Wild Romance

Chapter 125 Xuanzhe and Master Shangheng

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The lofty Taihua mountain peaks, with lush forests, singing birds and fragrant flowers, flying beasts, auspicious cranes flying, and clouds and mists, are a fairyland scene.

In the middle of Mount Taihua, in front of a cave with dozens of pine trees that are tens of feet high, Master Xuanzhe is descending slowly with his Executioner Sword.

There were two Taoist boys standing in front of the entrance of the cave. Seeing Master Xuanzhe descending with his sword, the Taoist boys immediately stepped forward and clapped their hands together, saying:

"Brother Xuanzhe, you are here! Long time no see! Let me go in and report to Master, please wait a moment!"

Immediately Master Xuan Zhe replied: "The two juniors have just arrived? Why don't I recognize you two, but you two recognize me?"

The two Taoist boys immediately replied: "We have been here for more than three years. Brother, you haven't come back for many years, so you don't know us. The reason why we know you is that the master asked us to stay in his Xuanyuan." Yuebao Jianjing has seen you and the other senior brothers. Wait a moment, senior brother, let me go in and report, and I will be here in a while."

After Daotong finished speaking, just as he was about to turn around, a vigorous voice came from the cave and said, "Xuan Song, Xuan Bai, let Xuan Zhe come in directly. The teacher already knew that he would come back today, so I am waiting here." !"

After Xuansong and Xuanbai heard it, they immediately retreated to the two sides, bent over and invited Master Xuanzhe to enter.

Master Xuanzhe returned the salute and immediately walked into the cave.

The entrance of the cave is as big as a small room, and it is 30 meters in, but the inside suddenly opens up, as wide as [-] or [-] houses.There is an irregular lake on the ground in the middle of the cave, which is the size of eighty or ninety houses; the top of the cave is a huge hole, and a curtain of waterfalls tens of meters wide hangs from the top of the hole, which is a large piece in the middle of the lake. On the rugged boulder, bursts of water mist splashed.Lotuses are planted everywhere in the lake, and many evergreen trees such as willows are planted on the bank. The water in the pool is as clear as the bottom, and hundreds of fish with red bodies and long beards often play under the lotus in the water. Dozens of slender-necked and long-legged longevity cranes fly in and out from the opening at the top of the cave for a long time, sometimes stopping in the water to look for food carefully, or stopping on a stone in the water, flapping their wings and making long calls; On the left and right banks of the lake, Taoist boys are doing alchemy, or other juniors are sitting on stones, doing swallowing, and practicing some kind of kung fu.

The whole cave is surrounded by a thin scented mist from water mist and alchemy, presenting a charming fairyland scene.

Master Xuanzhe made a detour and walked forward, while nodding to the Taoist boy or other senior brothers by the bank of the pool as a greeting.

After a while, Master Xuanzhe came to a place about [-] meters away from the lake, and saw Master Shangheng sitting on a stone chair about ten feet high.

"Disciple shows up to master!" Master Xuanzhe knelt down to Master Shangheng above and said.

Shangheng said with a smile on his face, "Xuanzhe, get up and sit down!"

When Master Xuanzhe was done, Master Shangheng said, "Xuanzhe, you look a bit quiet, do you have something serious on your mind?"

Master Xuanzhe said: "Master has sharp eyes! Thank you, Master, for your concern! I am very sorry for not being able to visit Master very soon!"

Master Shangheng said: "Xuanzhe disciples don't need to apologize. You and I have been mentoring for thousands of years. Can you not understand you as a person and as a teacher? As long as you are busy for the well-being of the people in the wild continent, even if you don't come here for the rest of your life." Seeing you as a teacher, I really feel at ease as a teacher! What is it like? What is wrong with the national conditions of Qingfeng country?"

Master Xuan Zhe said: "This disciple's coming this time is not for Qingfeng country's affairs! Master, do you still remember the disappearance of disciple grandson Wei Xiaofan ten years ago?"

Master Shangheng heard this, his eyes revealed a surprised expression, and he said, "Wei Xiaofan? I seem to have a little impression as a teacher. Are you referring to the pair of twin brothers Wei Xiaoping and Wei Xiaofan?"

