Wild Romance

Chapter 109

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"Smelly old man, you just have this broken sword? What weapons do you have, use them all! Otherwise, after the fight, you will see my magic skill and change hundreds of them, don't say I am going to fight with you. The more wins the less, the less wins the old!" Yang Shengtian said with his eyes flushed.

"Hahahaha! Young man, don't say that you can conjure hundreds of bows, even if you can conjure tens of thousands, I can protect myself with this divine sword alone. If you can hurt me even a single hair, I will fight you!" It counts as a loss!" Master Xuanzhe said hehe, drew out his sword, stood up straight and said to Yang Shengtian.But I thought in my heart: Didn't Huang Xianlin say that Wei Xiaofan has completely forgotten what he experienced before the age of 15?How could he still remember to use this divine bow?

"Okay, that's what you said!" Yang Shengtian said, and shouted "Change" to the divine bow. In an instant, the divine bow immediately spun down towards the top of Master Xuanzhe's head. Like a child, he continuously conjures many divine bows of the same size and exactly the same size. It takes less than one bowl of water to transform into three or four hundred divine bows, surrounding the real Xuanzhe from front to back, left to right , and at the same time pointing at Master Xuanzhe, the bowstring was automatically drawn.

Seeing Yang Shengtian commanding the divine bow, the way he was playing with the divine bow before he was 15 years old, Xuanzhe thought, sure enough, the only way to use the divine bow is not to forget!

Seeing that the divine bow was about to shoot a divine arrow at him, Master Xuanzhe immediately turned the evil sword in his hand up and down, back and forth, left and right, and muttered a few words, then suddenly threw the sword into the air and yelled "Change", and saw Zhu The Evil God Sword flew around Master Xuanzhe like lightning in an instant, and with the super speed of the Exorcist Sword, countless white lights continuously flashed from around Master Xuanzhe, just like lightning appeared continuously in the sky.

Seeing this, Yang Shengtian immediately yelled "shooting arrows", and in an instant, the mysterious bow surrounding Master Xuanzhe kept pulling the bow and Xuanzhe automatically, and kept shooting Xuanzhe's mysterious arrows that turned from white light to Master Xuanzhe.

All of a sudden, when the mysterious arrow shot by the divine bow hit the surroundings of Xuanzhe, it kept colliding with the sword shadow of the evil sword flying around Xuanzhe, flashing like lightning from time to time. The white light came, and the sound of "ding dong" like metal colliding continued.

After persisting in this situation for a while, Yang Shengtian saw that Master Xuanzhe was not only not injured by the arrow, but also watched the collision of the divine arrow and the sword shadow outside with a calm expression in his sword shadow of the evil sword.

Yang Sheng's weather was blown up. I didn't expect this stinking old man to have such a magical sword, and the greatest power of my black bow is nothing more than that. Since I can't hurt this stinky old man, why don't I just do it like this? , easily lost to him?

At this moment, Master Xuanzhe walked towards Yang Shengtian. As he walked, the shadows around him also moved with his figure, and Yang Shengtian's magical skills also moved with the movement of the sword shadow, and from time to time Shoot the mysterious arrow.

When Yang Shengtian saw Master Xuanzhe walking around with his own moving sword shadow as if nothing had happened, and his sword shadow was able to move while blocking my mysterious bow and arrow, protecting his body, it's amazing!It seems that I will definitely lose this time.

Thinking of how many tricks he followed the old man, he didn't get any advantage at all. The more Yang Shengtian thought about it, the more he felt ashamed, and the more he felt ashamed, the more anxious he became. So, Yang Shengtian stood up from the black back, Xuan Hong He stared at the real Xuanzhe who was walking towards him, Yang raised his right hand, the veins on his face were slightly protruding, his five fingers made a hook on his neck, and he yelled loudly at the divine bow in the air.

As he shouted loudly, five light red rays of light shot out continuously from his five fingers towards the main divine bow in the air, and then the main divine bow sent it to the transformed divine bow. At this moment, all the divine bows shot The divine arrow also turned into light red, and shot at the sword shadow around Master Xuanzhe.

Immortal Xuan Zhe saw that Yang Shengtian was able to shoot out five red auras from his five fingers, he was very surprised, this divine bow still has such a skill?What did I not know back then?Or was Wei Xiaofan subjected to soul-stirring surgery to mutate his skills?

