Wild Romance

Chapter 113 What is the next step to find Wei Xiaofan

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"Master, how is Junior Brother Wei Xiaoping injured?" Huang Xianlin rode the unicorn beast and walked back to Qingfeng Country, asking the real Xuanzhe who was walking beside him with his sword.

After the bet between Master Xuanzhe and Yang Tianbao, watching Yang Tianbao leave with the remaining defeated soldiers, Master Xuanzhe also asked Huang Xianlin to leave some soldiers to clean up the battlefield, and then the two of them took some soldiers back to Qingfeng Kingdom.

"You don't know about your junior brother Xiaoping's injury? As General Wei Xiaoping's subordinate, you don't know about your superior's injury. You're a bit negligent!" Xuan Zhe said.

Huang Xianlin immediately turned over and got down from the unicorn beast, knelt on the ground and bowed to Master Xuanzhe, saying: "Uncle, nephew, I did neglect my duty and failed to protect my brother!"

Master Xuanzhe stood on the body of the sword, with his right palm pointing to Huang Xianlin who was on the ground, and lifted him up from the air.

"Get up!—You are older than Wei Xiaoping in terms of age and apprenticeship. Although Wei Xiaoping is your boss, in terms of seniority, you will always be his senior brother. So as long as you are together , you are responsible for keeping him safe! —— Hurry up and get on the mount, and tell me as you go, what's going on!"

After Huang Xianlin jumped on the back of the unicorn beast, he said: "Today, the enemy and us met at the foot of Shuangfeng Mountain to fight. After the two sides arrived at the foot of Shuangfeng Mountain, General Wei Xiaoping couldn't wait to go forward and talk to the enemy Yang Shengtian. After a while, the two Just drive the mount and fly to the top of Shuangfeng Mountain."

"Wei Xiaoping saw that Yang Shengtian looked very similar to himself, and suspected that Yang Shengtian was his long-lost brother Wei Xiaofan?"

"It was I who discovered that Yang Shengtian resembled Wei Xiaofan first, and told Junior Brother Wei Xiaoping!"

"When did it happen? Why didn't you tell Master?" Master Xuanzhe seemed a little angry.

"I'm sorry, Master! At first, I just thought they looked alike, and I wasn't sure, so I didn't dare to tell you, so I told Wei Xiaoping first."

"You child!—You don't know, because of the disappearance of your junior brother Xiaofan, the uncle has been worrying about it all the time for the past ten years! As long as there is a little clue, he will not let it go!——When did you see Yang Shengtian? You After telling Wei Xiaoping, how did he react?"

"Today last month, Shi Huiguo sent the chief general Wang Chuying to attack our country. After we defeated the enemy, we were about to withdraw our troops and return to the camp. When we first arrived at the city gate, there was a man driving a bird that was not like a bird, and a beast that was not like a beast. When this person flew in front of me, Zhu Hongxiu and the three generals, the three generals and I felt that this person was very familiar, but after thinking about it later, I felt that this person was very similar to Wei Xiaoping and Wei Xiaofan's junior brother."

"The three generals also think they look like Wei Xiaofan?" Daoist Xuan Zhe asked?

"They have never met Junior Brother Wei Xiaofan, they have only been in the army for five or six years, and they don't know that Junior Brother Wei Xiaoping has a younger brother Wei Xiaofan who has been missing for many years. They think he looks like Wei Xiaoping."

"Well! After all, Wei Xiaofan has been missing for more than ten years! Moreover, when Wei Xiaofan disappeared, Wei Xiaoping hadn't joined the army yet!"

"After this person introduced himself to us, we found out that his name is Yang Shengtian, and he is a regional king of Shi Huiguo! And the reason why he came to meet us was to make an appointment with us! Because his deputy Wang Chuying was We were defeated miserably! He wants to avenge blood and hatred for his brothers! ——Actually, I think the most important thing for him is to take over our Qingfeng country!"

"You told Wei Xiaoping that Yang Shengtian looks exactly like Wei Xiaofan, how did he react?"

