Wild Romance

Chapter 133 Going to War with the Wolf, Lion and Beast King

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"Wolf, lion and beast king, are you here specifically to look for me? May I ask what advice you have? I haven't seen you for decades, and I didn't expect to meet again. You actually started talking about us human ghosts. It seems that these decades Now, your kung fu has improved a lot, if you have any advice, please tell me directly! My virtuous brother is in a hurry!" said Gaoyang Ghost King.

"Your virtuous brother? This new soul beside you is your virtuous brother?" Wolf said in the words of the king of beasts, ghosts and ghosts.

"Exactly, if you have anything to say, just tell me directly. Now I am in a hurry to send my virtuous brother ashore. If I don't talk about it, I don't have time!"

"It's nothing, I just want your virtuous brother to take me out for a while when he goes ashore!"

"Wolf, lion, beast, ghost and ghost king, don't you know the rules in Heihe Prison? All the prison ghosts who are imprisoned in Heihe Prison know that it is impossible to leave Heihe Prison without the permission of Lord Yan, let alone any Who secretly took out the prison ghost who was imprisoned here? If my virtuous brother takes you out, Lord Yan will treat him as a criminal and punish him equally. My virtuous brother is a ghost with high moral character. What can take you out? Then Didn't he join you? Please make way, please!" Gaoyang Ghost King said.

The Nether dog and the prison ghosts, the followers of the ghost king Gaoyang, who were blocking the front, started commotion from time to time.

The two ghost dogs barked even louder when they heard that the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king wanted their master to take them out of Heihe.

Seeing the two ghost dogs barking loudly, some wolves, lions and beasts under the wolf, lion and beast king also roared even more. Among them, three wolves, lions and beasts wanted to run up to bite the two ghost dogs, but were stopped by the wolf, lion and beast king. , to suppress the anger in my heart.

Wei Xiaoping and the two ghost dogs looked at the three wolves, lions, beasts and ghosts that were ready to move, and knew that they were the three that had fought against them before.

"I didn't let your virtuous brother take me out for nothing, and I wouldn't ask him to take me out for no reason. He killed one of my subordinates. I will use the ghost life of the subordinate he killed to exchange him for bringing me out." I got out of Heihe Prison, this condition is not unreasonable!" Said the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king.

Hearing what the wolf, lion, beast and ghost king said, Wei Xiaoping immediately said: "Wolf, lion, beast and ghost king, you are right, I did kill one of your subordinates, but it was not unreasonable for me to kill it. Before that, The four of your subordinates fought and killed countless other innocent prison ghosts in front of us, and ate them. After they found us, they also rushed to kill us. We had no choice but to fight them. If we didn't fight back, We are killed or even eaten by them. Since they intend to kill and eat us, how can we not resist? What's more, they are so cruel, if we don't kill them, we will kill more prison ghosts! The prison ghosts who were imprisoned in Heihe Prison were all imprisoned here by Lord Yama because of their crimes. Since all the prison ghosts imprisoned here are not mortal, no one has the right to take the lives of others. .Since your subordinates killed so many other prison ghosts, they have to be paid back to others. So those subordinates under your command who killed other prison ghosts should have died! And the one I killed, died It's not wrong."

The wolf, lion, beast and ghost king laughed loudly after hearing this, and said, "Boy, I didn't expect you to be able to speak eloquently at such a young age! Hahaha! All ghosts who are imprisoned here, although their sins are not mortal, but It’s no different from death! Just like me. And Lord Yama won’t care about it anymore, so, in order to make ourselves live better, and to continuously improve our mana, we have to eat some hell The corpses of ghosts absorb essence from their bodies to supplement and improve their energy. After the energy in the body reaches a certain level, it may be able to break the power of the banning spell of Lord Yama, so we have to keep eating some prison ghosts. The body. The so-called survival of the fittest, who said that they are incapable, so they should be eaten by us."

Wei Xiaoping said: "But no matter what, even if you kill me, I can't do something that goes against my conscience, so we can't take you out, even if you accidentally run out of Heihe Prison, even if Lord Yama will not punish me, and I will always feel guilty because of my own process, saying, no matter what, we will not take you out! So please make way for me, I will not be very grateful! If you don’t make way, don’t blame We are rude to you"

After Wei Xiaoping finished speaking, he raised his right hand.

The Demon Slaying Sword Soul hidden behind, saw its owner raising his hand, immediately flew out, landed in Wei Xiaoping's ghostly hand, and emitted a mystical white light that scattered around.

The unreal white light emitted by the Demon Slaying Sword shot towards the wolf and lion herd in front. The ghost king of wolf and lion beasts and fifty or sixty wolf and lion beasts below him were a little dazzled by Wei Xiaoping's sword light, and they immediately let out chaotic roars. The voice is coming.

The roars of the wolves, lions and beasts frightened the other prison ghosts that were busy nearby, causing Hulun to scream and flee in all directions, and black waves rolled on the nearby river.

Seeing that wolves, lions, beasts and ghosts might not give way, Gaoyang Ghost King saw that Wei Xiaoping took out the Demon Slaying Sword and was about to fight the wolves, lions, beasts and ghosts, so he immediately pulled Wei Xiaoping behind him and said in a low voice: "My dear brother, time is running out!" , it seems that they are not willing to give way, the only way is to fight them! Leave the matter of fighting them to us, you take the two ghost dogs and get out of Heihe as soon as possible while we are fighting !"

Wei Xiaoping said: "Brother Xian, it can't be done! This wolf, lion, and beast king is so tall and ferocious, and he can even talk about people and ghosts. It seems that its magic power is unfathomable. I can't let you fight it alone. In case you have something I will feel guilty for the rest of my life!"

The Ghost King Gaoyang said: "Don't worry, dear brother, it fought me many times decades ago, and I defeated them all! Although we haven't fought each other for decades, maybe the past few decades Its mana has also increased a lot, but I have practiced it frequently in the past few decades, its mana has increased, and mine has also increased, so you can rest assured!"

At this moment, Wang Jiming was rushing here with more than 500 elite prison ghosts.

"Wolf Lion Beast King, my good brother is right. Your subordinate who was killed was because it and other companions wanted to eat my good brother, so my good brother killed it. It is only natural, so My virtuous brother did nothing wrong, so please make way for my virtuous brother. After you make way for my virtuous brother and he returns to Yangjian, I thank you. From now on, we will manage our respective areas and live in peace! If not, we We can only meet each other in battle, and once again, we will be ranked!" Gaoyang Ghost King said.

"Score high and low again? Hahahahahaha! Gao Yang, do you think I'm still the same as I was decades ago? If that's the case, then show off your weapons!" After the wolf, lion and beast king finished speaking, he opened his mouth and roared several times. Then facing the ghost king Gaoyang with its huge mouth opened, it suddenly sprayed out a column of white mist, which shot directly at the ghost king Gaoyang.

The fifty or sixty wolf and lion beasts in front of the wolf and lion beast king, like fifty or sixty strong adult cows, let out a huge roar at the same time, and rushed across the surface of the Heihe River, and the surface of the Heihe River suddenly splashed pieces of gray water.

In an instant, fifty or sixty wolves, lions, beasts and ghosts surrounded Gaoyang Ghost King, Wei Xiaoping.

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