Wild Romance

Chapter 107

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Master Xuanzhe also jumped from Xiaohei's back to the ground, and stood on the opposite side of Yang Shengtian.

"Son, what's wrong with you? You don't even recognize a teacher? Where have you been for the past ten years? It's been hard for me and your brother to find a teacher!" Master Xuanzhe said with emotion.

"Don't come here! Come again, don't blame me for disrespecting you as an old man!" Yang Shengtian raised his golden halberd and pointed at Master Xuanzhe.

"Junior brother Xiaofan, why are you talking to your uncle like this—" Before Huang Xianlin finished speaking, Master Xuanzhe stopped Huang Xianlin with his hands.

In Xuanzhe's eyes, the Wei Xiaofan in front of him is really not the Wei Xiaofan ten years ago, but Wei Xiaofan who has mental problems!As for his mental problems, Master Xuan Zhe was still not sure. It seemed that he had to fight with him and observe at the same time, so as to know where his problems were.

"Young man, if I come here again, what will happen to you? Are you going to beat my old bone? Forgive you for not daring to compete with me!" Daoist Xuanzhe said as he walked towards Yang Shengtian.

Huang Xianlin walked quickly to Master Xuan Zhe, and said to Master Xuan Zhe in a low voice: "Uncle, Wei Xiaofan now is not the Wei Xiaofan ten years ago, he has forgotten what happened to him before he was 15 years old, that is, to All the things before the age of 15 have been lost!"

"Understood! Go down!" Master Xuan Zhe continued walking towards Yang Shengtian without looking back.

"Since you don't know what to do, then don't blame me for being rude to you!" Yang Shengtian raised his golden halberd, stabbing at Master Xuanzhe with lightning speed.

"This child, how could he become so rude! His personality has become so violent, but what kind of environment did he suffer from?" Xuanzhe stared fixedly into Yang Shengtian's eyes, but he didn't seem to see the golden halberd stabbed by Yang Shengtian.

When Yang Shengtian's golden halberd was only one finger away from his face, he suddenly kept his original standing posture and flashed a foot or two to one side like lightning, and then maintained his original standing posture.

Huang Xianlin and Wang Qingjie on one side were frightened by the real Xuanzhe, thinking that the real Xuanzhe couldn't avoid it, or wouldn't avoid it.

After seeing Master Xuanzhe suddenly flashing away like lightning, and then standing a foot away from the original standing posture, he let go of his hanging heart, and at the same time admired Master Xuanzhe's composure Calmness and the quickness of its dodge!

"Huang Xianlin's nephew, why don't you hurry up and kill the enemy, what are you doing here?" Master Xuan Zhe shouted at Huang Xianlin without turning his head.

"Yes, uncle, let's go right away, you have to take care of yourself!" Huang Xianlin said, immediately stepped on the unicorn beast, took Wang Qingjie, and rushed to the battlefield.

Yang Shengtian stabbed in the air, with the inertial force of his body's forward momentum, he flew forward for a distance of one zhang before he stopped.

Yang Shengtian turned around, and saw that Master Xuanzhe had easily dodged his golden halberd so easily, and felt that he was really underestimating the old man.

So, Yang Shengtian raised the golden halberd again and swiped towards Master Xuanzhe in a sweeping way, the speed was ten times faster than the one just thrust out.I thought, just now I used the stabbing method to attack, but the old man dodged it so quickly, and now I hit him with the golden halberd sweeping towards his waist, so that the golden halberd looks long, and he is so tall, look at him Nothing escaped.

Master Xuanzhe looked at the golden halberd swept by Yang Shengtian, not panicking at all. When the golden halberd was just a finger away from his waist, he bent his waist like lightning, and at the same time moved his hips backwards. The halberd just passed by the gap between the curved belly of the bow, while Master Xuanzhe moved his hips back, and at the same time swept the whisk in his hand towards Yang Shengtian's helmet.

Only a "bang" was heard, and Yang Shengtian's helmet was swept to the ground by Xuan Zhe's fly whisk in the blink of an eye, and rolled a foot away.

Yang Shengtian was shocked, it was so dangerous, if the opponent's swipe was on his face, wouldn't he be swept out with countless blood marks?

