Seeing Liu Yun's demeanor, Ye Chong couldn't help but smile and said, "Teacher, do you know my nickname?"

"Huh?" Liu Yun was slightly taken aback, and then smiled, "Then who doesn't know, isn't he the brother of the ruthless little brother?"

"There is also a nickname called Birdman." Ye Chong smiled and said slowly, "It has many meanings.

One of the meanings refers to the bird hunter, which I like very much.

So, Mr. Liu Yun, eliminating beasts is not a trouble for me, but my interest, and I am too late to be happy.

You mustn't be polite. "

"Okay, Ye Chong," Liu Yun brushed her hair lightly, nodded with a smile, "I won't be polite to you in the future, and if you have anything to do in the future, don't be polite to me either."

The scene where the mutant beast materials were collected was noisy, and Ye Chong and Liu Yun spoke softly, not afraid of being overheard.

Ye Chong looked relaxed when he left the mutant biology laboratory, but he couldn't hide the worry in his eyes.

When he said that to Liu Yun just now, it wasn't just being polite or pretending to be coercive.

Speaking of which, he is currently a man who is short of money. In order to earn money in the future, he will inevitably take on more missions and hunt more mutant beasts. Naturally, he will often come to the mutant biology laboratory to sell materials.

Having an acquaintance here, and an acquaintance who is sincerely helping, will save a lot of trouble, which is of course a good thing.

Besides, if he didn't say that just now, what else could he say?

It's all done, isn't it stupid not to be a favor?

Could it be that he still vomited bitter water, making the other party feel lumpy in his heart?

Embarrassing others and embarrassing oneself is not conducive to long-term cooperation.

Ye Chong still has a steelyard in his heart.

If you want to cooperate with someone for a long time, you must either become a grasshopper on a rope, or let the other party owe you, and then you can lead the other party away.

However, although Ye Chong understands these principles, the worries in his heart are also real.

"Damn it.

Today, it was confirmed from the mouth of Teacher Liu Yun.

I really offended the beasts thoroughly.


what does this mean?


Means I'm fucked! "

Ye Chong was depressed, but he also understood one thing——

Obviously, the fact that he is a wanted criminal cannot be changed.

The only thing he can do now is to protect himself.

And the best way to protect yourself is by no means to hide, but to have strong combat effectiveness and defend your own safety in a dangerous environment.

However, this kind of thing is easier said than done.

The first step he has to do now, without a doubt, is to upgrade.

Ye Chong didn't go back to the dormitory, but went directly to the cafeteria. After eating and drinking, he ordered a few self-heating lunch boxes to take back to the dormitory.

As soon as he got up and took a few steps, someone called him.


A dark-skinned fellow.

Director of the Martial Arts Command Department of Nine Martial Arts Academy.

Of course Ye Chong knew each other, and he had spoken to him a few times, but he had never really dealt with each other.

In addition, to be honest, Ye Chong looked at the other party a bit unpleasant, and he also felt that the other party didn't seem to like him very much.

Ye Chong was a little surprised to be called to stop suddenly today.

"Haha, Ye Chong, you are our Jiuwu's pride." Zhu Gefu grinned, and glanced at the few self-heating lunch boxes, "You must eat well, eat well, and strive to win even bigger prizes for our Jiuwu in the future." honor."

"Mr. Zhu," Ye Chong smiled slightly, "I will definitely work hard."

"Haha," Zhugov laughed dryly, then lowered his voice and said, "Actually, the day the departments were divided, I discovered that you are a good seedling.


such a pity.

It would be great if you could come to our martial arts command department.

With your combat prowess, ingenuity, and unparalleled temperament, you will definitely grow into the best martial arts commander.

how about it?

Ye Chong, if you want to transfer to another department, our Martial Arts Command Department will definitely welcome you warmly and provide you with the best learning resources and cultivation resources. "

"Hehe," Ye Chong shook his head with a smile, "Look at what you said, Mr. Zhu, with my stubborn temper and personality, I can't be a commander. Don't laugh at me."

"Hey, why is this a joke? I sincerely invite you on behalf of Jiuwu's martial arts command department." Zhu Gefu grinned and laughed three times, "By the way, I heard that you just came back from Leqing Mountain Range , and also hunted three SS1 level mutant beasts?"

"Yeah, I walked all night yesterday and just came back this morning." Ye Chong rolled his eyes and nodded with a smile, "However, I was lucky on the road and ran into three dead SS1-level mutant beasts. Some money."

"Haha, Ye Chong, you are really lucky." Zhu Gefu raised his head and smiled, "I often go on missions, but I have never seen a dead beast-level mutant beast, so I am much less lucky than you. "

"Hehe, I also find it strange." Ye Chong smiled, "On the way back, I saw three SS1-level mutant beasts died together, all in tatters. Will fight."

"That's normal." Zhugov folded his arms and grinned, "After all, within the mutated beasts, there are also clans, and there is a high possibility of conflicts between different beast clans due to various reasons.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the mutant beasts attack each other to death.

However, the three of them died together with a mutant beast of the general level. This matter... hahaha... sounds really weird.

Wouldn't it be killed by passing humans? "

"Hehe," Ye Chong said with a smile in his heart, "I don't know.

However, judging from the death appearances of these mutated beasts, maybe it was really the work of human warriors.


If it was really done by human warriors, there seems to be no reason not to take away the materials of the mutant beasts, right? "

"Well, it makes sense." Zhu Gefu nodded, his face became a little more serious, "Actually, it's not difficult to see whether there are traces left by human warriors on the mutant beasts.


Since you said that the three of them fought each other to death, then of course that is the case.


If there are real human warriors passing by, there is no reason why you can't find it, right? "

"Hehe, Teacher Zhu is flattering me too much." Ye Chong couldn't help but twitch his lips, "If a martial artist of the martial arts level passes by, if I'm lucky, I might still be able to spot it.

But if it is a master of martial arts level passing by, then I have no ability to find out their whereabouts.

However, then again.

The place where the three SS1-level mutant beasts are located is filled with blood. If there are martial arts warriors passing by, no matter whether he killed them or not, there is no reason to keep the materials of these mutant beasts, right?

It's all money after all.

No one will have trouble with money.

Therefore, from this point of view, the three-headed general-level mutant beast should not have been killed by a human warrior.

Moreover, after they died, there were no human warriors passing by.

Ha ha.

Otherwise, how can I have a chance to pick up such a bargain? "

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