Wild Romance

Chapter 116 The Handsome Female General Appears

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Rhubarb waited for Master Xuanwu to do a good job, opened his mouth to enclose the right hand of Master Xuanwu, and then slowly poured the true energy in his body from his mouth to the right palm of Master Xuanwu.

According to Rhubarb's physical strength, he could have quickly lost his zhenqi to the real person Xuanwu, but in order to prevent the zhenqi in the real person Xuanwu from conflicting with his own, he had to input it slowly at first, so that if there was any mutual Contradictions can also be accepted as soon as possible.

Master Xuanwu tried his best to hold the zhenqi injected by Rhubarb, and then slowly moved back, while observing the feeling of the zhenqi from Rhubarb reaching his body parts.

When the rhubarb's zhenqi reached the right half of his body, Xuan Wu felt that not only did his body have no side effects, but the right half of his body was surging with heat, and the strength of his right arm instantly increased.

Master Xuanwu thought to himself, the true energy in this rhubarb is really powerful, not only did it not conflict with the human true energy, but also brought effects to people instantly after being injected into the human body; just now I put one tenth of my true energy After Yuan lost to Xiaoping, I could recover to my original state after resting for an hour or two. I didn't expect Dahuang to restore my vitality just by doing this!

Master Xuanwu removed his hand from Rhubarb's mouth, and said, "Rhubarb, you don't need to try, you can just lose to Xiaoping. Not only does your zhenqi not conflict with mine, but the effect is very fast! I knew you Zhenqi will not conflict with us, on your way back, it would be much better if you lose to Xiaoping first!"

Hearing what Master Xuanwu said, Rhubarb immediately walked to Xiaoping's bedside, knelt down on all fours, put his mouth around Xiaoping's right hand, and his lips tightly clamped Xiaoping's hand, and then moved his whole body to make his neck direct the true vitality in his body to Xiaoping. lose.

After a while, a red line as thick as a finger crawled out from Da Huang's lips, crawling forward along Xiaoping's arm like a snake, until it reached Xiaoping's shoulders, and then grew spontaneously from the end of the red line. Dozens of branch lines were drawn out, respectively crawling towards the neck, chest, head, and other parts of the body. After a while, these branch lines covered Wei Xiaoping's whole body like a net.

Standing on the side, Xuanwu Daoist, seeing this scene, was stunned by Dahuang's way of infusing true energy. He has followed his master Shangheng Zhenren for nearly a thousand years to practice immortality and Dao. Output, that is, just feel a warm current coming in and out, which is invisible to the naked eye. Even the real master Shangheng, who is nearly two thousand years old and has a history of cultivating immortals, did the same when injecting true energy into them.And it's the first time I've seen Da Huang lose his true energy so much.

It's so strange!Master Xuan Wu thought to himself.

Master Xuanwu continued to watch Rhubarb instilling energy into Xiaoping, and watched Wei Xiaoping's changes carefully, while recalling what senior brother Xuanzhe told him about Wei Xiaoping's acceptance of Rhubarb.

At that time, from my senior brother, I learned that the monster that Xiaoping took in was Qiongqi, one of the four legendary beasts in ancient times. There are huge differences between the beasts in the world, and it is inconceivable!For example, for a general beast, the better people treat it, the easier it is to get close to others, and even become a human appendage.On the contrary, these four magical beasts specialize in things like conquering good and encouraging evil. For example, when they see other animals fighting with each other, they watch from the side, and see which one fights more fiercely, the more they like it. The vicious one even finds food to feed it. If the beasts it feeds want to be grateful to them, they feel uncomfortable and even want to kill the beasts that are kind to them.In short, whether you are a human or a beast, the more you treat these four magical beasts, the more they will dislike you and even kill you.Unless you do the opposite, the more vicious you are to them, the more they like you.

At that time, after listening to the legend about the four mysterious murderers by his senior brother Xuanzhe, Master Xuanwu also felt very strange about the four legendary beasts, and felt even more amazing when facing the monster brought back by Wei Xiaoping: Aren't these four fierce beasts in the legend conquering good and promoting evil?Isn't it true that the more friendly you are to it, the more evil it will be to you?Why Wei Xiaoping is very kind to this Qiongqi, but it is very friendly to Wei Xiaoping?Even came back with Wei Xiaoping?Are the legends unbelievable?Or, is this Qiongqi special and strange?

Later, Master Xuanwu looked up other materials and asked his master Shangheng Zhenren. The records in the materials and what the master said were all the same as the legend.Therefore, the Qiong Qi brought back by Wei Xiaoping felt even more miraculous and mysterious.