Seeing that the two moves failed to hit the opponent, and he was almost injured by the opponent, Yang Shengtian was even more angry. He ignored the mess of his hair, and immediately jumped sideways towards Master Xuanzhe, and struck the sharp end of the golden halberd in his hand. In a circular motion, he stabbed at Master Xuanzhe.

Just when the golden halberd was about to come in front of the real Xuanzhe, Yang Sheng pushed the golden halberd with his neck, trying to pierce the real Xuanzhe through a hole.

Master Xuanzhe didn't dodge or move his body, he just lifted the whisk in his hand quickly and swept it towards the end of the golden halberd.

Yang Shengtian, who was brought out more than ten meters away by the real person Xuanzhe's whisk, staggered on the ground and ran three or four meters before he could stand still.His face turned red, and he thought to himself, he had never been bullied like this before, and it was really embarrassing to fall into the hands of an old man today.

He made three moves in a row, not only didn't hurt the opponent, but he was also put at a disadvantage twice by the opponent without any effort. Yang Shengtian was really anxious. The anxious Yang Shengtian, at this time, his eyes glowed with faint red light, and his face was full of red. Murderous aura rose, and he pointed the sharp part of the golden halberd in his hand at Master Xuanzhe, and shouted, long——.

As soon as the shout was over, the golden halberd in Yang Shengtian instantly became longer, and then the tip of the golden halberd, as if driven by a motor, stretched and stretched continuously to stab the real Xuanzhe.

Seeing Yang Sheng's moves becoming more and more clumsy, Master Xuanzhe shook his head, turned around, and in an instant reached the middle of the golden halberd, swept the whisk in his hand, rolled it on the middle halberd pole of the golden halberd, and then swung upwards Yang, the golden halberd instantly left Yang Shengtian's hand and flew into the air.

After taking away Yang Shengtian's weapon and throwing it away, Master Xuanzhe stood in front of Yang Shengtian and looked carefully at his red eyes.

I saw that in Yang Shengtian's reddened eyes, in addition to the redness, there was also a little greenness mixed in the reddened eyes, which was very strange, and this kind of eyes could also emit a faint light, which was amazing. In order to produce an inexplicable sense of fear, if an ordinary person sees this kind of gaze, he will be scared to death, thinking that he is right at the monster.

"What could be like this? Could it be that he was possessed by some demon's soul?" Master Xuanzhe thought.

The so-called demon soul possession is that some evil cultivators secretly practice a kind of soul-absorbing technique in the process of cultivation, and then use this soul-absorbing technique to attach to the object they want to control, and then The controlling person can remotely chant spells to control the controlled person, and he will do whatever he wants; the controlling person can also attach his entire soul to the controlled person, and on the controlled person, control Its brain consciousness directs the consciousness of the controlled person, and then the hands and feet do what the controlling person wants to do and say according to the consciousness.

Since the practice of this kind of insanity requires the blood of humans or beasts of various personalities to practice, when practicing, release the collected blood of humans or beasts out of the cultivation furnace, and blow the three-flavored real fire into the furnace In the process, the blood is boiled to a boil, and then the gas from the boiled blood is put into another bottle, put into a special ice pool, frozen into pellets, taken out, and then the practitioner eats it into the stomach , after it was digested into his own blood, he used his true energy to transport it to the left brain and store it.In the future, when meeting someone who wants to control him, the cultivator will force the essence of the blood soul from the left brain out of the body, and blow the sound of the controlled person. After the controlled person inhales the essence of the blood soul, the essence will be in the air Inhale the air suitable for the character in the brain of the person being controlled, and then the controller injects the controller's consciousness elements into the character of the person being controlled, so that the controller can control the consciousness of the person being controlled.

When practicing this kind of insanity, what kind of blood of people or beasts are used to practice, and the practitioners can control the consciousness of certain people and certain beasts if they succeed in cultivation.

Because this kind of insanity requires the blood of people of various personalities or the blood of various beasts to practice, it is too cruel, and practitioners are generally driven by personal desires to do some inhuman things , so generally very few people practice this kind of soul-absorbing technique. In addition, people who practice this kind of soul-absorbing technique, if they do not grasp it well, they are easy to go mad, and they are not themselves. Essence qi confuses the essence in one's body, so whether it is that person or a woman, the practitioner cannot have children after the soul-stirring operation, so very few people practice this kind of soul-stirring technique.

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