Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 9 Thank You Producer

"Haha, look, I forgot, what is the last name of Yuanyuan's friend?" Liu Xiqiang tilted his head and looked at Ye Chong with a smile, "Is the surname Zhu?"

"Brother Liu, his name is Ye Chong," Song Jiafeng quickly answered with a smile, "Yuanyuan hasn't known him for long, but sometimes she asks him to run errands."

Upon hearing this, Niu Yuanyuan pouted angrily, and glanced at Song Jiafeng, obviously a little unhappy.

Ye Chong raised the corner of his mouth, took a sip of tea, and then looked at Liu Xiqiang with a half-smile.

"Oh, so it's Mr. Ye!" Liu Xiqiang tilted his head and looked at Ye Chong with a smile, "I don't know where Mr. Ye is working? I'll visit another day!"

"Yangcheng University." Ye Chong obviously had no interest in talking.

"Oh, it turns out that Ye is always a teacher! Disrespect! Disrespect!" Liu Xiqiang said with a smile, while sitting up straight, "I was most afraid of teachers when I was young, no wonder I was afraid and trembling when I saw you for the first time , Shivering, haha, Hello, Teacher Ye! Teacher Ye has worked hard!"


There was a burst of roaring laughter in the huge room.

Except for Niu Yuanyuan, everyone looked at Ye Chong with sneer and sarcasm.

"I'm a student, majoring in marketing at the School of Economics and Management." Ye Chong slowly put on disposable gloves, picked up an old goose leg in salt water, and lightly bit it, looking nonchalant.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Liu Xi slapped the table forcefully, "Ms. Ye must not be a student! You are so awesome that I get scared when I see you. How could you be a student?!"


The scene was suddenly noisy, as if a frying pan had exploded.

"Yes, Teacher Ye, what do you teach? Seeing that you are not young, are you in good health? Ha ha."

"Ms. Ye, when I look at you, you are a good example of a teacher. You can tell from small things! Take the old goose that eats salt water as an example. You are really professional in eating. It is better than... haha, so It’s clean, there’s not even a single bit of meat left on it, right?”

"Ms. Ye, don't say anything else. From the way you speak, you can tell that you are not an ordinary teacher. You must be a professor now, right? Tsk tsk tsk, it's an honor to have dinner with Professor Ye. By the way, Ye Ming Beast, do you really look like a beast when you bark?"

"Ms. Ye, hello! When I was studying at the University of California, Berkeley in the United States, I deeply knew that it is not easy for teachers and students to fall in love! The pressure from all aspects makes people breathless. May I ask Mr. Ye, how did you break through morality? Bottom line, what about the one who tried his best to catch up with Niu Yuanyuan?"



Niu Yuanyuan turned her head to look at Song Jiafeng, with an angry look on her face:

"Song Jiafeng, you lied to me to come here today because you want these friends of yours to humiliate my boyfriend? I guess I misunderstood you before! Song Jiafeng, listen, from now on, none of us will Know someone, I'm leaving."

After speaking, Niu Yuanyuan stood up directly.

"Yuanyuan, don't be impulsive. Sit down first and listen to me." Song Jiafeng stood up immediately and pulled Niu Yuanyuan's arm, trying to make her sit down again. Partying, drinking and eating and joking with each other, these are all normal things, you must not be glassy!"

"I'm not a glass heart! This is not a joke!" Niu Yuanyuan said angrily: "This is clearly a naked insult!"

"Naked?" Liu Xiqiang tilted his head and looked at Niu Yuanyuan's body with a smile, sweeping from top to bottom, "This word is very elegant and vivid, and it makes people think about it without losing depth. I like it."

"Hmph, hooligan!" Niu Yuanyuan blushed with anger, and sat down, obviously not wanting the other party's eyes to scan her body wantonly.

"Wrong! Haha, Yuanyuan, you missed a word," Liu Xiqiang grinned, with a look of turmoil in his eyes, "Add a big character in front of it-big gangster, it sounds better! Haha, all my women like it. Lying on the bed, calling me that while being coquettish! In the future, I will definitely let you see it, haha!"


The sound of laughter suddenly rang out.

Some people even kept patting the table, obviously looking extremely happy.

On weekdays, these people here are all elites from all walks of life, including many academic leaders. They are modest and gentlemen in front of others. Once they tear off their disguise, they have no bottom line compared to the hooligans in society.

"Ms. Ye, you are so good at eating salt water old goose, have you never eaten it before?!" Liu Xiqiang slowly tilted his head to the other side, looked at him with a smile, and said unhurriedly: "I haven't eaten it before." Just eat more, the lion head goose in the Dafuhao Hotel is famous all over the country, and you can't eat it outside if you want to."

"However, Teacher Ye, let me tell you, the most delicious part of this lion head goose is not the goose meat, but the goose butt!"

"A girl like you who eats more goose buttocks will grow taller, stronger, and bigger. If you want to be a hooligan, you will have capital. At that time, you don't have to humble yourself to please others, you will There are a lot of people coming to kneel and lick you! Why? Because you have turned from a child to a big idiot!"


Suddenly bursts of crazy laughter erupted in the huge room.

Almost every man grinned widely, laughing unceasingly, and looked at Ye Chong with a look of sarcasm.

At the same time, the four girls, including Song Jiafeng, all laughed and looked at Ye Chong with ridicule and disdain.

Ye Chong continued to eat goose legs unhurriedly, and looked at Liu Xiqiang with a smile, without any intention of answering.

"Ye Chong, let's go!" Niu Yuanyuan pulled him, tears were about to flow, "Didn't you say you want to invite me to watch a movie? Don't forget! Let's go, okay?"

"Don't worry, Yuanyuan, since you're here, let's have a meal here." Ye Chong raised his lips, "Besides, I said I would invite you to watch a movie, so naturally I won't break my promise, and what you are watching now, It's the movie I want you to watch, but it's a realistic movie, and you are the heroine of this movie, and I am the heroine of this movie!"


Hearing what Ye Chong said, it was as if a pot had exploded, and there was constant noise and laughter.


Ye Chong stood up.


He poured a large glass of white wine, looked at Liu Xiqiang with a smile, and said, "This movie can start shooting as scheduled. First of all, I would like to thank the investor and producer of this realistic movie—Mr. Liu Xiqiang!"


When Ye Chong said this, for some reason, the scene suddenly became quiet.

There was a hint of astonishment on everyone's face, even Liu Xiqiang was a little confused.

"Is this guy dumbfounded? How did he make it look like the real thing?"

"Well, it seems that he was really stimulated? Ci'ao, isn't he too fragile?"

"What a psycho!"

"No! What you said is wrong! He is not a psychopath, he should be a psychopath who escaped from a mental hospital."

"Haha, this is miserable for Niu Yuanyuan! I don't know why at the beginning, I fell in love with such a big trash, and I was laughed at by others! Now, this useless fool has been stimulated and turned into a mental illness. Hehe, look. Will she still have the face to see people in the future?!"


Niu Yuanyuan's face turned pale with fright, she held Ye Chong's arm with her hand, full of concern.

"So, respected Mr. Liu Xiqiang, on behalf of Niu Yuanyuan and myself, I would like to offer you a toast!"

Da da da!

After speaking, Ye Chong took a full glass of wine and walked towards Liu Xiqiang who was a little confused with a smile on his face.

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