Wild Romance

Chapter 114 The Evil Spiritualism

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Master Xuanzhe said: "During the fight between you and Wei Xiaofan, how many times have you found him suddenly talking to himself?"

Huang Xianlin thought for a while, and said: "Only these two times! The first time, when I first fought against him, maybe he was against me when I fought against his lieutenant Wang Chuying last month. His subordinates did not kill them all, and buried their dead soldiers. He may be grateful to me for this. Therefore, at the beginning of the fight, he was not very willing to defeat me as soon as possible. The big change, the eyes turned red more instantly, as if suddenly blood filled the eyes, and shouted loudly, and killed me with doubled power; the second time was when I was fighting with him and chatting about him When he looked exactly like Junior Brother Wei Xiaofan, just when he was a little fascinated by what he heard, his expression suddenly changed, he grabbed the helmet with both hands, his face showed pain, he shook his head and shouted, "Let me listen again, let me listen again Listen to what is going on with my life experience!' Then he suddenly opened his eyes wide again, and ran forward to look down at the place where the two armies were fighting. He might have seen his soldiers surrounded by our army and suffered heavy casualties, so he said again , 'I'll kill right now, don't bother me anymore!' Then, he rode his mount Xiao Hei and flew to the ground. At first I was puzzled by his change, from his nonsense words Analysis and analysis of sudden changes in movement, as if someone was talking to him from a distance and controlling his will!"

Master Xuanzhe heard Huang Xianlin talking about Yang Shengtian shouting, "Let me listen again, let me listen again to what is going on with my life experience!" ', immediately asked:

"Why did Yang Shengtian say that? Did he also start to suspect that he was Wei Xiaofan?"

When Huang Xianlin was about to fight Yang Shengtian, what the two said was roughly repeated.

After listening to Master Xuanzhe, he thought to himself: "From this point of view, could this master of Yang Shengtian be the one who robbed Wei Xiaofan back then? What was his purpose of robbing Wei Xiaofan? And that soul-stirring man, Could it be the same person as Yang Shengtian's master? If it is the same person, why did he do this? From what Yang Shengtian's master said, his so-called parents committed suicide and his father ran away because of his serious illness. He deceived Yang Shengtian!

"Did he tell you what his master's name was?"

"I didn't ask, and I forgot to ask, and he didn't say anything!" Huang Xianlin said.

Master Xuanzhe thought, it seems that if he wants to find out who is the person who robbed Wei Xiaofan back then, he has to go to Shihui Guoan to find out.

And when Wei Xiaoping wakes up, ask him what exactly he said to Wei Xiaofan, and ask him why he was injured so badly?According to the level of martial arts that Wei Xiaoping has learned, there are not many opponents in the Manghuang Continent. What's more, on the basis of cultivating immortals and refining methods, he has also learned sixty-seven out of ten of what I taught, so Based on what he has learned and what I have taught, there are not many people on the wild continent who dare to compete with him, not to mention his wound, which seems to have been stabbed on purpose.

"Oh! Uncle, I also forgot to tell you one thing. It was Yang Shengtian who told me that when he was fighting Wei Xiaoping, he said that Wei Xiaoping deliberately let him make three moves and not fight back!" Huang Xianlin said.

Hearing what Huang Xianlin said, Master Xuanzhe seemed to have a premonition that he knew why Wei Xiaoping had received such a severe trauma!

"Did Yang Shengtian say why Wei Xiaoping deliberately asked him to make three moves first instead of fighting back?"

"Yang Shengtian said that the reason why Junior Brother Xiaoping told him to make three moves and not fight back is because of me!"

"For you? Why?"

"It's because we killed so many of his soldiers when we fought with their soldiers last month, so we asked Junior Brother Xiaoping to accept his three moves on our behalf!" Huang Xianlin said.

"Xiaoping is not a fool, why did he ask Yang Shengtian to do three tricks? Unless Wei Xiaoping wants Yang Shengtian to agree to something?" Xuan Zhe said

"Uncle Master is right! Could it be that Junior Brother Xiaoping also asked Yang Shengtian to promise himself something?"

