Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

The Message Behind Chapter 790

Zhugov frowned, his eyeballs rolled around, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Ye Chong smiled slightly and planned to leave here.

Busy now.

Staying with people who don't like each other is better than squatting in a pit to smoke a cigarette.

As a result, Zhugofu narrowed his eyes and said, "These three general-level mutant beasts...have no scars caused by warrior weapons? Such as swords, axes, etc.?"

"It doesn't seem to be there?" Ye Chong frowned as if remembering, "Their bodies are all rotting, and there is really nothing to see."

"Then... You are always alone in this trip to Leqing Mountain?" Zhu Gefu followed up and asked, "Did you meet any human warriors?"

"How can this be, ha ha." Ye Chong smiled, "I entered the Leqing Mountains this time to find the whereabouts of my teammates, and it's a pity that I ran into them, and I also met many people. The few people are all members of our Jiuwu, but they got separated in the end."

In fact, shortly after returning to the dormitory, Ye Chong explained to Zhou Xinxin, Gao Ang, Xin Xiaomeng, Tong Ya, and Han Lina that there are some things that should be said and should not be said Yes, it's still rotten in the stomach.

These people are all teachers and students of the Kyushu Martial Arts Academy. Among the serious people, regardless of the level of martial arts, the IQ level is top-notch among the human race, and the EQ is not too low.

What Ye Chong meant, no need to explain, they all understood it in their hearts.

Moreover, no one asked about it.

In fact, for these human spirits, they will minimize their own troubles and avoid time consumption. Between cause and effect, the most important thing is the result. This is actually the way for warriors to choose.

Therefore, Ye Chong was not worried at all about mistakes coming from their mouths.

In fact, even if there is a mistake, it's fine.

True and false, soldiers never tire of deceit, it is the nature of human beings.

No one is a child, and if you take some things seriously, you lose.

Ye Chong scratched his head with a smile and said, "Unexpectedly, I spent a whole night and finally returned to the dormitory, only to find that they came back early, haha, happy event."

"Oh, haha, good, good, auspicious people have their own aura." Zhu Gefu grinned, "Then you didn't meet other warriors at night? Haha, walking alone at night in the Leqing Mountains is really a shame." Too dangerous."

"No," Ye Chong casually smiled, "However, I heard the roar of a general-level mutant beast far away.


It seems that there are still shouts from the human race.

But it's too far away, so I don't know the specific situation.

Ha ha.

Teacher Zhu, you have also seen that I am only a junior martial arts fighter, and I really dare not go to such a place. "

"Yeah, haha, you are still very measured in doing things." Zhu Gefu looked a little absent-minded, "Well, Ye Chong, haha, I have a meeting in the afternoon, we will talk again when we have a chance.

You must rest well and be safe.

Remember, you are our Jiuwu's baby, so nothing can happen to you. "

Ye Chong said politely, and seeing the other party leave, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up slightly, revealing a smile that was not a smile.

He can basically judge now that the purpose of Zhugov's routine is mainly to inquire about people.

As for who the inquirer was, if nothing else happened, it should be the three of them, Baby Fat.

Of course, whether this is the case or not, we can't jump to conclusions in a hurry, after all, there is no direct evidence.

However, for a leader of the Kyushu Martial Arts Academy's Martial Arts Command Department, he risked being exposed and asked about things directly. It could be seen that he was anxious and flustered.

Think about it too.

If Baby Fatty, a junior martial arts general with impressive strength, is really the pursuer ordered by Zhugoff, and now the pursuer has returned safely, but the pursuer and his accomplices have disappeared, no wonder he is not in a hurry .

The ferocious-looking man and the tall man died as soon as they died. Both of them were high-level martial arts fighters. In today's era of martial arts for all, they are really nothing.

However, Baby Fatty is a martial arts general, and he is also a master with strong actual combat ability, but he lost contact all of a sudden. The amount of information behind this is huge.

Not to mention anything else, even in today's era of national martial arts, martial arts fighters are rare talents, not to say that they can be cultivated after they are cultivated. In addition to their own hard work, they will also consume a lot of time and social resources. .

Therefore, the loss of any martial arts general is extremely serious and painful for any organization.

However, if the three baby fat men were really sent by Zhugoff, I am afraid that this guy is not worried about the loss, but is wondering who made these three people go and never return?

mutant beast?

A mutant beast at the level of a beast general?

Zhu Gefu is also a martial arts fighter himself, so he may not believe this.

In fact, for warriors of the martial arts level, it is not too difficult to escape even if they are attacked by mutant monsters of the general level.

Then, if it is not the reason of the mutant beast, then it is probably the human problem.

Who is the key?

At this moment, Zhugov's face was livid, his hands were behind his back, and he hurried forward, even if someone greeted him, he didn't even pay attention to it.

He's terribly bored now, and extremely depressed.

As the director of the Kyushu Martial Arts Academy's Martial Arts Command Department, he still knows the general dynamics of both the high-ranking Nine Martial Artists and the high-ranking fighters in Zhongdu City.

Judging from his sources, there were no high-level warriors in the Leqing Mountains in the past few days.

Well, the problem is coming.

If the disappearance of Baobaifei and the other three really had nothing to do with the mutant beasts, it might have something to do with people, and the human fighters who could threaten them were not active in that area, so who else could it be?

A hidden expert passing by?

Zhugov shook his head secretly.

He understood that this possibility existed, but it was very small.

One is that the great powers of the human race are all gods and dragons, and they are rare in number, so the possibility of being encountered by others is extremely low.

The second is that even if there is a great power passing by, a martial artist at the level of a martial arts warrior may not be able to perceive it, and even if he perceives it by luck, he may not really see the great power.

The third is that the great powers of the human race are all worried about the future of the human race, and put more energy on the mutant beasts. The strength of the human race is inherently weak, so it is possible for them to kill the martial arts generals who kill the race for no reason. , but it's very unlikely.

If there are really human beings who are really capable of looking at the baby and fat three people, it is estimated that at most they will be taught a lesson, and the possibility of killing them directly is very slim.

Of course, Zhugov doesn't know what happened to the three of them now.

"Did he do it?!" Zhugov stopped abruptly, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

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