Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 770: Martial Arts World Jungle

Ye Chong has seen some things from the Internet long ago.

Since the new era, the world where martial arts practitioners live has evolved from the ancient world of martial arts to the real world of martial arts.

Although most of the martial arts sects and martial arts families in the martial arts world have declined, they are still dead and alive.

Emerging academic forces, including major martial arts academies, are springing up everywhere like mushrooms after rain.

They not only carried most of the functions of the martial arts sect and the martial arts family in the new world of martial arts, but also opened a new chapter for the development and progress of martial arts.

However, the real world of martial arts in reality is not only composed of these new and old school factions, but also has many other powerful supplements.

For example, such and such Martial Arts Research Association, such and such Martial Arts Museum, such and such Martial Arts Society, such and such Martial Arts Network, such and such Martial Arts Association, such and such Martial Arts Association...

The names are all kinds of strange things, and there are a lot of them.

There are many formal organizations in martial arts, of course, most of them are loose organizations formed by martial arts enthusiasts.

Speaking of which, Ye Chong, Zhou Xinxin and Ye Niaomen Gao Gao built are such organizations.

Regarding such formal and informal organizations, whether it is the Global Martial Arts Federation, the national martial arts departments of various empires, or even the imperial government, etc., they all hold a welcoming and open attitude.

In fact, there is only one reason, which is to create a brand new environment for the great development of martial arts, so that the races and martial arts, and martial arts and human races are closely linked.

no way.

The pressure brought by the mutant beast is not as simple as imagined.

As time goes by, the human race is becoming more and more shy and powerless in front of them.

If they don't seek change, the mutant beasts will undoubtedly become the dominant force in this world soon, and the human race will completely decline, and even be reduced to the status of the orc race in the old era.

If you don't cultivate the killing spirit of human warriors in the cruel and bloody competitive environment, the day of human extinction is just around the corner.

Therefore, the flourishing situation of organizations related to martial arts is something that the senior management of the martial arts world hopes to see.

Even in the process of this development, there will be some conflicts between organizations, and it will not violate the original intention of the development of Wu Dao Jungle.

If the martial arts sects and martial arts families in the old martial arts world are all old trees in the jungle of the martial arts world, then the newly developed major martial arts schools are new trees in the jungle of the martial arts world, and those leafy birds blooming everywhere Formal or informal organizations like doors are the flowers and plants in the jungle of this martial arts world.

In other words, the martial arts world jungle is composed of flowers, plants and trees.

It is this kind of jungle area that creates a good space for the development of martial arts.

It's just that in it, most of the flowers, plants and trees are good, but it is undeniable that there are some poisonous flowers, poisonous weeds or poisonous trees in it.

Say nothing else.

The organization mentioned by the baby fat man is aimed at confronting Quanwu and the national military forces of various empires, especially in the case of such a serious animal disease, it is enough to show that it is a poisonous flower, a poisonous weed, and a poisonous tree.

Ye Chong is not a fool.

He also has ideals and dreams in his heart, he knows what is right and what is wrong, he also knows what is the overall situation, what is the small situation, and what is the pattern.

If one wants to truly develop in martial arts, one must not only consider the gains and losses of one's own interests, but also weigh the pros and cons for the future in the context of the general trend.

Especially as a member of the human race, one must first become a recipient and participant of the human race's development community, and should make real efforts for this.

Against the sky, is the children's slogan.

It is the wisdom of adults to follow the trend.

Ye Chong looks young, but in fact he is a person with a story, of course he knows how to choose measures according to local conditions.

"Okay, I agree." The corners of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he looked at the other party with piercing eyes, "I have long disliked people in Quanwu, especially that little blonde girl who keeps her head posing all day long. She, I want to clean her up."

"..." The baby fat man was slightly taken aback, and then smiled, "Okay, anyway, it's fine if you agree to join the Freedom Alliance.

On behalf of the Freedmen's League, I welcome you. "

"What? Alliance of Freedom?" Ye Chong scratched his head, "Isn't this name too vulgar? There's not even a word for Wu?

Not nice.

Not nice.

Forget it.

I still don't join. "

"..." The baby fat man frowned, "The name is just a title, as warriors, what we value is its purpose and connotation.


Do you understand?

We are after freedom, not names. "

"But..." Ye Chong looked dissatisfied, "Shouldn't the name be more aggressive?

For example, what is called the Free Warriors Alliance?

After all, we are all warriors, and the organization is called the Freedom Alliance, which doesn't even have the word Wu in it, which is really inappropriate. "

"Shut up!" The baby fat man couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "You can't judge the name of the organization casually."

"Then you're still free?" Ye Chong muttered.

"What did you say?!" The baby fat man's face changed, and he looked at him coldly.

"Hehe, well, I think the name Freedom Alliance is also good." Ye Chong smiled, "I decided to accept it and join it."

"Okay, very good, that's right." The fat baby man grinned, "You just need to take the Freedom Pill, then we will be comrades-in-arms of the Freedom Alliance from now on."

When he said this, the fat baby man reached into his arms, took out a small bottle, and was about to throw it at the other party.

"Wait," Ye Chong was a little dazed, "Freedom Pill?

What freedom pill?

Since it is the Freedom Alliance, then everything must be based on advocating freedom, why do you still have to take Laoshizi Freedom Pills? "

"The Freedom Alliance is an organization of warriors. Since it is an organization, there are organizational rules." The baby fat man's eyes were cold, "For everyone in the Freedom Alliance, to join this organization is to take freedom pills.


Don't worry about it either.

Freedom Pills are not poison.

Its value is not low, the effect is good, and it can even help restore qi and blood.

In addition, it is of great help to the body and mind.

Of course.

Eating the freedom pill is more symbolic than practical.

Eating it is equivalent to becoming a freedom fighter and contributing to the development and growth of the Freedom Alliance. "

"Then if I join the Freedom Alliance, does that mean I'm not free?" Ye Chong frowned.

"Of course not," the fat baby man grinned. "The Freedom Alliance aims at freedom. How could it restrict the freedom of its members? Look at me, isn't it free?"

"Oh, since freedom is the purpose..." Ye Chong looked a little dull, "Does that mean that I can freely change my decision, such as not taking Freedom Pills?"

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