Wild Romance

Chapter 126 The Sky Curse Demon Clan and Tianhuang Island

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Shangheng real person said: "The hundreds of years ago that the soul-destroyer said, how many years? Is it 500 years ago? 700 years ago or 900 years ago? I remember, when you were 20 years old, you started to follow I went up to the mountain to practice martial arts, and only after I had a certain foundation, I followed to practice fairy magic and illusion. Because it takes a long time to practice fairy magic and illusion, you have been practicing with me on the mountain for more than 900 years, and you have never gone down the mountain until May 60. Years ago, you went down the mountain to find people alone because you wanted to gather people to build the Qingfeng Kingdom. Could it be that in the past five or 60 years, when you went down the mountain to recruit people, you fought against this soul-destroyer? That's not right, this one The soul practitioners are talking about hundreds of years ago, not decades ago!"

Master Xuanzhe pondered for a while, and said: "Master, what you said is indeed true. Since the apprentice went up to the mountain to practice with the master at the age of 20, he has never been down the mountain. It was not until five or sixty years ago that we were given these things to recruit people. The land went down the mountain alone to find someone. Moreover, in the past few decades, it is true that he has never fought against water. How did he get to know and fight with this soul-destroyer?!"

Master Shangheng thought for a while, and said: "Maybe this soul master has never fought against you, maybe he saw you practicing hundreds of years ago, so he knows your skills hundreds of years ago! So, when you were on the battlefield today, he recognized you, but you didn't recognize him."

"Master, your analysis is correct. This soul-destroyer is very likely to have watched me practice hundreds of years ago, so he knows my skills for hundreds of years. It is because he was a peek and I didn't notice it, so he can recognize it. Me, but I don’t recognize him! Master, if this is the case, it proves that this soul-stirring technique still existed in time hundreds of years ago, and this soul-stirring person started or has practiced it hundreds of years ago This weird spell has succeeded! And the legend in the world that this soul-hunting technique has been lost is just a false legend!"

"Hmm! If that's the case, this soul-hunter has already started to practice hundreds of years ago, or has successfully practiced such a weird technique, and the world has not been discovered for hundreds of years, which proves how cunning this person is. It proves that he hides unfathomably! Such a person is the most difficult to deal with!" Shang Heng said.

"Master, do you know which gang created this soul-hunting technique? Does this gang still exist today?" Xuan Zhe asked.

"Well, if you want to know who this soul-stirring person is, you have to start with the sect that created this soul-stirring technique. As far as I remember, there was a legend about six or seven hundred years ago, because of practicing this soul-stirring technique. When cultivating soul-stirring techniques, the blood of people or beasts with various personalities is needed to practice. During the practice, the collected blood of people or beasts is put into the alchemy furnace, and then the three-flavored real fire is blown into the furnace. In the alchemy furnace, after boiling the blood in the alchemy furnace, inject some drugs such as ecstasy, mix with the boiling blood, continue to cook, and then export the essence of the boiled blood and ecstasy medicine Put it into another bottle, and then put it into a special ice pool to freeze it into a pill shape. At this time, the alchemy is successful, and the cultivator will eat it in his stomach, and after it is digested and dissolved in his blood, he will use his true energy to transport it The left brain, seal it up. When touching a person or beast that you want to control in the future, the practitioner will transfer the essence of the blood and soul of the left brain from the left brain to the mouth, and blow the air to the controlled person. After inhaling the blood essence, the essence will search for the blood energy that suits the character in the inhaler's brain, and then the controller will inject the controller's consciousness elements into the character of the controlled person, so that the controller will The consciousness of the controlled can be controlled.

Because this kind of soul-stirring technique requires the blood of people of various personalities or the blood of various beasts to practice, it is too cruel, and practitioners are generally driven by personal desires, and they do not do anything. It is a matter of human nature, so few people practice this kind of soul-absorbing technique. In addition, if people who practice this kind of soul-absorbing technique do not grasp it well, they are easy to go crazy, and those who go crazy, they are not themselves. The complex blood essence is absorbed in the body, and the essence in the body is messed up. Therefore, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, after practicing this kind of soul-absorbing, it is impossible to have children. Therefore, very few people practice this kind of soul-absorbing. surgery.

It is said that the person who created this kind of sorcery was created by a demon sect called the Heavenly Curse Sect. According to legend, the base of the Heavenly Curse Sect was established in a place called Tianhuang Island, seven or eight thousand miles away from the inland of the wild continent. place.The name of Tianhuang Island sounds like an extremely desolate and barren place, but it is not. I heard that this island is not only not desolate, but also has abundant rainfall and warm seasons. There are many exotic flowers, plants and trees on the island that are not found in other places Moreover, the flowers, plants and trees there are extremely luxuriant, ferocious giant beasts often come and go in and out, and the environment is extremely dangerous.The founder of the Heavenly Curse Sect and the Demon Sect was founded by a Taoist named Yang Qitian. This Yang Qitian has a weird personality, is ferocious and cruel, and likes to study various martial arts, spells and poisons that are specially used to kill people. The reason why he chose Tianhuang Island as the building One of the reasons for the faction base is that Tianhuang Island has exotic flowers and trees, and there are more ferocious beasts living in groups.These exotic flowers and trees are suitable for refining poisons, anesthetics and other poisonous drugs; and there are many beasts here, and they are extremely large and ferocious. After making some kind of drug and poison, Yang Qitian went to the forest to catch some The giant beasts come, and inject various freshly extracted venoms such as narcotics, drugs, and poisons into the giant beasts to see if these narcotics, drugs, and poisons can stun and kill these giant beasts, and study the effects of these poisons on the stun How long does it take to confuse and kill these giant beasts? Furthermore, the reason why they chose this deserted island as the base for their faction was that they had just established their faction at that time, and there were not many members in the faction. On the one hand, the foundation is weak. In order to prevent other orthodox gangs from finding out that they have developed poisonous magic and come to make trouble, Tianhuang Island is far away from the inland of the Wildland Continent, and it is uninhabited. It is very suitable for them to establish a faction, so this Yang Qitian Choose Tianhuang Island as their base.

