Wild Romance

Chapter 108 Evil Punishing Excalibur

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Yang Shengtian, who had lost the golden halberd, was so angry that his eyes turned red and shot out a strange light.In his memory, since he was a general in the barbarian country, he has never been defeated by the enemy so embarrassingly.It fell into the hands of an old man today.It's too embarrassing for this to spread.Therefore, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became, the more angry he became, the red light in his eyes became stronger and stronger, and he stared angrily at this real Xuanzhe.

Daoist Xuan Zhe looked carefully at Yang Shengtian's eyes without fear, wondering if the red light glowing from Yang Shengtian's eyes was like the red glow in the legend that people become more angry and excited after being possessed by the soul-destroyer technique. The light became brighter and brighter, and the murderous aura became heavier and heavier.

At this time, Master Xuanzhe saw Yang Shengtian getting more excited and angry, the red light in his eyes became more and more intense, and his murderous aura became more and more serious.

"Sure enough, it's the same characteristics as the legend of the predecessors when the soul-absorbing technique is attached to people!" Master Xuanzhe thought in his heart. He heard from the predecessors that after practicing this kind of enchantment, the practitioners will not be able to have children. No one has practiced this kind of soul-hunting technique for hundreds of years, and no one has mastered the secret recipe of its cultivation method. Who knows this kind of magic technique?Where did it come from?And knowing that practicing this kind of insanity surgery will force oneself to the point of cutting off children and grandchildren, but still practice it, what is the purpose?

At this moment, Yang Shengtian's eyes widened abnormally, and the whole eyes were filled with red light. He looked at Master Xuanzhe angrily, and said:

"Smelly old man, I saw you as an old man and respected you without using a trump card. Now you have to take an inch and take away my golden halberd artifact! You are disrespecting my artifact! In this case, I also You're welcome!" As he said, he raised his left hand, and the golden halberd artifact that was about to be thrown aside automatically flew up and floated back into his hand, and then he raised his right hand.

In an instant, a mysterious bow appeared in Yang Shengtian's right hand out of thin air. Yang Shengtian held the mysterious bow tightly, then jumped back, onto the back of Xiao Hei, and said, "Old man, hurry up and accept the move!" Then, he threw the black bow in his hand into the air.

I saw the Xuan Gong with wings on both ends, flapping its wings, and quickly flew over the head of Master Xuan Zhe.

Master Xuan Zhe saw the appearance of Xuan Bow, he was excited for a while, and said to himself in his heart: "Sure enough, it is really apprentice Wei Xiaofan! It really is Wei Xiaofan! This Xuan Bow is too familiar to me! This Xuan Bow It was shortly after I brought Wei Xiaofan and Wei Xiaoping to Qingfeng Temple, suddenly, one night, a god-man from somewhere visited the two brothers' house at night, and presented this illusory bow to Wei Xiaofan, and Wei Xiaoping was also received by that god-man A gift of a fantasy sword—Devil Sword! After the two brothers got their own artifact, they came to ask me to teach them how to use it the next day, especially Wei Xiaofan, because his artifact was just a mysterious bow, no arrows, no arrows. Knowing what it is for, it was I who learned how to use it after some research, so I taught him! So, I am very familiar with this mysterious bow! But now, my beloved disciple actually calls me old-fashioned! ——What would it be? Turned into this? Who turned him into this? Why did he go to Shi Huiguo to become a general? Who brought him there?..."

Seeing Yang Shengtian's Mystical Bow flying above his head, Master Xuanzhe knew what Yang Shengtian would command the Mystical Bow to attack him next, so he knew how powerful this Mystical Bow was, so he didn't dare to be careless and took off the Xie Xie from his back. Swords and swords deal with this fantasy magic bow.

This Sword of Punishing Evil is the result of Master Xuanzhe. When he was 880 years old, he practiced a kind of magical skill called perfect circle, and he had already reached the eighth level. If he wanted to continue to practice, his body would not have enough vitality. At the highest point on the mountain, one starts meditating every morning until five o'clock the next day, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, and absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon to replenish vitality in one's body. It takes nine to eight days of meditation to absorb enough.

One night, Master Xuanzhe had just meditated until three o'clock in the morning, when he suddenly felt a meteor-like strong light flashing past in front of him. Master Xuanzhe thought that a monster was coming, so he opened his eyes immediately, and it turned out to be a sword-shaped sword. Objects fly by, and the sword can fly!Isn't this a godsend? !Immediately Master Xuanzhe jumped up and flew straight to the direction where the lightsaber flew away. About a quarter of an hour, the lightsaber flew into a cave, and then the strong light went out.

Master Xuanzhe flew to the entrance of the cave, only to see that it was dark inside but his fingers could not be seen.Immediately, he worked hard, lit some leaves for lighting, and stepped into the cave.

The entrance of the cave is about the size of two doors and windows, one or two feet in, but the inside suddenly opens up, almost the size of a dozen houses.

There are various tools for practicing martial arts and spells, as well as pill furnaces, but they have been used for thousands of years.In a corner of the cave, there is a remains, bent over and standing upright. In front of it is a huge stone the size of a table, with a three-finger-wide sword stuck in it.Master Xuanzhe approached the sword and the boulder, but saw that the boulder had aged a bit, but the sword was spotless and shimmering.There are four sentences engraved on an ancient sacred wood hanging from the hilt of the sword. The real Xuanzhe thought slightly: When you meet each other, it is destined;Remember remember!The signature is: Taixuan Ancient Sage.

Master Xuanzhe immediately knelt down to the remains after finishing the recitation, and made six, three, and eighteen jingles!

When Master Xuan Zhe reached No. 18 ring head, the remains made a "hula" sound and scattered in front of Master Xuan Zhe.

Master Xuanzhe immediately packed up the remains, found an ancient sacred tree, made a coffin, and buried the remains.So I went to pull out the ancient sword, not wanting that although the ancient sword was only inserted into a third of the sword body, it took more than half of Xuanzhe's magical power to pull it out.In the process of drawing the sword again, a divine light appeared on the hilt and the body of the sword, and the divine light illuminated the entire cave, stabbing Daoist Xuanzhe so hard that he dared not open his eyes.After pulling out the sword, Master Xuanzhe looked at the sword carefully for a while, only to see four characters engraved on the sword: Excalibur of Punishing Evil.Just after looking at it, a scabbard appeared out of thin air on Bao Jian's body, covering the sword, and then the whole body of the sword trembled, wanting to break free from Xuan Zhe's grasping hand.

After a while, the sword actually pulled Master Xuanzhe out, and then dragged Master Xuanzhe to fly into the air...

Fortunately, Master Xuanzhe had received the God of Subduing Objects conferred by his master before, recited the spell of Subduing Objects, and then slowly surrendered the sword...

Later, I repeatedly studied the magic spell of descending things and the sword for several times, and then I was able to tame the sword more and more. From then on, no matter where he went, Xuanzhe would put the sword under his feet when he was tired from walking or flying sleepy. Let the sword carry it to fly.

Back then, after Wei Xiaoping and Wei Xiaofan were awarded the Mysterious Divine Bow and Demon Slaying Sword by the mysterious person, Master Xuanzhe immediately took them to compare with the two brothers alone. It is still slightly inferior to the Evil Executioner Excalibur.

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