since this wolf, lion, beast, ghost and ghost king was imprisoned here, in order to supplement the magic power in his body, he often killed some prison ghosts. Come to replenish energy for himself, and precisely because he often kills and eats other prison ghosts, he knows that he has committed a lot of crimes, and he can no longer be forgiven by Lord Yama, and he feels hopeless about his future, so he came here to break Break the jar, put an end to bad things, and try every means to escape Heihe Prison!"

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