Wild Romance

Chapter 111 The Fallacy of Shi Huiguo's War

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Immortal Xuanzhe slapped Yang Tianbao and the wolf and lion beast below each, and then fell to the ground, standing behind Yang Tianbao and the wolf and lion beast, looking at them with a serious face.

After Yang Tianbao and the wolf lion beast were knocked down to kneel on the ground, Yang Tianbao thought to himself, this old man is really powerful. My horse wolf lion beast can withstand the weight of several thousand catties at least. Can knock it down on the ground!What's more, attacking with two palms at the same time, the power is scattered!I received his palm just now, and my shoulders also felt faint pain, as if I was hit by some blunt object. It can be seen that this old Taoist is not an ordinary Taoist.

Yang Tianbao didn't wait for the wolf lion beast to stand up, and immediately turned his head, without turning his back, he threw the two magic hammers back with great force.

Master Xuanzhe saw Yang Tianbao throwing two magic hammers at him, so he stretched out his palms to grab the hammers without any haste.

Only two sounds of "唪唪" sounded, and the two divine hammers with huge impact were caught abruptly by Master Xuanzhe. Immediately afterwards, Master Xuanzhe fought with both arms, and the two hammers turned their heads, facing towards each other. Hitting Yang Tianbao from behind.

Yang Tianbao, who had just stood halfway, did not expect that Master Xuanzhe would catch his two magic hammers with both palms, and his face did not change for a moment, his arms did not retract, he just shook, and the two iron hammers The hammer turned around and attacked him.

Yang Tianbao didn't have time to dodge the attack of the hammer, "bang bang" sounded twice, and the two hammers hit the armor on Yang Tianbao's back, and Yang Tianbao was hit and immediately fell down on the neck of the wolf lion beast.

Seeing its owner lying on its back after being hit, the wolf lion beast turned its head to the left, looked at its owner, and howled.

Master Xuanzhe only used less than one-tenth of his strength for this attack just now, and Yang Tianbao immediately fell down on the mount like lightning. For Yang Tianbao, it was big enough. Fortunately, the armor on his body was made of special divine iron, and the palm strength of Master Xuanzhe was distributed to other places. Otherwise, the two hammers would have really made Yang Tianbao suffer.

Yang Tianbao, who was knocked down and lying on the back of the wolf and lion beast, struggled to get up from the back of his mount,

The wolf and lion beast stood up with its master up, turned around and grinned at Master Xuanzhe to the left.

Master Xuanzhe looked at the monster motionlessly, to see what strange move the monster was going to use.

At this time, the wolf and lion beast opened its huge mouth, took a step forward, and sprayed evil spirits and evil wind at Master Xuanzhe.

Master Xuanzhe saw the evil wind blowing from the wolf, lion, and beast, he smiled lightly, and neither dodged nor dodged, raised his right palm to meet the evil wind.

From the right palm of Master Xuanzhe, a stream of internal energy was shot out in the form of white energy, rushing towards the evil energy emitted by the wolf, lion, and beast.

I saw the two airs collided, and a round white mist rushed up in the middle of the distance of half a foot on both sides.

The two qi collide with each other, because the evil qi emitted by the wolf and lion beast is a cold and strong qi, which can instantly turn some objects or gases into ice cubes.

After colliding with the wolf and lion beast, Xuanzhe's inner strength was quickly frozen by the wolf and lion beast's evil energy, and slowly spread towards Xuanzhe.

Yang Tianbao on the wolf and lion beast, after being slapped by Master Xuanzhe, made him lose his combat power temporarily. When he saw the evil spirit of the wolf and lion beast freeze the inner energy of Master Xuanzhe, his face was sacrificed. With a happy and contemptuous expression, he said: "Wolf, lion, beast, use all your evil spirits, freeze this old man for me, and make him disappear from this world forever!"