Daoist Xuanzhe didn't dare to be careless at the moment, and immediately recited the mantra of moving and subduing objects, and further exerted the power of the evil sword to resist the attacking Yang Shengtian's mutated magical skills.

Surrounding Master Xuanzhe's Evil Punishing Sword, after Master Xuanzhe recited the mantra of falling objects, the speed of the sword's movement became faster and denser, knocking the incoming light red arrows into pieces and falling continuously On the ground, it disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Seeing this, Yang Shengtian became even more resentful and anxious, and suddenly covered his head with his hands, with an extremely painful expression on his face, and kept talking to himself:

"I have already done what you want, but I can't beat his swordsmanship, what else can I do?..."

Master Xuanzhe saw this and thought to himself: "Why did Wei Xiaofan suddenly become like this? Could it be that the soul-absorbing technique attached to his body is causing trouble in his body? It hurts his head, making him unbearable?"

At this time, Yang Shengtian's head seemed to be hurting more and more, and suddenly he jumped up from Xiaohei's back, and then fell to the ground, rolling around on the ground, murmuring from time to time: "Who the hell are you? Why do you keep haunting me? You despicable villain, do you dare to come out and fight me face-to-face? What a hero to control me with such indecent means!..."

Master Xuanzhe saw this, and thought to himself: "Sure enough, it's the instigmatism in his body! It is estimated that the reason why Wei Xiaofan lost his memory before the age of 15 is that the person who performed the instigmatism on him used some special Illusion, causing him to temporarily lose his memory!"

Seeing his beloved apprentice Wei Xiaofan in such pain and unwillingness, Xuanzhe was heartbroken, jumped out of the sword shadow, flew close to Yang Shengtian, knocked him out with a palm, lifted him up from the ground, meditated, and then immediately sat on Yang Shengtian's body Later, he operated his palms to cast spells, put his palms on Yang Shengtian's back, and then transferred his internal energy into Yang Shengtian's body.

In an instant, the facial muscles on Yang Shengtian's face fluctuated up and down, as if there were a few small earthworms crawling quickly inside.Even Yang Shengtian's helmet vibrated slightly up and down because of this ups and downs.

Master Xuanzhe saw this, and thought in his heart: "Sure enough, it is the soul-stirring technique that is revering in his body! But, is this soul-stirring technique really so powerful? After I put magic power on Wei Xiaofan and fought against him, he actually fell on Wei Xiaofan's head Bupili swimming?"

Seeing the soul-stirring technique swimming on Wei Xiaofan's face, Master Xuanzhe thought to himself, it proves that this soul-stirring technique is also afraid of my spell, otherwise it wouldn't be able to swim around like this.

Therefore, Master Xuanzhe increased his spellcasting power.

At this time, the muscles on Yang Shengtian's face became more and more intense, and Wei Xiaofan's pained expression became less and less visible because of the tense movement of the muscles on his face.

At this moment, Yang Shengtian's whole body suddenly stood up, shaking violently back and forth, an invisible human body that seemed to be transformed from air appeared behind Yang Shengtian, the invisible man bent down, wrapped one hand around Yang Shengtian's waist, To Xuan Zhe who is meditating.

After hitting Master Xuanzhe, the invisible man bent over and jumped back, holding Yang Shengtian in his arms and flying into the air.

Master Xuanzhe obviously didn't expect the soul-destroyer to show up and hit him with a palm.When he woke up, he saw Yang Shengtian's body flying into the air.

Immediately, Master Xuan Zhe jumped up on the spot, chasing Yang Shengtian and the invisible spirit master in the air.

"Old Taoist Xuanzhe, I never imagined that your spells have reached this level after hundreds of years! Congratulations! Your lover Wei Xiaofan, please forgive me for temporarily borrowing it. When I become famous, Dingyuan will return it!" Invisibility said the soul-destroyer. ,

Immortal Xuanzhe cast a spell to speed up and fly towards Yang Shengtian and the invisible soul-destroyer. He didn't want this person to fly too fast, and within a quarter of an hour, he disappeared into the distance, leaving behind an invisible whirlwind.

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