When I got off the train, I saw Zhang Mingyang leading a group of school leaders from Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy to greet him.

The atmosphere was dull.

When we set off, there were more than 600 people. When we came back, only 398 people remained.

The casualties were too heavy.

Almost a third of them just disappeared.

There is no doubt that this is a heavy blow to these candidates who participated in the trial.

However, for everyone including Zhang Mingyang and other school leaders of Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy, this is a fact that must be accepted.

A heavy blow is a tempering of the mind for those who are determined to grow into warriors, and this is also one of the main purposes of this trial.

If one wants to become a qualified warrior and make contributions to the country and the people, one must go through the test of blood and fire, and sharpen one's body in the midst of life and death.

Then, going through this process before becoming a warrior is better than going through it after becoming a warrior.

Because if it is also dead, before becoming a martial artist, or before entering the Martial Arts Academy, the resources consumed are obviously less than after becoming a martial artist.

Breaking through from a quasi-warrior to becoming a warrior, the cost is not small. If you don't have a million and 80, you may not be able to beat it.

And after becoming a martial artist, the amount of resources consumed by continuous training and promotion every time is frighteningly high.

You must know that these resource expenditures are all spent from the national treasury or the Global Martial Arts Federation in the final analysis.

So, after doing the math, one can understand why the trial of life and death must be done before entering the Martial Arts Academy.

After Zhang Mingyang shook hands with Qin Zhong, Gu Bingqian and Hao Zhuang, he couldn't wait to come to Ye Chong, holding the other's right hand with both hands, shaking it back and forth, chattering non-stop.

All in all, it means:

I am very satisfied with Ye Chong's performance, and especially appreciate him.

Soon, everyone boarded the bus waiting outside the station. Amid the rumbling sound, ten buses headed end to end and went straight to Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy.

Zhang Mingyang pulled Ye Chong into the first car, and the two sat together and talked all the way, like old friends who haven't seen each other for many years.

When encountering such a thing, what can Ye Chong say?


talk nonsense.

Anyway, it's about connecting feelings.

When he was about to arrive at school, Zhang Mingyang changed the subject and the conversation got to the point.

"You are a student of the old Yangcheng University, and you are familiar with the situation inside and outside the school.

Now that the school is transformed into Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy, it will have no effect on you.

Ha ha.

In the future, our school will have many things to do and the tasks will be heavy, so it is inevitable that the backbone of the students will be involved.

Ye Chong, I have already seen that you are a talent. If you are interested, you can consider it. "

"..." Ye Chong was a little speechless, of course he knew what the other party meant, so he smiled politely and said:

"Principal Zhang, you really flatter me! I'm a bit of a nerd, I like to be quiet, and the school affairs are complicated, how can I do it?"

"Oh, hehe," Zhang Mingyang smiled, "Of course, you are a good seedling of martial arts. It is of course better to devote all your mind to the cultivation of martial arts skills and skills. After all, our Yangwu Academy was established soon. Master, there needs to be top-notch figures to win glory for the school!"

"Yes, Principal Zhang," Ye Chong smiled, nodded and said:

"The recruiter of the coastal garrison of the Great East China Sea also said that as long as I agree to their orientation or Wei Pei's request, no matter which martial arts academy I want to enter, there is no big problem."

"It even includes the three major martial arts schools."

"The recruiter also said that he is willing to provide me with all the training expenses for four years, and strives to win honor for the school and the army in the future."

Hearing this, Zhang Mingyang was stunned immediately, but he quickly nodded with a smile:

"Well, that's a good thing!"

"There are very few directional or training places issued by the military. Once obtained, it not only solves the problem of expenses in the process of going to school, but also eliminates worries about the future."

"In the future, you will be able to join the military as soon as you graduate. For warriors, it is just the place to use them."

"Hehe, which school did you go to for orientation training?"

"I give up!" Ye Chong smiled, "I am very homely, I like to be quiet, and I hate being restrained, so I had to give up."

"Just... just because of this... and then gave up four years of free training resources?" Zhang Mingyang looked a little confused, "If you can cultivate to become a martial arts warrior, it will cost more than tens of millions, right?"

"Yes," Ye Chong shrugged, "I also hope to get enough cultivation resources, but this does not mean that I have to sign a contract of sale."

"Hehe, this statement is good and accurate!" Zhang Mingyang shook his head with a smile, and then said in a low voice: "If you are willing to come to Yangwu Academy to study, then you can start from now until you break through to become a martial artist and an intermediate martial arts fighter." Yangwu Academy can provide all the resources."

"The academy will provide you with half the price of resources from intermediate martial arts fighters onwards. How about it? Are you interested?"

"How much is this?" Ye Chong scratched his head.

"Hehe, it costs about 80 yuan to break through to become a warrior. From a junior martial arts fighter to an intermediate martial arts fighter, the cost is at least 200 million yuan, and the total cost is more than 300 million yuan." Zhang Mingyang smiled, "As for It costs more and more to break through from an intermediate martial arts fighter, and the relevant resources can be calculated at half the price, which is not a small amount, which is very rare."

"Oh, not bad, let me think about it." Ye Chong nodded.

To be honest, he was a little disappointed.

If there is no comparison with the favorable conditions offered by the recruiter of the coastal garrison of the East China Sea, maybe he has agreed to Zhang Mingyang by now.

After all, his original plan was to stay at Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy, studying while waiting for his family.

However, there is no way.

The recruiter's words had already been seared into his heart. Compared with the conditions offered by Zhang Mingyang, if he accepted the other party's proposal, it would make people feel that he had suffered a great loss.

How does this work?

Certainly not!

It will leave a psychological shadow and make people feel that they have suffered a lifetime.

Therefore, now he can only answer Zhang Mingyang slowly.

What's more, this incident made his confidence in staying in Yangwu Academy very unstable now.

Ten buses stopped directly on the square opposite the main teaching building. After everyone got off, Zhang Mingyang issued a notice.

In fact, it is similar to the previous related content, this time it is mainly to emphasize.

It roughly means that all those who survived the trial have met the admission requirements of the Martial Arts Academy.

However, to specifically fill in which martial arts academy, you need to go online to check the admission requirements published by the corresponding website.

At the same time, Zhang Mingyang also focused on explaining the calculation formula of scores.

Scores for the cultural class (comprehensive), physical test, actual combat, and trials are all converted into a percentile system, and then weighted to obtain the final total score of the percentile system.

Cultural courses (comprehensive) have a weight of 5%.

The weight of physical examination is 60%.

The weight of actual combat is 5%.

Trials have a weight of 30%.

such as:


The total score obtained in this way is the data that each martial arts academy focuses on.

Generally, as long as it exceeds the admission score of the corresponding Martial Arts Academy, the problem is not a big deal.

When Ye Chong heard this, he felt a little unhappy.

"What about the bonus points?"

"Didn't it mean that team scores can be weighted to increase individual points?"

"Damn it! Isn't this going too fast?"

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