After the meeting ended, everyone began to calculate according to this calculation formula.

Of course Ye Chong was not idle, he was silently calculating in his heart.

The culture class (comprehensive) was originally a 65-point system, and he scored [-] points in the test.

The full score of the physical test is 21, and his score is 18, which is 86 points based on the percentile system.

The actual combat was originally a 97-point system, and his score was [-] points.

The full score of the trial is 200, and his score is 190, which is 95 points according to the percentile system.



Ye Chong let out a long breath.

But then he frowned.


Just a little bit, not getting 90 points, what a failure.

It seems that after the grade reaches 90, it will be called excellent, right?

It seems that with this score, even if I want to go to a relatively good martial arts academy, I'm afraid it will be impossible. "

As Ye Chong was walking towards the dormitory, his expression began to turn a little ugly.

Da da da!

There was a sound of footsteps.

Before Ye Chong could turn his head, Dunan gasped and shouted: "Lao Ye, why are you hiding? Why are you ignoring him?"

"It's annoying!" Ye Chong glanced at the other party, and said angrily: "Don't open your mouth! You didn't even open your mouth! Don't even think about it!"

"What?" Dunan came to him, with his hands on his hips, panting violently, "Old Ye, what are you talking about, can you open your mouth? Fuck! I'm exhausted, why are you walking so fast now? It's like a gust of wind .”

"It's not that I'm fast, it's that you're too slow, Da Du." Ye Chong frowned, "Why is your mouth full of scallions? What are you eating again?"

"Haha, are you stupid, Lao Ye? There are a lot of hot roast ducks in the back of the bus, haven't you eaten them?" Dunan rubbed his stomach, "Let me tell you, the taste is really good, the skin is thick The meat is fat and the scallions are spicy, it would be a pity if you don’t eat it!”

"It's just that you have an appetite, blood on your face, dirty, can you eat it?" Ye Chong leaned back, "Tell me, what's the matter? I don't have any money!"

"I'm going! Lao Ye, you think too little of me!" Du Nan patted his stomach and let out a bang bang bang bang, "I'm asking you how many points you got in the exam? Which martial arts academy are you going to apply for? I What the hell, I only got more than 300 points in the test, so I failed this time!"

"What?" Ye Chong was taken aback, "How many points did you get?"

"396 points!" Du Nan rubbed his stomach, "I heard that Yangwu College's admission score is likely to be above 400 points, I guess I'm done, Ma Ma Mia, in case I get into a bad school Go, when the time comes, you won't even have to eat braised pork, it will be miserable!"

"So high!" Ye Chong felt a little unnatural, "Are you bragging? Isn't it a 400-point system? How could the admission line be set above 396? Also, with your grades, it's impossible for you to be higher than me. 39.6 points, I think it is [-] points?!"

"That's right, the 39.6-point system is 396 points, but the thousand-point system is [-] points," Dunan patted his stomach, "Hey, don't talk about it, it's all the same in the end, it doesn't make sense! Lao Ye, what is your score? ?”

"88.2," Ye Chong said a little unconfidently, "882 points?"

"Fuck!" Dunan opened his eyes wide, "That's awesome!"

"What do you mean?" Ye Chong was taken aback, "Is this score high?"

"Lao Ye, you can do it! You can do it!" Du Nan looked at Ye Chong up and down, then slapped himself on the stomach and laughed: "I never thought that I, Du Nan, could be with such a super awesome person like you." Chatting and spanking, chatting, haha, worth it!"

"Okay! Da Du!" Ye Chong frowned, and slapped his nose with his hand, "Speak human! What's going on?"

"Lao Ye, the admission score of Yangwu Academy is estimated to be in the early 400s, and your score is 882 points, which is nearly 500 points higher than the admission score of Yangwu Academy. Let me go, tell me, Why do you still need me to say shit?" Du Nan looked at the other party with a look of contempt, then rubbed his stomach fiercely and said:

"Lao Ye, don't be so useless! Hurry up and treat the guests! By the way, and brother, I have a big appetite recently, and my hands are tight and my stomach is empty. I will take one hundred and eighty thousand from you first, is it good?"

"Get out!" Ye Chong pushed the other party hard, and roared: "I have no money, get out!"


Da da!

Da da da!

There was a sound of footsteps.

Lin Xiaomei and all the members of the 00 team surrounded him, pushed Du Nan aside, and heard Gao Shuang say:

"Brother Chong, we treat you to dinner!"

"Okay!" Du Nan clapped his hands outside the encirclement and laughed loudly: "Go and eat grandma's braised pork! I heard that the current pork belly has become ten belly pork, and it tastes so delicious!"

"Don't eat such greasy food!" Lin Xiaonuan tugged at Ye Chong's arm, "Captain, there's a Wansan elbow shop in Nanmen, let's try it?"

"Okay, the braised hoof of Da Zhouzhuang is good. It's fat and fragrant. It's better than braised pork. I like it! Go together! Go together!" Du Nan shouted impatiently.

Swish swish!

A long line of disdainful eyes looked at Dunan, and he shut his mouth immediately in fright.

"I don't want to eat, the registration is important. I think you can also hear from the tone of Principal Zhang that the threat from the mutant sea beast is getting bigger and bigger. There are even alarms in the jungle and the wilderness. There are many crises. !" Ye Chong looked around and said:

"The current policy is changing very quickly, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is different every day. Therefore, we should fill in the volunteer application early and prepare to study at the Martial Arts Academy, lest things become urgent and catch us by surprise!"

"Captain," Lin Xiaomei brushed her hair lightly, and said with a smile, "We came here just to ask, which martial arts academy does the captain intend to apply for?"


When Ye Chong heard this, his expression immediately changed.

what does it mean?

Asking this now is absolutely impure.

It seems that it is still a technical job to get rid of these oil bottles.

"Oh, hehe, my own preliminary plan is to apply for the Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy. After all, I am very familiar with this place." Ye Chong smiled slightly, "Principal Zhang Mingyang also has expectations for me to stay here, so I...hehe , it should be said that it has not been settled yet.”

"Ah, the captain really wants to apply for the Yangwu Academy?" Sun Mengmeng clapped her hands excitedly, "I'm going to apply here too."

"Yes, me too." Tao Xiangru smiled and nodded.

"Also, I like the environment of Yangwu Academy. It is quiet amidst the hustle and bustle, elegant and generous." Gao Shuang's eyes sparkled.

"Cut!" Lin Xiaonuan bit her red lips lightly, with a smile on her face.

Lin Xiaomei was silent, watching Ye Chong quietly.

The rest of the 00 team members were also cheering and chattering non-stop.


Ye Chong suddenly felt hesitant for a while.

Did they become so excited and happy just because they knew the direction of their application?

Is it... really worth it?


do not know why?

A faint sense of guilt slowly emerged in Ye Chong's heart.

Especially when he saw all the members of the 00 team smiling so happily and happily, he suddenly felt a little bit of reluctance in his heart.

"Do I really have to choose to leave?

Can I bear the tears they must shed? "

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