Wild Romance

Chapter 115 Xuanwu and the Monster Heal Xiaoping

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In the military camp of Qingfeng Kingdom, the house where Wei Xiaoping lived was erected at a distance of 200 meters from the barracks. Other houses on both sides were the residences of Huang Xianlin, other lieutenant generals and some people who were higher than ordinary soldiers. The materials used in the house are all made of blue bricks and green tiles.

In the room, Daoist Xuanwu and the monster Rhubarb have been guarding Wei Xiaoping's room inseparably.

Ever since Master Xuanzhe and the Qilin God Beast left, Master Xuanwu and Rhubarb have never left Wei Xiaoping for a moment.

Especially Rhubarb, looking at Wei Xiaoping, the owner who has no expression at all, and his chest is tied with a thick wound cloth, lying on the bed, it feels extremely painful and sad, and walks back and forth by the owner's bed from time to time , with a sad look in his eyes, and a low growl from his mouth for a long time, the low growl, the voice is very low, so low that only he can feel it, even the one standing by has a very high cultivation in the immortal way Master Xuanwu didn't seem to notice Rhubarb's growl.

Rhubarb's low growls were mixed with indescribable sadness.

Not long after Master Xuanzhe left, in order to make his nephew Xiaoping recover as soon as possible, Master Xuanwu put his left hand on Wei Xiaoping's right hand, and then operated his dantian to inject part of his true energy into Wei Xiaoping's body, so that , although it is impossible for Wei Xiaoping to wake up so quickly, at least it can make him recover some time earlier.

Rhubarb saw Master Xuanwu put his hand on his master's, and knew that Master Xuanwu wanted to lose some of his true energy to his master. Rhubarb immediately opened his mouth, and then tightly wrapped his lips around the other part of Master Xuanwu. one hand.

Upon seeing this, Master Xuanwu said, "Dahuang, what are you doing? I'm injecting vitality into your master, which can help him get better sooner. I'm not trying to harm him! Take your mouth away!"

Rhubarb moved his mouth away, pointed at his belly, and then pointed at Wei Xiaoping.

Master Xuanwu didn't know what Rhubarb's gesture meant, so he said, "What do you mean? I don't understand, can you make it more clear with gestures?"

Rhubarb put his mouth around Master Xuanwu's right hand again, and when he pulled his belly hard, a stream of heat passed from Rhubarb's mouth to Master Xuanwu's hand.

Immediately, Master Xuanwu felt a stream of warm flow from his fingers to his whole body, and this warm current made him feel very comfortable.

Master Xuanwu pulled his hand away and said, "You mean, you also want to lose your vitality to Xiaoping?"

Rhubarb growled lowly and nodded a dozen times in a row.

Master Xuanwu said: "Well, I forgot! When Xiaoping brought you back, the two of you had a very good relationship and often practiced martial arts and immortality together. In order to improve your internal strength as soon as possible, Wei Xiaoping also used his own true energy You lost your qi to you, and then your cultivation really improved by leaps and bounds. Rhubarb, you met a very good master, you know? You should give him zhen qi, and it is time for you to repay him. He is so seriously injured, you should lose some of your energy to him on the way back. It took a long time to come back here, and it also aggravated his injury!"

Rhubarb shook his head quickly a few times, then nodded again.

Master Xuanwu said, "You shook your head and nodded at the same time. What do you mean?"

Rhubarb put Wei Xiaoping's hand in his mouth, and then made a gasping gesture, and then made a frightened and frightened expression.

Master Xuanwu looked at Rhubarb suspiciously, and said, "You want to give Xiaoping your true energy, but you are afraid that your own true energy will not match Wei Xiaoping's physique, right?"

With a happy expression, Rhubarb licked the hand of Master Xuanwu, and then held the hand of Master Xuanwu, pretending to be confident, and then looked at Master Xuanwu mischievously with suspicion.

