Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 86 Bonus Items

The speed of the train was very fast, and it roared towards Yangcheng like the wind.

In the short few hours on the road, everyone was not idle.

Some are silently praying for their lost teammates.

Some people are secretly calculating how much they have gained.

Most people were laughing and laughing, thinking about the future enthusiastically.

Ye Chong was originally assigned to the premium seat in front, but when he saw the tall sitting posture and cold expression of Qin Zhong and the others, he felt a wriggling in his stomach, and immediately left there by going to the toilet, and returned to the Hard seats, sitting with his teammates.

However, as soon as he sat down, he felt something strange.


Sitting among Lin Xiaomei and the others was like sitting among a pile of stoves, which made the mouth dry and the whole body hot.

Ye Chong quickly discovered the heat source.

That's right!

It is their eyes.

Can a person's eyes really be this hot?


This is Ye Chong's most real feeling now.

He felt that their gazes were like the hottest flames, raging unabashedly on his body.

It's like a hungry wolf meets a lamb.

There are more wolves and less meat.

Ye Chong immediately regretted it.

He doesn't even dare to make eye contact with them now, just a little touch, they are sure to stick together, and they can't be torn apart, and they can't stop pulling.


Seeing Ye Chong appear in the hard seat, another group of people rushed over, and finally relieved him.

"Captain Ye Chong, we have always been curious, why did you distribute the prize money of the 00 team equally?" A tall and handsome man looked at Ye Chong with a smile, his eyes sparkling with eagerness, "You can be like the 002 team and the team. Like the 001 team, you take the lead, I don't think your team members will have any objections."

"Hehe," Ye Chong glanced at the other party with a smile, then looked around at the members of the 00 team, and shook his head, "If you openly ask about this matter, you won't be afraid to offend those...these..."

"Tigress!" The tall and handsome man rushed to say immediately.

"What did you say?!" The female members of the 00 team stood up in unison, angrily scolding each other, looking like they were going to tear people apart.

"..." The tall and handsome man immediately got a little shorter, and took half a step back with embarrassment on his face.

"Sit down, all of you!" Ye Chong quickly waved to Lin Xiaonuan and the others, "What's wrong with the tigress?"

"I think it's an honorific title."

"The living environment on the island is very dangerous. Every member of the trial team must be as brave and smart as a tiger to survive."

"Otherwise, they are all like sick cats, pretending to be pitiful in front of the mutated sea beast, which is useless."

"So, our 00 team can survive safely and achieve good results. One of the most important points is that we are all as brave, tenacious and smart as tigers."

"In the final analysis, we are a group of tigers. I am a male tiger and you are female tigers. We..."

When Ye Chong said this, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Looking around, I found that the female players of the 00 team were blushing, and most of the onlookers couldn't stop laughing.

"Damn! It doesn't seem appropriate to describe it as a group of tigers! I'm a male tiger with a group of female tigers, isn't this a big family? Damn!" Ye Chong frowned secretly.

"So, is this why you distribute the bonus equally?" The tall and handsome man looked at Ye Chong with a half-smile.


There was a chuckle at the scene.

Ma Dan.

Ye Chong cursed secretly in his heart.

This kind of thing seems to be inexplicable.

The more explanations, the more confused, the greater the suspicion.

Once you explain something that didn't exist in the first place, it is basically tantamount to admitting it.

Ye Chong looked at Lin Xiaomei and the others, and couldn't help feeling angry.

All of them blushed, lowered their brows, and looked like little daughters-in-law.

"Damn! They are eager to confuse the fake with the real, and trap me in injustice!" Ye Chong was so angry, "The key is that I didn't do anything, and I suffered from this scapegoat!"

"Captain Ye Chong, please don't be angry." The tall and handsome man smiled humbly, "As the captain, being able to distribute bonuses in this way makes us think you are handsome, domineering, and very individual, and you are particularly manly, unlike many Just like people, they are petty."

"Like a man?" Ye Chong smiled slightly, puffed out his chest, "No, I can assure you, I am a man."


There was a lot of laughter at the scene.

"Captain Ye Chong, we really want to know what you thought at the time? Because all this is not as simple as it seems on the surface." The tall and handsome man said sincerely.

"Okay, let me say a few words." Ye Chong nodded, "Team rewards should indeed be distributed according to the size of the contribution, but the question is, in a team, who will measure the size of the contribution? And what? to define?"

When he said this, Ye Chong looked around with a smile, and after seeing everyone frowning in thought, he continued:

"The team is like a system. Every node and every link in it is indispensable. It is difficult for us to distinguish which node is more important."

"Speaking of which, some people will ask questions."

"For example, they will say that there will always be some bad members in a team. The existence of these members is meaningless. If you leave them, maybe the team will work better."

"Hehe, I have to admit that this point of view is indeed true under certain circumstances."

"However, I want to tell everyone that people who hold this point of view are a team whose interests are linked together. They are often strong on the surface, but fragile on the inside. They will never be able to catch up with the team whose hearts are connected."

"Of course, even though I said that, it doesn't mean that the 00 team has achieved this."

"Undoubtedly, no."

"We're nowhere near cohesive as a great team."

"But, I think, we're working toward that goal."

When Ye Chong said this, he suddenly felt a little sensational, so he laughed at himself and continued:

"Hehe, let's be more specific."

"In this trial, my personal score ranked first, and I have already received generous rewards. If I take the majority of the team rewards, it will be suspected of double rewards, which is inappropriate."

"At the same time, in order to motivate every member of the team, it is also advisable to make sincere cooperation to complete the team task as the primary task, and to distribute bonuses without distinction."

clap clap clap!

There was a burst of applause at the scene.

Ye Chong thought to himself, I am not a challenge, I hope Qin Zhong will not take what I say seriously.

"Big pot of rice!" someone muttered.

clap clap clap!

Ye Chong clapped his hands and said with a smile:

"Well said! It's a big pot of rice!"

"If a team wants to connect with each other, it must not eat small stoves, but must eat big pots! Otherwise, if the hearts are not aligned, the team will be chaotic!"

However, when Ye Chong said this, he secretly thought in his heart:

"Damn it!"

"If I could choose myself, why would I not choose a team!"

"What's the deal with a bunch of oil bottles?"

"How can it compare to a person coming and going without a trace, clean and neat?"

"The key is that I have become a member of the team and a leader, so I must not slack off at will and pass the buck."

When thinking of this, Ye Chong smiled wryly to himself and shook his head.

"The topic of the team, different people have different opinions, how can there be any right or wrong?"

"We will see the result then."

"Damn! In order to win a good development opportunity after entering the Martial Arts Academy in the future, is it easy for me?"

"Hehe, I hope that everything I do can become my bonus item, right?"

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