Wild Romance

Chapter 112 Betting and Truce

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"Old Taoist, you are a cultivator of Taoism and immortality, so you shouldn't be involved in such human disputes. In this case, although I am not as good as you in martial arts and spells, and may even be far behind, I will not Surrender to you!" After Yang Tianbao finished speaking, he raised the Thunderbolt Hammer, and at the same time pinched the wolf lion beast with his legs.

The wolf, lion, and beast understood, and jumped a few feet backwards.

Master Xuanzhe looked at Yang Tianbao and his mount calmly, saw Yang Tianbao signal the wolf and lion to jump back, and knew that Yang Tianbao jumped so far in order to shoot him with the illusory light from the collision of thunderbolt hammers.

Master Xuanzhe smiled and said, "General Yang, why don't we make a bet. If you lose, you will take your army out of here. If I lose, you will be allowed to continue fighting. How about it?"

Yang Tianbao listened to Master Xuanzhe's words, looked suspiciously, and asked: "What kind of gambling? What determines whether you win or lose?"

Master Xuanzhe said: "You use your thunderbolt hammer to attack me, whether you hit me or hit me with the black light of the hammer, I will not fight back. If you can hurt me, I will lose and continue Lead your army here to fight with Huang Xianlin's army. As for who wins and loses, I don't care about you. If you can't hurt me, you can take your remaining soldiers, deal with your dead soldiers, and then leave here, how about it? "

Listening to Master Xuanzhe's words, and thinking about it carefully, Yang Tianbao knew the intention of this old Taoist Xuanzhe, which was to ask him to voluntarily truce and lead his troops to leave here, so as to reduce the casualties and losses of both sides.Regardless of whether he wins or loses the bet, he is always the winner. Obviously, Master Xuanzhe let him on purpose.

Yang Tianbao turned his head to look in the direction of the battle between the two armies, and saw that although his soldiers were still fighting desperately with each other, the number was obviously much smaller, and the number of casualties was much higher than that of the opponent. Obviously, the current situation of his own military In a bad state, if you continue to fight fiercely, in the end, there may be no soldiers left!Instead of fighting like this, with no soldiers left at the end, it is better to follow the old Taoist Xuanzhe's wishes, to cease fighting as soon as possible, and bring the troops back to the camp, at least not to suffer such heavy losses. Attack, I will also try this old way by the way, how deep is the skill!This veteran will not be my enemy now, but he is an enemy after all. If he leads troops to fight one day in the future, he finds that the soldiers of his country are at a disadvantage, so he will definitely help!So, if you can, make a bet with him this time and kill him!

"Old Taoist priest, do you count on what you say? I'm afraid that if you agree to a truce, General Huang Xianlin will not." Yang Tianbao said, he knew that Huang Xianlin listened to Taoist Xuanzhe's words, and immediately told Huang Xianlin to leave when Taoist Xuanzhe arrived. At that time, he knew it, but he still wanted to ask Taoist Xuanzhe, so that the real Xuanzhe could confirm it in person!

"Young man, you can rest assured. General Huang Xianlin is my apprentice, and I am his uncle. He dare not refuse to listen to my words!" Xuanzhe said.

"Okay! Then get ready!" Yang Tianbao raised his double hammers and stared angrily at Master Xuanzhe!

Master Xuanzhe stared at Yang Shengtian keenly, while secretly lifting the Nine Heavens God Gang.

In the blink of an eye, a huge semi-circular invisible object covered the real Xuanzhe.

Yang Shengtian pointed the two hammers at Master Xuanzhe and slammed into each other.

Suddenly there was a loud "bang", and in an instant, a flash of lightning flashed out from the junction of the two hammers, and directly hit Master Xuanzhe.

Facing the attacking flash, Master Xuan Zhe did not blink his eyes, and greeted the attack of the flash.

Immediately afterwards, another loud "bang" was heard, and the flash of light hit the semicircular, invisible Nine Heavens God Gang a meter or two away from Master Xuan Zhe.

After the sound, Yang Tianbao looked carefully at Master Xuanzhe.

I saw Master Xuanzhe standing on the original ground without moving an inch, his eyes still looking at himself seriously.

Yang Tianbao was surprised by the scene in front of him!Just now, I smashed the double hammer with all my strength.This pair of thunderbolt hammers was made by ancient gods and boiled with fairy fire for thousands of years. Therefore, the hammers are extremely hard. In addition to the fact that the hammer is extremely hard, when the two hammers are smashed together, a lightning-like divine light will flash from the junction of the two hammers, and it will shoot forward. Whether it is a stone or a person, it will be smashed by the blow, and the harder the holder uses, the greater the shooting power of the divine light flashed by the hammer!

Just now, Yang Tianbao wanted to kill Master Xuanzhe with one blow, or even if he couldn't die with one blow, at least he could be seriously injured or disabled!

But after the blow, Master Xuanzhe was not only not injured, but also unscathed as before!

Master Xuanzhe looked at Yang Tianbao who had a surprised expression on his face, and said: "General Yang, what tricks do you have, use them as soon as possible!"

Yang Tianbao's eyes widened with anger, kicked his legs on the wolf and lion beast, jumped into the air, kept turning around the real Xuanzhe, changing positions, and hit the hammer at the real Xuanzhe, the hammer kept hitting A mysterious light flashed from all over the place and hit Master Xuanzhe.