Master Xuanzhe replied: "Master is right, it is these twin brothers, that is, among all my apprentices, the most special pair of apprentices!"

"Yeah! I remember! I remember this pair of twins and grandchildren. In addition to their similar appearance, they also received artifacts from some gods!" Beard, it seems to be authentic with memories. "When my grandson Wei Xiaofan suddenly disappeared ten years ago, I felt very sad as a teacher. I have often thought about it in the past ten years. As a teacher with one of the highest qualifications in cultivating immortals and Taoism in the wild land, my disciple and grandson were taken away by others." , I can’t get it back after so many years, what’s more, I don’t know who took it away, I feel very ashamed as a teacher, ashamed of my disciples, ashamed of you, and feel inferior in front of Taoists of the same generation!” Shangheng Zhenyu said with a sad tone.

Seeing what the master said, Master Xuanzhe quickly knelt down and said: "No, master, the disappearance of disciple Sun Xiaofan has nothing to do with you, it is the disciple's fault! Disciple is unfilial, let the master worry about it!"

Master Shangheng asked Xuanzhe to stand up and sit down, and continued: "You haven't mentioned this matter for many years, but you suddenly mentioned it when you came back today, but there is a clue about the disappearance of disciple Sun Xiaofan?"

"Recently Shi Huiguo sent troops to attack Qingfeng Kingdom. The two armies fought under the twin peaks. Wei Xiaoping led the troops to fight. He was injured at noon today and was brought back by his mount Rhubarb. I checked the wound and found that the enemy used a magic weapon directly from behind It pierced through the back until it reached the heart, and then a heart broke through the chest, the injury was very serious!"

When Master Shangheng heard about Xiaoping's injury, his expression was slightly surprised, and he said, "I was pierced through the heart by the enemy's sharp weapon? Xiaoping didn't wear armor to fight? Even if he didn't wear armor, according to Xiaoping's skill, how could he be killed?" The enemy's stabbing is so accurate? Could it be that he sat down and aimed at the enemy before stabbing into the body?"

Master Xuanzhe said: "At first I thought so too. Based on what I know about my apprentice Wei Xiaoping, with his skill and wisdom, even if he can't defeat the enemy, it is impossible that he doesn't know how to protect himself! Later, Junior Brother Xuanwu and Qilin Since the beast came here, Junior Brother Xuan Wu told me about the injury of the unicorn beast. When I saw the scars on the unicorn beast, it was actually injured by the magic bow behind Xiaofan. The opponent turned out to be his twin brother Wei Xiaofan."

When Master Shangheng heard this, he was surprised and said: "Keep on talking, don't stop!" Master Shangheng urged Xuanzhe urgently.

Therefore, Master Xuanzhe recounted in detail how he rushed to the foot of Twin Peaks to fight Wei Xiaofan.

Master Shangheng got off the stone chair, walked back and forth on the ground thoughtfully, and said as he walked: "From what you said, the person who fought Wei Xiaoping was undoubtedly his disciple and grandson Wei Xiaofan! It is because the enemy is his younger brother." , Xiaoping misses his younger brother very much, and his younger brother is an enemy general. Xiaoping was very sad to see his younger brother leading troops to attack the country that raised him! Xiaoping wanted his younger brother to leave the enemy country as soon as possible and come back to him Xiaofan attacked him three times and did not fight back, this is the reason why Wei Xiaoping was stabbed in the heart by Wei Xiaofan's well-aimed target. Alas! This child Xiaoping is really too kind and too righteous!"

Master Xuanzhe also stood up and said: "Yes, Xiaoping and Xiaofan are twin brothers. They have the ability to sense each other since they were young. He will definitely be able to sense that Xiaofan's mind has been controlled by someone using the soul-stirring technique. , the current Xiaofan is no longer the Xiaofan who was full of kindness and righteousness in his heart more than ten years ago. Xiaoping knows that if Xiaofan attacks him three times without fighting back or dodging, Xiaofan has been controlled by the soul-destroyer Xinzhi, Xiaofan would use his trump card to injure himself at any time because of the guidance of the dementor, but Xiaoping would gamble his own life in order to let his younger brother leave Shi Huiguo! How stupid!"

