Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 8 It's okay


Everyone present began to introduce themselves.

In addition to Niu Yuanyuan and Song Jiafeng, there were three other young girls from the Yangcheng University Dance Art Troupe. They were all beautifully dressed, but compared to Niu Yuanyuan's natural beauty, they were obviously inferior.

As for the twenty men, they all looked to be in their twenties, as Song Jiafeng said, all of them had extraordinary resumes or strong family backgrounds.

Among them, at least ten people have their own companies or profitable industries, and the rest are either executives of well-known companies, celebrities, or young talents who have returned from studying abroad.

In short, all of these people are imposing and have extraordinary temperament. At first glance, they are successful people in society.

In addition, their aesthetic views were also very consistent. They looked at Niu Yuanyuan with fiery expressions, which made the eyes of the other three girls from the school's dance troupe full of jealousy.

Of course, except for Song Jiafeng.

At this moment, the person who smiles the happiest and sweetest is her.

From time to time, she would quietly look at Liu Xiqiang, with a meaningful smile in her eyes.

And all of this, of course, did not escape Ye Chong's eyes.

"Yuanyuan, come, come and sit with me," Liu Xiqiang looked at Niu Yuanyuan with a smile, "Your place is too crowded!"

"It's okay," Niu Yuanyuan smiled politely, "I'm fine here."

"What's the matter?" Liu Xiqiang tilted his head and looked at the other party with a smile, "Hey, come here quickly! You are okay? But I am!"


There was an uproar at the scene.

Song Jiafeng and the other three girls all blushed and lowered their heads with a smile.

Niu Yuanyuan was slightly taken aback. Although she didn't know why everyone was laughing, her intuition told her that it was not a good thing, so she lowered her head and stopped talking.

Ye Chong acted as if he didn't hear what everyone was saying, and continued to pick up vegetables and eat slowly.

"Yuanyuan, look at you, why are you so ignorant?" Song Jiafeng put her mouth next to Niu Yuanyuan's ear, "Brother Liu is not an ordinary person, he is the president of Xiqiang Group, a real young entrepreneur and a big boss. Even the new gymnasium of our Yangcheng University was jointly funded and built by Mr. Liu and his father. Every time he goes to our school, the principal has to accompany him. are so stupid, go quickly!"

"I won't go, I want to be with Ye Chong." Niu Yuanyuan shook her head angrily, "I want to go with you, he seems to know you very well!"

"..." Song Jiafeng smiled and blinked, and said in a low voice, "This matter can be replaced. He wants you to go there. Will he be happy if I go?"

Ye Chong took a piece of the old goose salt water and put it in his mouth, chewing it slowly.

Although the voices of Song Jiafeng and Niu Yuanyuan were low, they were heard in his ears.

With 100 years of experience and long-term practice, he understands how to make the various organs of the body more professional and sensitive.

What's more, he has already opened the shackles of his body, and has taken a crucial step in the art of body training.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that he really has eyesight and sense of smell now.

As long as he is willing, he is even more powerful than a police dog.

However, he didn't open his mouth to say anything, but quietly enjoyed the delicacy of Yangcheng salted old goose.

"What are you two mumbling about?" Liu Xiqiang tilted his head and looked at Song Jiafeng with a smile, "Jiafeng, did you speak ill of me? Why do I look at Yuanyuan's face so badly?"

"Where, Brother Liu, how dare I speak ill of your big boss? Hehe." Song Jiafeng smiled coquettishly, looking at Liu Xiqiang with meaningful eyes, "I am introducing Liu Xiqiang to Yuanyuan. brother!"

"Introduce me? That's not easy! Let me tell you!" Liu Xiqiang straightened his head and grinned happily, "I won't talk about superficial things. I searched a lot on the Internet. I want to see myself do it, haha , let’s talk about the back story today, let’s talk about what my friends call me in private, Xiaoqiang, Xiaoqiang who can’t be beaten to death, isn’t that a fart?!”


There was a burst of light laughter at the scene.

"Ah, Brother Liu, this name sounds..." Song Jiafeng smiled until her eyes narrowed, " does it look so similar...".

"Xiaofeng, I don't like your hesitation the most. I might as well do it myself, haha." Liu Xiqiang grinned, "Don't talk about it, I, Xiaoqiang, is really the Xiaoqiang at home you mentioned .Of course, I mean quality, haha! However, my strongest ability is not that I can't be killed, but that I can make people want to die, and I can't stop, this is my true ability of Xiaoqiang!"


In the huge room, noise and laughter rang out.

Except for Ye Chong, all the men looked at Niu Yuanyuan in unison, filled with indescribable hotness.

And those three girls had smiles on their faces, but their eyes were full of jealousy.

Song Jiafeng looked at Niu Yuanyuan and then at Liu Xiqiang with a half-smile, his face was like a peach blossom.

Ye Chong continued to eat slowly as if he didn't hear the laughter of the people around him.

"Look at you people, where are you thinking?! You guys, haha, each of you has more ghosts than the other!" Liu Xiqiang tilted his head again, looked at Niu Yuanyuan with a smile, and said, "I'm talking about the business world." What you think of is love between men and women, it is simply unreasonable!"

"Then...Brother Liu, hee hee," Song Jiafeng said with a coquettish smile, "Just tell me, why does wanting to be immortal and dying become a business thing?"

"Good question Xiaofeng!" Liu Xiqiang tilted his head and nodded, "Everyone is a sensible person. When doing things in the business field, you should not only care about yourself, but pay attention to mutual benefit and win-win results. If you want to make yourself better , then you have to think in advance to make your business partners better, and make your business partners want to die, so that they can't stop and cooperate with you forever! Only in this way can you be good, I am good, everyone is good! Change together It's even better!"

clap clap clap!

Immediately, there was warm applause at the scene.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"Brother Liu is awesome!"

"Boss Liu said it very well!"

"Mr. Liu is really a genius in the business world!"

"It's the happiest thing to be able to cooperate with Boss Liu!"


Almost everyone looked at Liu Xiqiang with approval.

"Brother Liu, what you said is really good! I really hope to work under you in the future." Song Jiafeng smiled like a flower, and raised her glass, "Brother Liu, hehe, Brother Xiaoqiang, I offer you a toast, May you always be so strong!"

Whoa whoa whoa!

For a moment, almost everyone raised their glasses and congratulated Liu Xiqiang loudly.

However, Liu Xiqiang did not finish the wine in the glass, but tilted his head and looked at Niu Yuanyuan and Ye Chong with a silent smile.

"Yuanyuan, hold the glass, let's toast together." Song Jiafeng lightly touched Niu Yuanyuan's elbow and whispered.

"I don't know how to drink!" Niu Yuanyuan frowned slightly, and raised her teacup, "Why don't I drink some tea!"

"How can I do that?!" Song Jiafeng picked up the wine glass and handed it to Niu Yuanyuan, "The whole room is drinking, but you don't drink, it's shameful, Yuanyuan. Well, I remember the last time you were in the dormitory Didn’t you drink a little? It’s okay, hee hee, come on, drink less.”


The bone of the saltwater old goose fell into the osseous dish, making a slight noise.

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