Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 771 Time is up

The long sword in the baby's fat man's hand buzzed, and the cold light suddenly rose sharply.

Ye Chong laughed, took a step back, and then stretched out his hand and said, "I didn't expect my brother to be gentle, but he has a violent temper.

it is good.

bring it.

I eat. "


The baby fat man's expression eased, and he raised his hand and threw the vial over.

Ye Chong grabbed it, then twisted the bottle cap, and frowned:

"It stinks.

No, I said, this thing...

It's a bit like rotten fish and rotten shrimp, and a bit like stinky tofu, but those are not smelly enough.

Is it...

Did Xiang do this? "

"That's a lot of nonsense." The baby fat man's expression was cold, "Are you going to eat it or not?"

"Eat, of course." Ye Chong grinned, then shook the vial in his hand, "But I can't eat now.

It stinks.

I need to go home and eat it with honey water. can't object, can you? "


The baby fat man's face was cold, and he pointed forward the long sword in his hand, the sword's light soared by more than three feet, and said coldly:

"If you don't eat, you die!

I'll give you 10 seconds to eat it in front of me.

Otherwise, I will make you die ugly. "

"No." Ye Chong shook his head and smiled slightly, "Ten seconds is not enough, you'd better give me 10 minute. I've been taking medicine since I was a child and I need to brew some feelings, so I can't mess around."

"..." The fat baby man snorted and suppressed his anger, "You'd better stop playing tricks with me.


It's useless for you to delay like this.

After being hit by my poison gas bomb, if you forcibly use your qi and blood, your qi and blood will plummet, and it will also damage your body and spirit.

Even if you don't use your qi and blood, as long as you don't take my antidote, your qi, blood, body and spirit will only go down, not up.

And the freedom pill in your hand, one of its functions is to eliminate the physical damage caused by inhaling the gas bomb.

Therefore, if you spend so much time, it is you who suffer, not me. "

"Oh?" Ye Chong raised the small bottle in his hand and smiled, "Unexpectedly, this Freedom Pill is really extraordinary and has many wonderful uses, so I really have to put it away."

When he said this, Ye Chong put the vial in his arms, then smiled and looked at the other party and said: "Okay, time is up.

What are you waiting for? "

The baby fat man looked confused, subconsciously said: "When is it?"

"Nonsense." The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, "Of course one minute is up, so what are you waiting for now?"

"Asshole!" The baby fat man was startled for a moment, and then suddenly realized that the other party had no intention of taking medicine at all, "You're kidding me! I'll kill you!"

"Okay, come on, kid." Ye Chong turned around, and suddenly shot into the distance like a fired cannonball.

At this moment, the combat achievement points column in my mind suddenly changed from a bright color to a gray and cold color, and a new one-hour recovery period began again.

At the same time, his qi and blood points suddenly increased by 100 points, making his qi and blood almost reach a state of near perfection.

What are you waiting for?

Naturally, run and run.

Let's see who killed who?

Ye Chong tried his best to talk nonsense with the baby-faced man. The purpose of course was to wait for the end of the small recovery period so that he could have the background to escape.

Now that this goal has been successfully achieved, if you wait any longer, you will be insane.

Moreover, he knew very well in his heart that when he was consuming energy and blood in the process of escaping, the other party's energy and blood consumption would be even greater in the process of chasing him.

However, he has made money in terms of qi and blood, but the other party has not. Even if the other party's qi and blood are strong, after such a long period of consumption, coupled with the current ebb and flow, it is hard to say who will persist until the end .

What's important is that the longer the time, it is obviously in Ye Chong's best interest. After all, the combat achievement points column is slowly recovering. When the new hour is over, his blood will be replenished again.

However, there are also headaches.

The other party was right.

The poisonous gas bomb had indeed had a considerable impact on his body, and not only was his energy and blood falling, but his body and spirit were also damaged.

However, don't forget that he is a frequent user of animal repellent powder.

Especially the third-level animal repelling powder is the latest miracle medicine in the world. It not only has the effect of expelling mutant beasts, but also has outstanding effects in anti-virus and detoxification, and also has the effect of stabilizing the mind.

Therefore, although the third-level animal repelling powder could not completely prevent the damage caused by the opponent's gas bombs, it actually played a significant role, at least making the damage caused by the gas bombs much lighter than normal.

Of course, Ye Chong is not stupid.

He also knew that it was obviously too early to launch a counterattack and strike against the enemy. Who knew if the other party had other means to suppress the bottom of the box?

At least judging from the current performance, the guy chasing him is definitely not an ordinary junior martial arts fighter, at least he is much more difficult to deal with than the SS2 black monster bird and the SS1 powder wing bird.

Therefore, now is not the time to take risks, and it is not the time to pretend.

Little life matters.


No one is watching, so why pretend to be so stupid, isn't this stupid? !

Swish swish!

Ye Chong jumped onto the top of the tree and flew towards the northwest without stopping. From time to time, he would raise his head and scream a few times, as if he was afraid that the mutant beasts in the mountains would not know he was here.

Followed by the fat baby man, his face was livid, his head and face were turned upside down, one eye was in tatters, the other eye was half-squinted and bleeding, and now he was full of anger, and the person in front From time to time, he whistled a few times, and still twisted his buttocks, until he was so angry that he was about to vomit blood.

But at the same time, half of the baby fat man's eyes also shone suspiciously:

What's the matter with this guy?

Now his blood should have been exhausted long ago, so why does he look alive and full of blood?

Could it be that he ate the qi and blood pill that can quickly restore qi and blood?

Or is it just devouring natural and earthly treasures like Millet Spatholobus?

When the baby fat man thought of this, he suddenly lifted his spirits and accelerated his pursuit.

Speaking of which, he decided to personally bring two senior martial arts fighters to hunt down and kill Ye Chong this time, but there was a reason.

One is to cooperate with relevant parties.

One is the temptation of generous rewards.

The other is that he feels that the other party is only a junior martial arts fighter, but he can make such a big commotion, and there must be an ulterior secret about him.

But now, as expected, the other party showed an extremely unusual side in terms of qi and blood.

This shows what?

The baby-faced man smiled sinisterly.

This shows that he is right in his judgment, as long as he controls and kills this guy who is running away, it probably means that he will have good extra gains.


The baby-faced man's blood exploded again, and his speed of catching up suddenly increased by three points. Then he shook the long sword in his hand and stabbed towards the target.

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