Master Shangheng nodded, and said, "Yes, Xiaoping, this kid, is really too righteous, but as a general, it's too careless to do so."

Master Xuanzhe heard what the master said about Xiaoping's two different meanings, the general meaning and the righteousness, and immediately understood what the master meant.

Xuanzhe said: "Master, what you said is true! Xiaoping's actions, from the perspective of the overall situation, feel a bit selfish. This time the two armies are fighting, if he is defeated by the enemy because he was seriously injured, the loss will be huge. I don't know how I will be punished!"

Shangheng real person said: "Now in the barracks, does anyone know why Xiaoping was seriously injured this time? Does anyone know that the enemy general Wei Xiaofan is Xiaoping's twin brother?"

"As far as I know, Huang Xianlin now knows that the other three generals saw that Yang Shengtian, that is, Wei Xiaofan, looks similar to Wei Xiaoping, but they didn't know that they were twin brothers." Xuan Zhe said.

Shangheng Zhenren said: "This is the best way, if other people know about it and spread it to the palace, it will surely arouse people's suspicion and gossip!"

"Well, so I asked Junior Brother Xuanwu to remind his apprentice Huang Xianlin, and told Huang Xianlin to keep this secret." Daoist Xuanzhe said.

"As far as I know, five or six hundred years ago, it was rumored that this magic technique of dementing souls was condemned by everyone because it was too vicious and too cruel in the process of cultivation. It has been lost for hundreds of years, what suddenly appeared today? And it also appeared on the battlefield! It proves that this soul-hunting technique has been practiced long ago, but we don't know it!" Shangheng said.

"Master, this is the reason why I came back today. I remember that you once told us about the soul-absorbing technique. Which gang created the soul-absorbing technique first? It was said that this kind of insidious magic was condemned and lost. It is probably fake, otherwise, why did it appear again today?"

"You want to find out the details of the gang that created the soul-absorbing technique in the first place, and then start from them to find out who is holding Xiaofan hostage?" Shang Heng asked.

Master Xuanzhe said: "Now apart from knowing that Xiaofan is doing things in Shi Huiguo, I don't know any other clues. What's more, the soul-destroyer who kidnapped Xiaofan knows that we know Xiaofan is doing things in Shihuiguo. We went to Shi Huiguo to look for Wei Xiaofan, he might not send Wei Xiaofan back to Shi Huiguo again!"

Master Shang Heng said: "Well, what you said is not unreasonable! When you fought against him, didn't you see his figure and appearance?"

Master Xuanzhe said: "I have never fought against this soul-destroyer. Today when I was fighting Wei Xiaofan, that soul-destroyer was playing tricks in his body, trying to control Xiaofan's will, but Xiaofan couldn't stand it and kept attacking the dementor. The soulman cursed. I knew that the soulman was hurting Xiaofan, so he stunned Xiaofan immediately and sat him on the ground. Then, I poured my internal energy into Xiaofan's body from behind Xiaofan, and used my own internal force to fight against Xiaofan. Fan chased the soul-destroyer from his body, unexpectedly, the soul-destroyer suddenly appeared in the form of an invisible body, attacked me with a palm, and then picked up Xiaofan and flew away quickly. The soul-destroyer hugged Xiaofan and flew away. The speed of walking was far beyond my expectation. In the blink of an eye, he flew away without a trace. There was only a sentence in the air, "Xuanzhe old man, I can't think of seeing you for hundreds of years. Your spells are so high." That’s enough! Congratulations! Your beloved apprentice Wei Xiaofan, please forgive me for temporarily borrowing it, and when I become famous, Dingyuan will return it!’ words.”

Shangheng real person said: "Why did this soul-destroying man drop this sentence for you? Did you know each other before? Have you fought against each other?"

Master Xuanzhe said: "This is also one of my most puzzling questions. It stands to reason that the soul-destroyer said this to me, which proves that he must have known me before, and even fought with me, but I can't remember it. I don't have any impression of the voice!"

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