"Please!" Ye Chong handed over a full glass of wine.

"Wait, your glass of wine... is so respectful, I won't drink it!" Liu Xiqiang sat on the seat, tilted his head and squinted at Ye Chong, with endless mockery in his eyes, and did not reach out to take the wine, "Kneel down! Hands up!"


The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he lifted his right hand, a loud slap was slapped on the opponent's face, and the wine in the glass in his left hand didn't spill a single drop.


Liu Xiqiang stood up abruptly, covered his face with his left hand, and looked at Ye Chong viciously, obviously in a daze.


There was a sound of exclamation at the scene.

Everyone looked at Ye Chong with disbelief.

"Ci'ao, this idiot dared to hit Boss Liu, didn't he know he was the president of Xiqiang Group?!"

"Nimma! Do you think Mr. Liu's nickname is for nothing?! The name Xiaoqiang has another meaning, that is, his body is strong enough, and his fighting power is very strong. Killing an ordinary person is similar to killing an ant! Ye Chong, this big trash, is going to die today!"

"Am I reading this wrong?! Isn't this kid too courageous?! Not only did he slap Boss Liu, but he also slapped him in the face. I'll wipe it off. How is this possible?! There are still people in this world who are really brainless. Are you a life-and-death fool?!"


A look of deep hatred and ecstasy appeared in Song Jiafeng's eyes, and he said in his heart:

"I don't like you, Ye, for a long time! Without you, a bastard, to make trouble, Niu Yuanyuan would have listened to me obediently, so why bother?! Well now, you fool dare to take the initiative Hitting Boss Liu is neither reasonable nor self-sufficient, hehe, you will be waiting for a while! You idiot, you really haven’t seen how powerful Brother Liu is!!!”

Niu Yuanyuan's face had already turned pale with fright, and she looked extremely anxious.

There are so many men on the other side, Ye Chong is alone, he will suffer!

"What?" The corner of Ye Chong's mouth twitched, "I bought you a drink, but Boss Liu didn't drink it. Isn't this disrespecting me?!"

"Second Ao!"

Liu Xiqiang touched his swollen left cheek and finally woke up.

Being slapped in the face was the first time for him since he was a child.

Moreover, being slapped in the face by a well-recognized trash in front of so many people was even more unbelievable for him.

The most important thing is that the person who hit him in the face was also the boyfriend of the girl who made him salivate and want to burn his body, which made him even more aggrieved, angry, unable to hold back his face.

"You are looking for death!"

Liu Xiqiang swung his right fist and slammed towards the door in front of Ye Chong, the wind howled and the momentum was majestic.


Just as his iron fist was about to hit the opponent, there was a crackling sound.

I saw his right forearm and fist suddenly turned backwards, hitting his face hard.



Blood flowed.

Screams began.

I saw that Liu Xiqiang had already fallen to the ground with his chair and his body. His right forearm was bent at an extremely strange angle.

However, Ye Chong didn't seem to have moved at all, still standing where he was, with a half-smile on his face, and he didn't even spill a drop of wine from the full glass of wine in his left hand.

The first step in the basic training of "Building Body Technique" is "the body is like a rock, unmoving." With hundreds of years of experience, Ye Chong naturally has a deep understanding of how to practice "Building Body Technique", and the basic practice is even more natural , a matter of course.


There was a scream in the huge room.

Swish swish!

Almost all the people stood up, all with dumbfounded expressions on their faces.

"How is this possible?! Mr. Liu was clearly punching the opponent, but why did he suddenly hit him with a backhand?! And... his arm... Oh my god, it must have been completely broken, right?!"

"What the hell happened just now?! The speed is too fast, right?! I only saw Brother Liu throwing a punch, and the man surnamed Ye waved his hand, how did it become like this?! This man surnamed Ye looks a bit strong! "

"No... no, Ye... Ye Chong should be a big waste, but now... God, why is this?!"


Niu Yuanyuan's gaze towards Ye Chong was extremely complicated, with a trace of pride, surprise, worry, and anxiety in it.

However, when she saw a half-smile on his face, for some reason, her beating heart calmed down.


Ye Chong stepped forward and stood in front of Liu Xiqiang.

Hulala, everyone suddenly became tense.

"What do you want to do?! Mr. Liu is the president of Xiqiang Group, don't you want to live?!"

"The one surnamed Ye is Boss Liu's father. He is the chairman of a listed company. He has many friends and is highly respected. If you are not stupid, you'd better not mess around. Otherwise, you will be unable to move forward!"

"Ye Chong, do you know some martial arts? No, no, I'm afraid you don't even count as martial arts. It's the simplest fighting or boxing technique. Hehe, with this ability, you dare to fight against the Liu family. , I think you want to die, right?!"

"Get back quickly, or you will regret it!"



Ye Chong raised his mouth, looked around, and said with a smile:

"It seems that you are really good friends of Producer Liu, otherwise, I wouldn't have invited you to play tricks! What? You have itches?! Come on, don't mutter behind, step forward, let I can see who you are?!"


There was a commotion among the crowd, and everyone seemed to be filled with righteous indignation, but no one stepped forward.

The opposite of.

Their gazes were full of fear and retreat, and no one spoke while dodging.


The huge room fell silent.


The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he bent down to look at Liu Xiqiang who was lying on the ground.

The latter shrank back, and yelled fiercely: "Stop! What do you want to do?! If you do it again, I will kill you!!!"


Ye Chong didn't say anything, and threw another big-eared scraper over.


Liu Xiqiang spat out a mouthful of old blood, and his head was thrown to the side.

Ye Chong shook his hands and said with a smile: "I'm going to do it, come on, you kill me!"

"I..." Liu Xiqiang half-spoken, and kept backing away in fright, "You...you...what the hell are you trying to do?!"

"What do you want to do?" Ye Chong raised his left hand up, and a full glass of wine appeared in front of the other party's eyes, "Toast! What else can you do?! You didn't eat the toast just now, so I made you drink as a penalty!"

"Crazy!" Liu Xiqiang's face showed horror, "You are a lunatic!"

"Madman? No, no, no, you look down on people too much!" Ye Chong smiled slightly, "You should be in front of the lunatic, plus a big word, big lunatic! The people I beat to the ground are all lying on the ground like this It’s called! Remember it well! Don’t say it wrong next time! Well, now comes the question, the big lunatic toasts you with this glass of wine from Producer Liu, should you drink it or not?!”

After speaking, Ye Chong raised his right hand.

"Drink!" Liu Xiqiang shrank his neck in fright, opened his mouth and cried, "I'll drink! Can't I drink?"

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, his right hand raised, and he scratched his head.

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