After Ye Chong returned to the dormitory, he put down the self-heating bento.

Then, he snapped a cigarette and took a deep breath.

He didn't like to smoke, and he didn't want to, but now, he wanted to drown himself in the smoke, and he didn't want to see anyone, and he didn't want anyone to see him.

It is obvious that Zhugoff has a relationship with the subcontinent.

Ye Chong also heard some hostile actions from Bao Sihai when he was watching the battle on the martial arts field.

Now, the three people chasing him had a relationship with Zhugoff again, which undoubtedly showed that the subcontinent was attacking him.

Ye Chong knew it very well.


Not the martial arts sect.

Not the martial arts family.

Not Martial Arts Academy.

Not a martial arts organization.

It is a whole continent where martial arts prevail.

There are martial arts sects, martial arts families, martial arts colleges and various martial arts organizations, like grass growing in the wilderness, everywhere.

What does it mean to offend such a terrible place?

There is no doubt that of course it means endless pursuit.

Never stop.

Until the dead.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Ye Chong bent over and coughed a few times, then put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray.

Soon, he fanned the smoke in front of his eyes with his hand, then picked up the glass containing the small yellow and black fishing nets, felt a slight sensation, and couldn't help frowning.

"How much time is this?

One drop of advanced magic liquid is used up?

This is much faster than last time.

Moreover, the waste liquid washed out is also very little.

It seems that there can only be another drop.


A drop of 100 million points, really terrible. "

After Ye Chong took the glass to the bathroom to clean it up, he dripped another drop of Advanced Magical Liquid with a pained expression on his face.

Similarly, the situation of the Blade of the Starry Sky is similar, the drop of high-grade magic weapon liquid dripped in the morning has long been exhausted.

After Ye Chong cleaned up the waste liquid in the scabbard of the Starry Sky Blade, he dripped a drop of high-grade magic weapon liquid on the blade, felt it for a while, shook his head with a wry smile, and dripped another drop.

"Damn, the appetite is getting bigger and bigger, can't I afford to support you, can't I?" Ye Chong muttered, followed by a sigh.

The consumption of advanced magic liquid is so fast, and judging from this trend, it will definitely get faster and faster in the future. It is impossible not to hurry up and make money.

However, before trying to find a way to make money, the first thing he has to do is to upgrade, first solve the problem of not enough energy and blood.

Ye Chong sat cross-legged on the ground and began to practice.

With the guidance of 151 units of ultra-high spiritual points, he is now practicing martial arts, and it can be said that it is a matter of course, naturally, and the speed is very fast.

Combined with the distribution of combat merit points from time to time, the speed of cultivation is naturally even more powerful and faster.

Time passed by like this little by little.

Except for eating a self-heating bento when he was hungry, adding high-grade magic liquid to the small yellow and black fishing net and starry sky blade, and going to the toilet, Ye Chong spent almost all his time practicing.

During the period, many people knocked on the door, and the phone rang like crazy many times, but he ignored it, and was immersed in the cultivation and couldn't extricate himself.

three days later.

Ye Chong, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly trembled, and then his whole body glowed red, and then disappeared with a whooping sound, and regained his calm.


He opened his eyes suddenly, and the light in them was shining, colorful, and he looked very satisfied and excited.

At this moment, the few lines of small words in my mind have also changed.

Battle exploits: 4760

Physique: 171 (171)

Vitality: 202 (202)

Spirit: 157 (157)

And the physical data before the start of this practice is:

Battle exploits: 4779

Physique: 139 (139)

Vitality: 145 (145)

Spirit: 151 (151)

There is nothing to say about the combat merit points. There are both a small recovery period and a large recovery period.

In fact, with just a few days of effort, it is not bad to consume 19 combat points.

Physical fitness has risen from 139 points to 171 points, an increase of 32 points.

There is no doubt that this is a huge improvement.

Physicality is nothing else.

That is the frame of the body, the foundation of the body, and the container of spirit and blood.

Every bit of its progress not only means that the body becomes stronger and stronger, but also means that it is becoming wider and larger, and it also means that it can accommodate more spirit and blood.

In fact, anyone who embarks on the road of martial arts knows that the cultivation of body is much more difficult than the improvement of Qi and blood, even more difficult than spiritual cultivation and progress.

In just a few days, his physique increased by 32 points in one fell swoop, which is almost an unimaginable achievement for a martial artist at the level of a martial arts fighter.

Ye Chong was able to do this, in fact, thanks to the transformation and absorption of the curse from Qixingdui, the soaring mental strength played a good role in guiding the cultivation of the whole body, and it smelled like a rising tide in it.

Of course, the improvement of physical fitness points is also related to the distribution of combat merit points.

In fact, in the process of cultivation, when he found that his physique hadn't grown for a long time, he couldn't help allocating a little combat merit to increase his physique.

Every time at this time, my body seemed to have broken through the bottleneck, and began to climb slowly again.

The spirit has increased from 151 to 157, which seems to be only 6 points, but in fact it is not too little.

After all, not long ago, because of the transformation and absorption of the curse from Qixingdui, the spirit had grown at a super high speed.

In this cultivation process, it would be unrealistic to improve even more.

The reason is also simple.

The spirit is stored in the sea of ​​consciousness, and according to the understanding of ordinary people, the sea of ​​consciousness can barely be called the brain.

You must know that the mind is not boundless, nor is it indestructible, and its capacity is limited, and it cannot be accommodated by any amount of mental power.

To be honest, for a junior martial arts fighter like him, it is very rare and extremely rare for his mental power to reach 151 points.

Of course, it is not impossible to go to the next level.

However, the premise is to increase the capacity of the mind, and to increase the capacity of the mind, the physical strength of the body needs to be increased.

However, the growth of physique is not just as simple as increasing the points, but it takes time to temper, improve and even rebuild the frame of the body after the points are increased...

Undoubtedly, all of this will take time, and it is by no means something that can be done with eyes closed.

On the way of martial arts, this process is called consolidating the realm.

In fact, if you use special means to forcibly increase your mental strength before this process is completed, let alone whether it will succeed or whether you are doing useless work, even if you do it, your mind may be overwhelmed and crash.

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