In the ten years that followed, not only did Qiongqi never show any disrespect to Xiaoping, but he also obeyed Wei Xiaoping very much!

Now seeing that the master is seriously injured, he even lost his true energy to Wei Xiaoping, and before losing his own vitality to the master, he even thought of testing it on me first, fearing that his true energy would not match the master's body, hurt the master!

Master Xuanwu thought of this, and looked at Rhubarb affectionately, Rhubarb and Wei Xiaoping are really destined!

Master Xuanwu looked at Wei Xiaoping, at this moment, he saw that Wei Xiaoping's blushing face had already been a little blushed under the input of his own qi, but now he became even more blush after adding the zhenqi input from rhubarb. It seems that the vitality of rhubarb is better than mine!Wei Xiaoping looks like a healthy person now, but he hasn't seen him move yet.

After about a moment, Da Huang put down Wei Xiaoping's hand, stood beside him and looked at Wei Xiaoping.

"Rhubarb, it seems that the vitality in your body has a much better healing effect on Wei Xiaoping than mine! Why did you stop and continue to infuse vitality to Xiaoping?" Xuanwu asked.

Rhubarb stretched out his right wing, drew a circle around Wei Xiaoping, and then waved his wings at Master Xuanwu.

"You mean, you can't lose so much of your vitality to Xiaoping all at once?"

Rhubarb nodded!

Seeing this, Master Xuanwu thought, yes, if you input so much all at once, not only may not see the improvement so quickly, but it may have the opposite effect, so let's take it slowly!

So Master Xuan Wu stood beside Da Huang, watching Wei Xiaoping carefully to see if there were any other changes.

At this moment, a girl's voice and two soldiers' voices outside the door sounded loudly,

Master Xuanwu listened carefully, and heard a female voice say in an arrogant and domineering sentence:

"General Wei Xiaoping and I have served as generals in the same dynasty for three to four years. I have also fought with General Wei on the battlefield countless times. I am very familiar with him. Now that he is injured, why can't I go in and see him? ?”

"General Zhang, this is the king's order. General Wei's master Master Xuanzhe has also explained that in order to ensure the safety of General Wei, no matter who comes, except for the court doctor sent by the king and the people who are currently inside, no one will be admitted. ” Said the soldier guarding the door!

"Isn't even my colleague of General Wei not allowed?" The woman called General Zhang said sharply again.

"General Zhang, save you and don't embarrass us! The king blames it, but the little one has only one head!" The gatekeeper pleaded again.

"You two are really unreasonable. I want to go in? What are you like?"

"Save Zhang Jiangjun, don't embarrass us!"

"If that's the case, who's in there now?"

"It's Master Xuan Wu, General Wei's uncle, and General Wei's horse Rhubarb!"

"Can your majesty send a court doctor? Can the court doctor say how is General Wei's injury?"

"Your Majesty sent court doctors, but General Wei's master Master Xuan Zhe only showed them for a while before telling them to leave. As for the condition of the injury, we didn't ask, and we didn't dare to ask."

"What about Master Xuanzhe? Where did he go? Why didn't he treat General Wei inside?"

"Reverend Xuanzhe came for an hour or two and then left. As for why he left, we don't know! This is not something we can ask! When he left, he just told us that except the king and the people inside, no matter who Come on, don't let me in!"

"Reverend Xuanzhe left when he came, and he didn't stay for General Wei's treatment. It seems that General Wei's injury is too serious. Master Xuanzhe went to find an expert to treat General Wei! Since General Wei's injury is so serious , I am his colleague, why can't I go in and see his reasoning? Get out of the way!"

"General Zhang, please don't embarrass us!" The two soldiers outside the door begged in unison.

"Will you let me out? If you don't let me out, don't blame me for being rude!"

"General Zhang, please don't embarrass us anymore!" The tone of the two soldiers outside the door, who were pleading just now, suddenly became tough!

"Hey! The tone has become tough! It seems that you two are really planning not to let me in, are you? —— Draw out your swords! I must go in today!"

So, the female general named General Zhang yelled "Ai" in her delicate voice, and at the same time heard the sound of the two weapons being handed over.

Master Xuan Wu immediately asked Da Huang to watch Wei Xiaoping here, and went out to see what was going on.

Master Xuanwu went outside the door and looked, only to see a woman in her twenties, dressed in a blue dress, with a pretty figure and a handsome face, holding a sword in her hand, and was dancing up and down with two The soldiers fought.

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