Immortal Xuanzhe heard Yang Tianbao's shout, ignored Yang Tianbao's shout, just stared at the wolf and lion beast with both eyes, secretly channeling power, concentrating the real power in his right palm, suddenly shaking, and instantly released a powerful internal force like a huge The wooden stick, along the round shape of true energy, hit the wolf and lion beast.

Immediately, the wolf, lion, and beast were pushed back by Xuan Zhe's true energy, sliding backward like an ice skate, and retreated a full foot before they could stand still. The four lion claws drew deep marks on the ground.

Yang Tianbao saw that his mount was hit back so far by Master Xuanzhe with only one palm. You must know that this wolf and lion beast is a monster that has reached a certain level of cultivation in sorcery. On the mainland, there are not many that can rival it!

At this time, Yang Tianbao had regained some of his physical strength, and he raised his double hammers to cross and collide with each other, intending to attack Master Xuanzhe with the illusory light emitted by the collision of thunderbolt hammers.

Seeing this, Master Xuanzhe raised his hand to stop it, and said, "General Yang, in order to avoid greater damage and losses to the soldiers on both sides, let's stop fighting! Look, the whole battlefield is full of corpses, how miserable! Every soldier It is a life, and each life is hard-won after their parents conceived and gave birth in October, and raised them up through untold hardships. Moreover, every soldier has relatives at home, and their relatives are waiting for them to go home Reunion, the young and old of their family are waiting for them to go back to work to support their families! If the war continues and soldiers die in battle, how miserable their families will be!"

Yang Tianbao said: "Hahaha, stinking old man, if our soldiers in Shi Huiguo were afraid of death and wasting their lives, we wouldn't have the powerful Shihui country we are now! Are you afraid of death? Or do you want to pity us?"

Master Xuanzhe said: "If you strengthen yourself by invading other people's land, and strengthen yourself by slaughtering other people's lives, can you be considered strong? A truly powerful person relies on imposing benevolence and morality on others or other gangs, and subduing them with benevolence and morality. People's hearts, people automatically yearn for those who implement benevolence and righteousness, so that they are considered strong! Just like the barbarian country before, in the early founding period, Zhao Renyi, the builder of the barbarian country, provided long-term help to other gangs to jointly resist foreign enemies. The care given to people from other gangs made other gangs and their gangs automatically merge with them, so a powerful barbarian country was built, but in the end, the king Zhao Jingjiao was addicted to having fun and ignored the government. Let the officials below burn, kill, and plunder the national property, and allow foreigners to invade, which is why some gangs split up and set up their own banners! You Huiguo enriches itself and expands its own territory by slaughtering the lives of people from other countries. This is how you eat with wild beasts What's the difference between killing and eating people with a full stomach?"

Yang Tianbao saw Xuanzhe compared their country to a wild beast, and was very angry. He said: "Smelly old man, what is our charity country called a wild beast? Our king Yang Sancheng established a country by invading and slaughtering other countries. It is a bit cruel, but what? After a gang is subdued by us, don’t their citizens live a life of adequate food and clothing? Which citizen doesn’t say that we are good for the country? Yes, it’s a bit cruel for us to use this method of invading other countries to strengthen ourselves, but in order to unify the entire wilderness Continent, why not kill some rebels in order to unify the management of the citizens of the entire wild continent? If their gang leaders are willing to surrender automatically, why should we slaughter them like this?"

Master Xuan Zhe said: "What you say is simply absurd! You decide, as it is now, you will definitely lose this war. If you continue to fight, you will die more innocent soldiers! I suggest Hurry up to truce and take your remaining soldiers away, so as not to hurt more innocent soldiers!"

"A truce? Don't even think about it. Our Shihui Kingdom has never been willing to surrender to any war. Even if there is no one left in the battle, we will not truce!" Yang Tianbao said firmly.

Master Xuanzhe shook his head helplessly, and said: "Since this is the case, as a citizen of Qingfeng Country, I can't just sit idly by! Come on, young man, if you want to continue fighting, you must pass this level first!"

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