Xuan Wuzhe seemed to understand what Rhubarb meant, so he said again: "You mean to infuse your zhenqi on me for an experiment first, and if there is no abnormality in my body, then you will infuse it to Xiaoping, right? "

Rhubarb looked at Master Xuanwu with an apologetic expression on his face, and nodded!

Seeing Rhubarb nodded apologetically and acquiesced, he thought to himself: "This Rhubarb monster is really a filial monster. It's so rare to be so careful and loyal to its master!" When he rescued the unicorn back then, the unicorn beast treated him very well, and he also felt good about the unicorn beast, but after accepting Huang Xianlin as an apprentice, for some reason, the unicorn beast just met Huang Xianlin, so he immediately Like seeing an old friend, he clings to Huang Xianlin and does not let him go, and his lover Huang Xianlin is the same. He loves the unicorn beast like a pet he has kept for many years, and he can't put it down.Seeing that his lover and the unicorn are so sympathetic, Master Xuanwu has the heart to give up the unicorn to Huang Xianlin.

Master Xuan Wu patted Rhubarb on the head, and said, "You are such a careful and filial beast. I am his uncle, and I didn't even think of this! But, woo woo woo! In order to save your master, you actually took me If this elder wants to try it, won't he be afraid that my elder will have an accident?" Daoist Xuan Wu said, pretending to be sad.

Seeing this, Rhubarb lowered his head a little ashamedly, then shook his head a few times, and then licked Xuanwu's hand.

Master Xuanwu laughed and said, "Dahuang, uncle, I was joking, I didn't expect you to take it seriously! After I lose my true energy to Xiaoping first, you can try it on me! Now Try it on me, if I really have a problem, then even I can't lose to Xiaoping!"

As Master Xuanwu said, he swiped up and down with his right hand a few times, put his left hand on Xiaoping's right hand, and injected true energy into Xiaoping's hand.

Rhubarb listened to Master Xuanwu's words, thought for a while, and felt that it made sense. At the same time, he also admired Master Xuanwu's thoughtfulness, "It's as smart as me!" Rhubarb thought proudly, but soon shook his head , "How can I compare myself with Uncle Xuanwu! It's really rude!"

Rhubarb watched from the side as Daoist Xuan Wu gave Qi to Wei Xiaoping.I saw Master Xuanwu staring at Wei Xiaoping with unusually serious eyes, closed his mouth tightly, held it back with force, then put his right index finger and middle finger together, moved forward through the air along his left arm, and moved one to Wei Xiaoping's hand. Palm, Fang took it back.

After a while, I saw a finger-sized halo of light moving quickly along the left arm of Master Xuanwu toward Wei Xiaoping's finger, and made a thin hissing sound.

Rhubarb at the side knew that the sound was the sound of vitality made by Xuanwu Daoist.

Generally, when an ordinary high-level person infuses qi to someone, because the output zhen qi is not pure enough and not strong enough, it is difficult to make a sound because the output zhen qi does not flow fast enough.

Rhubarb saw that Master Xuanwu also injected such pure energy into Wei Xiaoping, who was not his apprentice, and the input was so powerful, he couldn't help admiring Master Xuanwu!Because when one person infuses true energy to another person, the person who loses along with others benefits, but the person who outputs true energy more or less suffers some or even more physical losses.

After about a quarter of an hour, Master Xuanwu stopped.

Rhubarb on the side stretched his head over and looked at Wei Xiaoping, only to see that Wei Xiaoping's face was still pale fifteen minutes ago, but now there is a little blush on his face.

Immortal Xuan Wu also raised his head to look at Wei Xiaoping at this time, and seeing Wei Xiaoping's face changed, he said, "The true vital energy I lost to him really helped him! Rhubarb, hurry up and give me energy!" Give it a try, if it's suitable, you can give your master a boost!"

Rhubarb on the side opened his mouth, and waited for Master Xuanwu to sit down, while thinking, Master Xuanzhe was losing to Xiaoping, why didn't he see any change in Xiaoping's face, and Master Xuanwu just entered, didn't he? Xiaoping's master changed?

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