"The next day, Junior Brother Wei Xiaoping went to Shi Huiguo alone to check on Yang Shengtian!"

"After Wei Xiaoping came back, how did you react?"

"Junior Brother Xiaoping visited Shi Huiguo for a few days, and he didn't mention Yang Shengtian when he came back. He just told us to prepare for the upcoming battle! He also personally supervised the production of artillery arrows by the Gunpowder Department and supervised the training of soldiers."

"Fiery Arrow? But what kind of newly created weapon?"

"Exactly! This explosive arrow is a type of arrow newly developed by Junior Brother Xiaoping. This explosive arrow is made by binding a special gunpowder to the arrow. When the arrow hits the target, the huge inertial force will The gunpowder on the arrow collides with the object to be shot, resulting in an explosion. After the explosion of the powder, the flammable material coated on the powder flies out to the surroundings and ignites the object being shot at the same time. In this way, the person being shot , in addition to being stabbed by the arrow, the clothes on his body were also ignited by the fiery arrow, and burned!"

"Well! Wei Xiaoping's idea is good! How about this kind of fiery arrow killing the enemy in battle?" Xuan Zhe asked.

"Uncle, don't tell me, the explosive arrow created by Junior Brother Xiaoping played a huge role in this battle. We shot more than 1 arrows in total, killing and wounding more than 6000 enemies. It is precisely because Xiaoping This batch of arrows from the younger brother killed more than 6000 enemy troops before the battle, and it was of great help to our army when we fought the enemy. Therefore, when we surrounded the enemy soldiers, the number of enemies and ours There is a huge gap between the number of soldiers, and our soldiers are more than sufficient!"


"Nephew Xianlin, what do you think about the suspicion that Yang Shengtian is Wei Xiaofan?" Master Xuanzhe asked Huang Xianlin after a moment of thought.

"Today I fought against Yang Shengtian, and I observed him carefully. Apart from Yang Shengtian's appearance and figure being similar to his junior, he also used such a magical bow. I am sure that Yang Shengtian is Wei Xiaofan's junior brother. Master, don't you mean Have you ever done that? Junior Brother Xiaofan has the magic bow on his back, besides Junior Brother Xiaofan, no one in the whole barbaric continent has such a magic bow?"

"Hmm! From all perspectives, Yang Shengtian is indeed Wei Xiaofan who has been missing for many years!"

"I just don't understand. I fought against Yang Shengtian today. I fought for about an hour. I found that although my magic power is far from being Yang Shengtian's opponent, if Yang Shengtian and Wei Xiaoping are compared, Wei Xiaoping may be better than Wei Xiaoping." Yang Shengtian is much taller, but why was Junior Brother Wei Xiaoping injured? And it was such a severe wound!? As you said, uncle, the opponent stabbed Junior Brother Xiaoping's back with a weapon, and then pierced through the heart from behind. It came out through the chest! How could it be so accurate? It's like standing still on purpose and letting Yang Shengtian aim at it!" Huang Xianlin said.

Master Xuanzhe sighed, and said, "This is what I can't solve!"

Huang Xianlin paused for a moment, and then said: "Uncle, I also found out that Junior Brother Xiaofan has a problem. During my fight with him, when I was about to be defeated by him, Junior Brother Xiaofan suddenly covered his helmet with both hands, his face paled. He changed drastically, and his eyes became more and more red. It seemed that he was suffering from some kind of disease, which made him unable to bear it, and then he naturally said some inexplicable words to himself! At that time, I was also stunned by his scene! Later , he hurriedly flew to the ground battlefield to rescue his soldiers!"

Hearing Huang Xianlin say that when Yang Shengtian was fighting with him, his eyes suddenly became red and he was talking to himself, Master Xuanzhe knew that this was the ghost of the soul-destroyer attached to Wei Xiaofan.

"Who is this dementor, and why does he recognize me, but I don't know anything about him? Now that Wei Xiaofan is serving as a general in Shi Huiguo, what should we do next to find him?" Master Xuanzhe thought to himself.

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