When Yang Qitian first created the Heavenly Curse Demon Clan on Tianhuang Island, he did it secretly. In addition, Tianhuang Island is far away from the inland, and there are dense vegetation and many strange beasts. So, although the Sky Curse Demon Clan has established a sect on Tianhuang Island for hundreds of years, except for their internal employees, no one outside knows about it.Until later, for a long time, in a place called Linghuang County in the inland barbarians, some adult men and women continued to suffer from a rare disease with unknown name for no reason.The biggest characteristic of people suffering from this disease is that they often cannot control their emotions, often laugh out loud, sometimes get angry, and when they laugh out loud, they will climb up to a high place and then jump down. Falling to death is serious injury; when angry, he likes to swear and beat others, sometimes holding a murderous tool, chasing people indiscriminately, or inflicting guilt on himself, beating himself with his own hands, or hitting himself with a murderous tool Slashing and stabbing; these adult men and women who are armed with knives who both hurt others and treat themselves badly, seem to have reached the peak of madness when they are ill. , Sometimes there is no murderous tool in hand, when seeing a passer-by, he opens his mouth and chases wildly. After catching up, he opens his mouth and bites the neck or face of the person or animal he catches.What's more, in addition to people suffering from this disease, some huge beasts in the deep mountains and old forests near Linghuang County also suffer from the same disease as those adult men, and when they come to the county, they are also like those patients. Same, chase people when you see them, and bite when you catch them.

Because I don't know the name of this disease, nor do I know its cause, there is no medicine to treat this disease, and the disease is developing and spreading day by day, making people in Linghuang County feel terrified and trembling all day long, and dare not put on the market during the day, I dare not go to work in the fields, and even though the house is strictly closed at night, I still cannot sleep at night.At that time, the ruler of the Barbarian Kingdom was the sixth king Zhao Songren. Like the previous rulers, Zhao Songren also governed the country according to the national policy set by the first ruler Zhao Renyi. During his tenure as the ruler, he was also the same as the previous six , Guotai Minan.When he received a report from the officials below that there was a strange illness in Linghuang County, he immediately sent a Chinese doctor to check the epidemic.I don't want the Chinese doctor to go to Linghuang County to investigate this strange condition, and I don't know anything about it.Seeing that even the national doctors were helpless against this disease, the leader of the country, Zhao Songren, felt the seriousness of the epidemic, and immediately posted a list of kings, saying that if anyone could cure the epidemic in Linghuang County, he would be hired as the director of the barbarian country's national medicine.Not long after the list was posted, a doctor named Yang Jiutian took over the list.After Yang Jiutian took over the list, he cured all the patients in Linghuang County in less than ten days.Seeing this, the lord of the country, Zhao Songren, was overjoyed by Wang Yan, and he really fulfilled the promise of Wang Bang, appointing Yang Jiutian as the director of national medicine.After Yang Jiutian entered the barbarian king's palace as the director of national medicine, several such epidemics occurred in the following period of time, and this epidemic even infected dozens of soldiers in the barracks, but they were all cured by Yang Jiutian in the end. From then on, Zhao Songren, the king of the barbarian country, regarded Yang Jiutian as a general, so he issued an edict, allowing Yang Jiutian's descendants to inherit his official position as a national doctor in the barbarian country, and all adult members of his family can live in the barbarian country. There are small official positions in the country.Since then, this kind of epidemic has never happened again. "

Hearing this, Xuanzhe thought for a while and said, "Master, after talking so much, it seems that this kind of epidemic has nothing to do with soul-hunting!"

"You're right! I haven't finished talking about the main points. This kind of epidemic is cured, but what method and medicine did Yang Jiutian use to treat it? No one except the Chinese medicine doctor who went with him Knowing that Yang Jiutian can cure this strange disease, some colleagues are also very curious, so they do everything possible to find out what method Yang Jiutian used to cure this strange and strange disease. Later, a doctor with acquaintances did it in the palace. Medical officer, this doctor learned from that acquaintance that when this Yang Jiutian treated the patients with the epidemic, he did not use medicine or needles, and only used mantras to cure those patients, including treating those patients with the same disease. Just like the wild beasts, just chanting spells on those sick giant beasts, and those wild beasts will automatically return to their normal state."

Xuanzhe thought for a while after listening to Master Shangheng, and said, "Master, what you mean is that those patients in Linghuang County at that time were not suffering from rare diseases, but were people from the cursed demon clan. Inspirited, including those wild beasts? This Yang Jiutian gave them the treatment method, did they use the spell of the Heavenly Curse Demon Clan to untie the inspirited technique for these patients, so that these patients healed?"

Master Shangheng continued: "After the news of Yang Jiutian curing these patients with spells spread, it caused quite a stir in the medical and monastic circles of the barbaric mainland, because generally people who are sick are treated with medicines. Ordinary medicinal liquids or elixirs are used for treatment, or the patient is injected with vitality and internal energy to help the patient increase the resistance to the disease, and Yang Jiutian uses the method of chanting mantras to cure the disease of those patients in Linghuang County. This is the first time. Everyone is curious about Yang Jiutian, and feels that there is a special sense of mystery about Yang Jiutian, which stimulates everyone's desire to know about Yang Jiutian. Therefore, some medical and monastic circles on the wild continent sent out Some spies followed Yang Jiutian to find out."

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