Wild Romance

Chapter 124 Under Zhang Xiaoyan's Love

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Da Huang stared at Zhang Xiaoyan questioningly, as if asking: What exactly did Xiao Ping and Xiao Fan say to you, tell me quickly!

When Zhang Xiaoyan saw Da Huang looking at her suspiciously, she lightly patted the bridge of Da Huang's nose and said, "Why are you looking at me like that? Do you know? Brother Xiaoping and Brother Xiaofan were both surprised at the same time The tone said to me: We feel the same about you as you feel about us, but I can’t remember where we met, it’s really strange! When I came back later, when I told the matter to the master, the master also felt very strange, the master Said, maybe the acquaintance between you and Wei Xiaoping Wei Xiaofan is destined to meet each other. Later, when my master and I went to Master Xuanzhe again, brother Xiaoping and Xiaofan also told me, and their master also said that they The acquaintance between the two brothers and me may also be a kind of fate that was predestined long ago. Seeing that the master and the uncle said the same things, brother Xiaoping and brother Xiaofan and I both thought that the three of us knew each other. It is a kind of fate arrangement. From then on, the three of us care for and love each other like brothers and sisters. We all share and eat with each other if we have any fun or delicious food. We help each other when we have difficulties. It's almost like a kiss Brother and sister are still close! In my impression, Brother Xiaoping treats me and Brother Xiaoping the best. If there is something delicious and good, he will take the initiative to give me and Brother Xiaofan the best food, and take the initiative to treat the most difficult thing. I leave the things for myself to bear, and arrange for us to do the light and easy things. Even sometimes, Brother Xiaoping's concern for me is more inclined to me, because among the three of us, I am a woman. My child, and I am younger than their brothers, so brother Xiaoping and brother Xiaofan treat me very well and treat me like their own sister!"

When Zhang Xiaoyan said this, a sweet smile appeared on her face unconsciously, as if she had eaten honey, after she smiled, she looked at Xiaoping's face lying on the bed.

After a while, Zhang Xiaoyan started talking to herself and said: "

After looking at Xiaoping's face for a while, Zhang Xiaoyan's originally sweetly smiling face suddenly became serious and surprised.

I saw her put her face close to Xiaoping's face about a foot away, stared at Xiaoping with wide eyes, and shouted softly:

"Rhubarb—Rhubarb, come and have a look." Zhang Xiaoyan shouted softly as if she couldn't help herself.

Seeing Zhang Xiaoyan looking at Xiaoping's face excitedly, Rhubarb yelled at it excitedly, wondering if something was wrong with Xiaoping, so he immediately came over to look at Xiaoping.

I saw Wei Xiaoping's handsome and peaceful face, his eyes were tightly closed, and two crystal tear curtains were slowly dripping from the corners of his eyes.

"Rhubarb, brother Xiaoping, do you hear us talking now? Are you about to wake up?" Zhang Xiaoyan said with a trembling voice.

Rhubarb watched Wei Xiaoping carefully for a while, and saw that Wei Xiaoping's face was much rosier than when Master Xuanzhe was there, so he opened his mouth and sucked Wei Xiaoping's hand again.

Rhubarb closed his eyes and silently called Wei Xiaoping's pulse. He felt that Wei Xiaoping's pulse was beating much faster than when he just came back. Every time Wei Xiaoping's pulse beat up and down, Rhubarb's lips felt a jumping feeling.

"Master's pulse phenomenon, why does it feel a little familiar?" Rhubarb closed his eyes and thought.

"Dahuang, what's Xiaoping's pulse?" Seeing Dahuang quietly holding Xiaoping's hand, Zhang Xiaoyan asked.

Da Huang put Xiaoping's hand on Zhang Xiaoyan's.

Zhang Xiaoyan understood and gave Wei Xiaoping the pulse immediately.

After a while, Zhang Xiaoyan said: "Dahuang, brother Xiaoping's pulse is beating very fast, is there any danger?"

Da Huang immediately put Zhang Xiaoyan's hand in his mouth, lay down on the ground, and put Zhang Xiaoyan's hand on his right front foot.

