Wild Romance

Chapter 117 Is she Zhang Xiaoyan from the previous life?

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Master Xuanwu looked carefully, and it turned out that the female general was named Zhang Xiaoyan, and she was the daughter of Zhang Lingpu, the founding general of Qingfeng Kingdom.

Zhang Lingpu's ancestors have always been high-ranking officials in the Barbarian Kingdom, and his ancestor Zhang Hongcai was the right-hand man of Zhao Renyi, the founding king of the Barbarian Kingdom. Zhao Renyi, the founding king of the Barbarian Kingdom, granted Zhang Hongcai the title of Great General Protecting the Country after the founding of the country, and drew up a regulation. It has been hereditary, and in any generation after Zhang Hongcai, there will be a son or grandson who is more talented in martial arts, and he will be appointed as the general of the country, or other high-ranking officials.

Later, after Zhang Tinglai, the father of Zhang Lingpu, was succeeded by Zhao Jingxiang. Because Zhao Jingxiang liked to have fun and didn't care much about government affairs, Zhang Tinglai often offered good advice to some officials who were close to Zhao Jingxiang, which angered Zhao Jinghua. Jing frame didn't like it very much, and a villain around Zhao Jing frame slandered Zhang Tinglai, which made Zhao Jing frame believe the slander, so he demoted Zhang Tinglai to deputy general.After Zhao Jingjia demoted Zhang Tinglai, without Zhang Tinglai's admonition, he felt much cleaner, and then he also demoted the officials who used to be admonishing.What's more, in order to make it more convenient for him to have fun, Zhao Jingframe even entrusted the government affairs to Zhao Jiazhong, a treacherous minister beside him, to take care of them.

This Zhao Jiazhong is a man who loves money as much as his life. Since Zhao Jingframe entrusted him to act as an agent of the government affairs, the people below, no matter what position they are, no matter what they come to do, as long as they give him a certain amount of reward, he will immediately make a proposal. purpose approved.

The officials below, seeing that Zhao Jingjiao is so lazy and lazy, entrusted Zhao Jiazhong to be so scumbag and corrupt. What's more, foreign enemies invaded and encroached on the frontier, causing the people near the border to be in dire straits. Zhao Jingxiang and Zhao Jiazhong didn't care about it. Even if they took care of it, they sent some officers and soldiers to suppress it. They have also been exploited by some officials at the first level, and there are very few left in the barracks.

When the army fights, for the soldiers, it is hard work with their heads up and their heads hard. There is not enough food, and there is no food to eat. How can they have the energy and spirit to fight the enemy?As a result, the troops sent out retreated steadily, and the foreign enemies gradually eroded the frontier land.

In this way, in less than a year, as much as one-third of the land of the barbarian country was divided by other countries or foreign tribes. Seeing this, Zhang Tinglai still remonstrated many times. Jia Zhong's people did not take Zhang Tinglai's words seriously.Zhang Tinglai was even more melancholy, and finally fell into despair and died of depression.

After Zhang Tinglai died, according to the rules of the Barbarian Kingdom, Zhang Lingpu was appointed to take over his father's position.

Zhang Lingpu also felt hopeless towards the barbarian country. At this time, another apprentice of Shangheng Zhenren named Xuankong found Zhang Lingpu and told Zhang Lingpu about Shangheng Zhenren's recruitment intentions. Zhang Lingpu considered Again, I readily agree.At that time, Qingfeng Kingdom had been established for more than ten years, and the foundation of the country was becoming more and more stable. Therefore, Zhang Lingpu slowly transferred his family members to Qingfeng Kingdom. Go directly to Qingfeng country.

Because Zhang Lingpu brought a lot of soldiers to Qingfeng Kingdom, which added a lot of national power to Qingfeng Kingdom, and after he was a famous general in the Barbarian Kingdom, he was skilled in martial arts and had great courage, so Qingfeng Kingdom also gave Zhang Lingpu a comparison. Another higher general position in the Barbarian Kingdom.

Zhang Lingpu has a five-year-old daughter named Zhang Xiaoyan.This girl is clever and smart. She often sees her father Zhang Lingpu practicing martial arts. Influenced by her father, she also likes martial arts. She often learns from Zhang Lingpu when she is practicing martial arts. Within a few years, she already knows it at a young age. Dancing guns and sticks, and with only two feet, he can jump up walls two or three times his height.Zhang Lingpu saw that his daughter was so talented in martial arts, and at that time Zhang Lingpu became friends with Xuankong again, so he asked Xuankong to accept his daughter as his apprentice.

Zhang Xiaoyan went to the mountain with Xuankong for nearly 20 years, during which time Xuankong taught her not only martial arts, but also some illusion spells and some ways of longevity.Maybe it's God's will, in the past 20 years, Zhang Xiaoyan has learned most of the martial arts and fairy arts that Xuan Kong learned from Heng Zhenren in 50 years.

When Zhang Xiaoyan was 23 and four years old, during the war between Qingfeng Kingdom and Barbarian Kingdom, and it was necessary to add soldiers to fight against the war, Zhang Xiaoyan volunteered to ask her father, Zhang Lingpu.Zhang Lingpu wrote to the King of Qingfeng Kingdom, and after a series of assessments of martial arts and wisdom, the king was very happy to see Zhang Xiaoyan so outstanding and intelligent, and immediately named Zhang Xiaoyan as the first female deputy general of the dynasty, under her father's name .

Because the apprentices under the same master Shangheng were learning martial arts, and because they were similar in age, they often invited each other to learn martial arts and fairy arts, and played with each other, so Zhang Xiaoyan, Wei Xiaoping and Wei Xiaofan naturally knew each other. Helping each other online, going through life and death, so the two became close friends.

Therefore, there was Zhang Xiaoyan's "General Wei Xiaoping and I have served as generals in the same dynasty for three to four years. I have also fought with General Wei on the battlefield for countless times. I am very familiar with him. Now that he is injured, why should I?" Can't you go in and see him? ' One said.

Master Xuanwu saw that it was Zhang Xiaoyan, and immediately said to the two gatekeepers:

"Come in for General Zhang. She is an acquaintance of General Xiaoping. She has been practicing martial arts and fairy arts under the same school since she was a child. Naturally, she knows each other!"

The two guards were stunned for a moment when they heard Master Xuan Wu's words, and when they were about to speak, Zhang Xiaoyan punched them both on the shoulder.

Immediately, the two soldiers fell to the sides.

Taking advantage of the two falling down, Zhang Xiaoyan leaped to the side of Master Xuanwu, and ran directly into Xiaoping's room without saying hello.

Because she had never been to Xiaoping's residence before, and Xiaoping had just moved here, there were three or four rooms in the house. Zhang Xiaoyan didn't know which room Xiaoping lived in, so she shouted here and there.That kind of situation is like brothers and sisters who have been separated for many years, suddenly know that the other party is somewhere, but they can't find it when they arrive.

When Da Huang heard Zhang Xiaoyan's shout, he quickly roared in the room.

Zhang Xiaoyan immediately ran towards the room where Da Huang growled.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw that Wei Xiaoping's entire chest was tied with thick gauze, and he saw Xiaoping lying motionless on the bed, as if he was dead.

Zhang Xiaoyan's body froze instantly, she stared at Wei Xiaoping motionlessly, and at the same time, tears flowed down her white cheeks like two rain curtains.

"Dahuang, why did Xiaoping get hurt so badly?" As Zhang Xiaoyan said, she squatted down slowly, and carefully inspected the place Wei Xiaoping was bound with gauze while weeping.

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