Wild Romance

Chapter 110 What is the relationship between you two

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Chapter 110

Although the shadow of the soul-destroyer and Wei Xiaofan could no longer be seen, Master Xuanzhe still flew in the direction the soul-destroyer flew away, chasing dozens of miles away, wanting to see if there was any hope of seeing the soul-destroyer and the soul-destroyer Wei Xiaofan's shadow.

Then they quickly searched again on the ground or on the mountains within a radius of tens of miles.

Not only did he not see the shadow of the dementor and Wei Xiaofan, he didn't even have a trace of smell.

This dementor is also running too fast!Holding an adult in his arms, he can still run so fast. It can be seen that this soul-destroyer is very good in both spells and lightness skills.

"I can't even catch up with my bare hands. It can be seen that my flying skills are far worse than this soul-destroyer. What's more, this soul-destroyer can become invisible! What kind of ghost is he using for invisibility?" Method? If you meet him next time, how can you break his invisibility?

Just like that, Master Xuanzhe watched helplessly as his beloved apprentice was snatched away by the Dementor, but there was nothing he could do.

Immortal Xuanzhe returned to the ground, at this time, as Wei Xiaofan was taken away by others, his divine bow also followed, and disappeared without a trace in an instant, Wei Xiaofan's mount, Xiao Hei, disappeared at some point.

"If Wei Xiaofan's mount, the little black monster, is still there, as long as he follows the little black monster, he should be able to catch up to Wei Xiaofan and that soul-destroyer! Because animals have the most sensitive noses, and are most familiar with their master's smell. The main reason is that Wei Xiaofan is still alive, and the little black monster will follow the smell left by the dementor and Wei Xiaofan's flight, and they will definitely be found. But, now, even the little black monster is gone."

Master Xuanzhe took back the Executioner Excalibur, put it on the sky above his feet, and stepped on it.Immediately, the Evil Punishing Sword flew into the air with Master Xuanzhe in his arms.

Master Xuanzhe wanted to fly into the air to see if he could still see the shadow of the little black monster.

Master Xuanzhe flew into the air with the Executioner Sword, and looked around. There was a vast expanse of whiteness within a radius of hundreds of miles, and there was not even a shadow of a black spot, let alone seeing Xiao Hei's huge Figure up.

Master Xuanzhe had no choice but to return to the ground, and sighed several times for not being able to catch his lover.

This time Wei Xiaofan was snatched away by the soul-destroyer, I don't know when we will see each other again, let alone what the soul-destroyer will do to Wei Xiaofan.

From the painful appearance that Wei Xiaofan showed when he fought against Master Xuanzhe just now, it proves that this soul-destroyer must not treat Wei Xiaofan kindly. Carrying out the torture, just like when Wei Xiaofan suddenly covered his head with his hands in the fight just now, he looked in pain.

Strange, how does this dementor know me, but I have no impression of him at all!

"Xuanzhe is an old man, I can't think of hundreds of years ago, your spells are so high! Congratulations!..."

From the sentence that the soul master said, does it mean that he and I fought against me hundreds of years ago?or know me?Hundreds of years ago?What year is it?Specifically which one fought against each other a hundred years ago?Was it 200 years ago, or 300 years ago, or 500, [-] years ago?This soul-destroyer, the mystery he left me is really cruel. Does anyone remember what happened hundreds of years ago?Besides, it didn't say what year it was!

Master Xuanzhe stood up and looked at the battlefield where the two armies were still fighting.

Seeing Huang Xianlin fighting with Yang Tianbao.

Judging from the fight between the two, Yang Tianbao and Huang Xianlin's skills are comparable, and the combat effectiveness of their respective mounts is also between them.

Master Xuanzhe looked at the place where the two armies were fighting, and saw that there were many more yellow armors than black armors, that is to say, Huang Xianlin's remaining soldiers were much more than Yang Tianbao's soldiers. The odds of winning are much greater than that of the Yangtian Leopard Army.

If the fighting continues, there will be even more casualties.

"Hurry up and let the two sides cease fighting! As long as Yang Tianbao and the others are willing to surrender and admit defeat, as long as they promise not to invade in the future, let them go back! After all, every soldier's life is hard-won. Every soldier has parents. Child wife, no matter who dies on the battlefield, it will be a deep injury to every family!"

Immortal Xuanzhe looked at Yang Tianbao again. Yang Tianbao was riding a wolf and lion beast capable of sorcery, and Yang Tianbao was using a pair of hammers made of ancient god iron. He thought, this person might be Yang Shengtian's right-hand man , it is estimated that he and Yang Shengtian (namely: Wei Xiaofan) have a long relationship, so he should know more about Yang Shengtian!

I'll go over to Yang Tianbao first, to see if he knows something about Yang Shengtian (Wei Xiaofan), and to see if I can get more information about Yang Shengtian (Wei Xiaofan) from Yang Tianbao's mouth, so that I can look for (Yang Shengtian) Wei Xiaofan in the future , more convenient.

So, Master Xuan Zhe jumped up and flew towards Huang Xianlin and Yang Tianbao to fight!

"Nephew Huang Xianlin, go and fight with the soldiers to attack the enemy soldiers. I will deal with this! Remember, try not to hurt them if you can, as long as they are willing to surrender!" Xuanzhe said in a low voice. As Huang Xianlin said, he stood between Huang Xianlin and Yang Tianbao, separating them.

"Yes, uncle! Then you pay attention!" Huang Xianlin said, flying to another place with the unicorn beast.

Yang Tianbao was fighting head-to-head with Huang Xianlin, when suddenly a Taoist priest with a long beard descended from the sky. Yang Tianbao saw that this Taoist priest was the one who fought Yang Shengtian just now.

Yang Tianbao looked carefully, and saw that although the Taoist priest had a beard as long as the whisk in his hand, he was probably the same age as me and Huang Xianlin. Huang Xianlin's spells and martial arts were comparable to mine, and even fought Going on, I may not be Huang Xianlin's opponent, but now this Taoist priest who suddenly descended from the sky, Huang Xianlin actually called him a master!It seems that this person is not simple!Martial arts and spells are far above me!Besides, didn't he fight Huicheng Wang Yang Shengtian just now?What came here suddenly?Yang Shengtian was defeated by him?

Yang Tianbao looked at the place where Master Xuanzhe and Yang Shengtian fought just now, and saw that there was no one there, and Yang Shengtian and his mount went to nowhere.

"Yang Shengtian, you won't be beaten to death by this Taoist priest so quickly, will you? Leave me alone to take care of this mess?" Yang Tianbao thought to himself.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect that you would fight me in a wheel battle. It seems that if I am not killed by you today, I will be exhausted by both of you!" Yang Shengtian said contemptuously.

"This general, what's your name? What's your relationship with Yang Shengtian?" Daoist Xuan Zhe said.

"Where's Yang Shengtian, General Yang? What did you do to him?" Yang Tianbao asked.

"Your general Yang Shengtian has been taken away by the people who controlled him. I want to ask you, your surname is Yang, and Yang Shengtian is also surnamed Yang, do you have any special relationship with him?" Xuan Zhe asked.

"The person who controls him? What the person who controls him? What do you mean by that?"

"You are his subordinate, don't you know?"

"Know what? What do you want to say, just say it!"

"You haven't told me that you both have the surname Yang. Is there any special relationship?"

"Does this have anything to do with who you said he was controlled by?"

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