"Why did Wei Xiaoping and Yang Shengtian go to the top of Twin Peaks? Why didn't you follow them?"

"Junior Brother Xiaoping won't let me go, saying that he and Yang Shengtian have something to discuss. If he said that, I wouldn't dare to go up without authorization. Besides, the soldiers also need my command!"

"It seems that Wei Xiaoping was seriously injured because he deliberately let Yang Shengtian do three moves. But, even if he didn't fight back, he could still use the Nine Heavens God's Gang to protect himself! Could it be that the so-called not fighting back even used the Nine Heavens God's Gang to protect himself?" You can't do it yourself?" Master Xuanzhe thought to himself.

Master Xuanzhe couldn't figure out why Wei Xiaoping pierced his body so easily for Yang Shengtian.

It seems that we can only find out after he wakes up and ask him!

"Nephew Xianlin, I'll go back to see if your junior brother's injury has flared up, and come back slowly!" Master Xuanzhe said, stepping on the evil sword, flew into the air, and flew forward.

Seeing Master Xuanzhe talking, he had already flown far away, Huang Xianlin originally wanted to ask Wei Xiaoping if he was in the military camp or the Taoist temple, but seeing Xuanzhe had already flown far away, he had to forget it and wait until he returned. After arriving at the barracks, ask yourself.

Daoist Xuanzhe, who was flying with his sword in the air, was still thinking about seeing Wei Xiaofan and that soul-destroyer today.

Who the hell is this dementor?Which sect is it?It's a pity that I couldn't fight him. If I could fight him, maybe I could tell which sect he was from the exercises or moves he used, and thus find out who he was from that sect.

Also, there is his invisibility technique, which sect does this invisibility technique belong to?Why haven't I heard the Master Shang Heng said before that there is invisibility in this world?

This kind of soul-absorbing technique has been practiced by no one for hundreds of years, and the secret method of cultivating the soul-absorbing technique has also been lost for hundreds of years, but now it suddenly appeared on the barren continent and has begun to be used.

According to what Master Shangheng Zhenren said to himself back then, this kind of insanity was the most evil spell in the entire wild continent at that time, because people who knew this kind of spell could not only control humans, but also control wild beasts.

A person who practices insanity, if he wants to control a certain kind of beast during the cultivation process, he only needs to collect enough blood of a certain kind of beast to practice. After the practice is successful, he wants a certain kind of beast to help him kill or Doing something bad, as long as he puts insanity on the beast, and then controls the beast with his will, telling the beast where to go and what to do, the controlled beast will go there regardless of the danger of life and death, and will not cause pain. Help the master to do something.Even, if the owner wants the controlled beast to commit suicide, the controlled beast will not hesitate to bite his body until he can't move and dies.

Similarly, in order to be able to control certain human beings, people who know the soul-control technique have the same method of cultivating the soul-control technique. They also take a sufficient amount of human blood to practice. After the practice is successful, as long as the controlled person, After being attached to the soul spell, no matter what the controller wants the controlled person to do, the controlled person will involuntarily listen to the master, and he will do whatever the master wants him to do, even if he wants him to kill One's own relatives, even self-mutilation, those who are controlled will not hesitate.

The process of practicing Soul Conjuration is too complicated and too arduous. If you are a little careless in the process of practicing, you may become obsessed.

Once a cultivator becomes obsessed with spiritualism, he or she becomes insane, having hallucinations, thinking wildly, not recognizing himself or his family members, and even having hallucinations and suspecting that someone is coming to kill him, so that he tries to protect himself. And indiscriminate killing, or self-mutilation and so on.

Because the insanity technique is too evil, and if you are not careful in the process of cultivation, you may go crazy. Therefore, when this evil technique first appeared in the wild continent, it was opposed and condemned by various sects at that time, and was besieged by various sects as evil. .

So before long, the Dementor disappeared without a trace, and has been gone for hundreds of years since.

Unexpectedly, it appeared again today, and his lover is Xiaofan, who was attached and controlled by a person who can absorb souls!

How to do this?Master Xuanzhe thought, now if he wants to know more about the sect from which the Soul Conjuring Technique appeared, and how it disappeared without a trace, it seems that he can only ask Master Shangheng!

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