Zhang Xiaoyan understood, and immediately put her hand on the pulse of Dahuang's right front foot.

After a while, I felt that Rhubarb's beating pulse seemed to be the same as Wei Xiaoping's. Zhang Xiaoyan felt very strange, and asked: "Ruhahuang, what do you mean, brother Xiaoping's pulse beats several times, also the same as yours?"

Da Huang nodded in a low voice.

"You are so big, and Xiaoping's brother is not so much younger than you, but his pulse beats as hard as yours. Can he bear it? Did he cry just now because he felt uncomfortable?" Zhang Xiaoyan was worried. He looked at Rhubarb with reproachful eyes.

Rhubarb groaned and shook his head.

Zhang Xiaoyan asked: "Duhuang, you mean Brother Xiaoping will be fine, right?"

Rhubarb nodded again.

Seeing that Da Huang nodded to indicate that Xiaoping's gigantic pulse had no dangerous effect on his body, Zhang Xiaoyan's hanging heart let go.

Although Da Huang nodded and believed that the pulse of the giant movement was not dangerous to Xiaoping's body, Zhang Xiaoyan was still worried, and put her hand on Xiaoping's pulse again, and continued to watch the change of Xiaoping's face while continuing to feel the pulse.

When Zhang Xiaoyan felt that Wei Xiaoping's throbbing pulse was not dangerous to him for the time being, she put her hands away, thinking to herself, since Brother Xiaoping has such a throbbing pulse and there is no threat to his body, will it be of any help to his body?Otherwise, it is impossible for this giant pulse to appear for no reason, right?

"Rhubarb, since there is such a huge pulse in Brother Xiaoping's body, it does not pose a threat to the body, so it will help Brother Xiaoping's body to some extent, right? It can't happen for no reason, right?"

Da Huang raised his head and looked sideways at Zhang Xiaoyan, then shook his head slowly.

"What do you mean? Are you not sure?"

Rhubarb nodded slowly.

Seeing that rhubarb was not sure whether the giant pulse would help brother Xiaoping's body, Zhang Xiaoyan felt a little depressed again, thinking that brother Xiaoping's giant pulse beating must have been given to him by two uncles and rhubarb It must be caused by the qi of true vitality. It is precisely because Dahuang and the two masters infused him with the qi of true vitality that brother Xiaoping was able to heal his wounds quickly and recover his vitality as soon as possible under such a serious injury. The source of life force, the more a person's true energy, the stronger his vitality, the more helpful it is to fight against physical diseases and heal after injury. The more true energy is lost, so, as Da Huang and his masters said, when Brother Xiaoping first came back, he lost too much blood and lost too much true energy, so he fell into a coma and his life was dying. The real person sewed up his wounds and lost his true energy to brother Xiaoping before saving his life.Later, after Master Xuanwu and Rhubarb injected him with a lot of true energy, after the true energy in Brother Xiaoping's body recovered, his complexion slowly returned to rosy. Therefore, brother Xiaoping's body recovered so quickly, both The uncle and rhubarb gave him the result of infuriating.And his pulse is beating so fast now, just like the pulse of rhubarb. It is likely that the real energy of rhubarb has passed the real power of rhubarb to brother Xiaoping, so brother Xiaoping's current body has such a strong pulse!Rhubarb is Qiongqi, one of the four fierce beasts in ancient legends. As one of the four fierce beasts, Qiongqi has enormous physical strength. If the vitality of rhubarb can really be transformed into physical strength in Xiaoping's body, wouldn't it be a pity for Xiaoping? Is the recovery of the body a huge help?In that way, after Brother Xiaoping recovers, isn't the strength in his body far superior to that of us and Rhubarb?

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoyan looked at Wei Xiaoping's face, and put her hand on Xiaoping's pulse.

Xiaoping's pulse was still the same as before when Zhang Xiaoyan called out, thinking about what he had just analyzed in his heart, he couldn't help being secretly happy for Wei Xiaoping.

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