I saw the divine light of the hammer continuously striking Xuanzhe's Nine Heavens Divine Hand, and the intersection of the divine light and the Nine Heavens Divine Hand was constantly flashing and making loud "bang, bang, bang" noises, as if the sky was thundering. The only thing that can't be seen is that the divine light can hurt a single hair of Master Xuanzhe.

After Yang Tianbao smashed the hammer ten times in a row in the air, he saw that Master Xuanzhe was still standing still intact!

Seeing that Master Xuanzhe was still unable to be hurt by hitting more than ten times in a row, Yang Tianbao was even more angry, "This stinky old man, what kind of movement technique did he use? The light of such a powerful thunderbolt hammer is as powerful as lightning. It seems that I really can’t do anything to this old man! But no matter what, I’m not at a loss! Now the only thing left is to hit this old man by smashing. Smashing the neck, really can't hurt this old man, so bring the soldiers back to the camp!"

So, Yang Tianbao jumped to a higher place, about 200 meters high, then raised the double hammers from the height, turned his body backwards, with his head and the magic hammer down, and exerted his supernatural power to hit the ground with the fastest speed. Master Xuan Zhe rushed down.

Master Xuanzhe looked at Yang Tianbao who was rushing down towards him from a high altitude, and saw only the sides of Yang Tianbao's hammer and the armor on his body, because the speed of the downward rush was too fast, and sparks flashed out from the friction with the impact of the airflow, constantly Fly to the back.

Master Xuanzhe thought to himself: "This Yang Tianbao is really vicious, I treat him so kindly and benevolently, he wants to take advantage of this bet, and wants to put me to death! Fortunately, my Nine Heavens God Gang has cultivated to the highest level, And based on the original foundation, other exercises are integrated into it, making the Nine Heavens God Gang stronger on the original foundation, making it a higher level of protection for the practitioner's body. Therefore, it is not necessary at all Afraid of young juniors like Yang Tianbao and the impact of this divine weapon!"

In less than a blink of an eye, Yang Tianbao's divine hammer hit the Nine Heavens Divine Hand of Master Xuanzhe as fast as lightning.

Where the Nine Heavens God Gang was hit by the hammer, there was a flash of light like lightning, followed by a loud "bang", all the ground nearby shook like an earth dragon turning over.

The wolf and lion beast not far away was also frightened by the loud noise and the shaking of the ground, looked up to the left and right, and stepped back a few steps.

The real Xuanzhe standing inside the Nine Heavens God Gang was also shocked by the huge impact of this Zhe, making his heart jump a little faster, but in order not to let Yang Tianbao see, he still suppressed his emotions and pretended to be extremely calm , as if nothing had happened.

After Yang Tianbao hit the Nine Heavens God Gang with the divine hammer, he was also hit by the rebound force of the Nine Heavens God Gang and rushed back four or five feet before falling to the ground.

Yang Tianbao, who was standing four or five feet away, was also frightened by the force of his own impact, his arm was so painful that it seemed that his hand holding the double hammer was about to fall off. predict with confidence.

Yang Tianbao never imagined that when he rushed down from the air, he would have such a huge impact!At that time, he just thought that it would be fine as long as he could kill or injure this old man, but he didn't consider that this smash would have such a huge impact!

Yang Tianbao stood up with difficulty and staggered a little, and looked at Master Xuanzhe.

I saw Master Xuanzhe still standing in the same place, his eyes still bright and gentle looking at Yang Tianbao.

"General Yang, can you come here a few more times? Judging by your complexion and the way you hold the hammers, you seem to be injured! Let me take a look!" After Xuanzhe finished speaking, he jumped up from the spot and flew straight to Yang Tianbao go.

Master Xuanzhe floated to Yang Tianbao's side, pointing his fingers at the double hammers.

Yang Tianbao's double hammers fell to the ground in an instant.

Xuan Zhe really ignored Yang Tianbao's dodge, pulled his hands up straight, then yanked towards himself, then slid his palms along Yang Tianbao's arms, slid all the way to Yang Tianbao's armpit, and slid back again, like this After repeating a few times, let go of Yang Tianbao's hands.

"Okay! General Yang, try to operate it a few times to see if it is much more convenient, and see if your arm is still hurting?" Xuan Zhe said.

Hearing what Master Xuanzhe said, Yang Tianbao realized that Master Xuanzhe was healing himself just now, and at first he thought that this old man was going to use his own hands!

Yang Tianbao seemed to avoid Xuan Zhe's eyes, he dodged his eyes a few times, then tried to squeeze his fists hard a few times, and then lifted the double hammers to operate a few times, and sure enough his arms have recovered as before!

"It's back to normal! Thank you, old Taoist priest!" Yang Tianbao saluted Master Xuanzhe.

"Your arms are healed, can you continue to fight? I'll let you fight until you don't want to fight! As long as you think you've lost, follow through on your promise and leave with your troops!" Master Xuanzhe stared at Yang Tianbao's eyes , said!

Hearing Master Xuanzhe's words, Yang Tianbao thought to himself: Since this old Taoist said so, it proves that he doesn't care about me at all, and it proves that he doesn't know how high his body skills are. If I continue to fight, it will be useless. wasting time!It's better to admit defeat quickly, lead the troops back to the camp, and return to the court as soon as possible!It's just that this time the defeat was so miserable, what should I tell the king when I go back? !

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