Ye Chong smiled casually, put one foot on the branch, and suddenly rushed upwards for more than three meters, then opened his arms, turned around in the air, and shot straight to the north.

He knew very well that he couldn't match the opponent's speed anyway. If he didn't use his flying skills at this time and showed his evasion ability to the greatest extent, he might lose his life here.

The baby-faced man had just sped up, and saw that the opponent was not running away in a straight line, but was floating upwards. He laughed grinningly, and also waved his arms, and shot towards the target at high speed.



quack quack!

quack quack!

Suddenly there was a strange cry in the sky, and then the sky darkened, and countless animals flew straight down.

At the same time, there was a loud rustling in the forest below, and an unknown number of insects and beasts were swarming.

At the same time, there was constant rumbling and rumbling sounds all around, and all kinds of strange land beasts roared and rushed here.

"Why are you here now?"

Ye Chong grinned, muttered something, and by the way, he exerted force, and there was a puffing sound behind him, and in an instant, a foul smell spread unscrupulously.

At the same time, the baby fat man has black lines all over his head and his face is green.

What the hell is this?

On the battlefield of life and death, there is still leisure and elegance to fart?

Can you show some respect to people? !

Swish swish!

The only thing the baby fat man can do now is to continuously increase the speed of pursuit.

In fact, he only has one idea now, after grabbing the kid in front of him, he will smash it to pieces.

Otherwise, even if he can live to be 80 years old in his life, he will still be left with humiliation and nightmares that will never go away in his heart.

But what frustrates him is that the guy in front is not competing with him for speed at all, but for flexibility and reaction, and he is surprised that the opponent's ability in this area is not weaker than him, and even faintly Superior strength.

The point is that this is not the point.

At this moment, mutant beasts gathered all around, especially the beasts that swooped in from a distance had already arrived.

But what about the guy who ran away in front?

Instead of dodging or evading, they rushed towards them head-on with five chain farts.

Is this what people do?

He was simply a birdman who flung himself into his arms under the power of beasts.

As the distance from the beast got closer, the baby fat man's face became more and more ugly, and he couldn't help slowing down.

He knew very well in his heart that the beast was no ordinary mutant beast.

Basically speaking, the strength of beasts of the same level is to crush the human race, and can even compete with higher-level warriors.

That is to say, generally speaking, the strength of SS1-level beasts is comparable to the intermediate martial arts generals of the human race, and the strength of SS2-level beasts can basically fight against the advanced martial arts generals of the human race.

As for the S3-level beasts flying from the air, because of the issue of crossing a large realm, their strength cannot be compared with the junior martial arts fighters of the human race, but they are much stronger than the general advanced martial arts fighters of the human race.

Especially when a group of such S3 beasts swooped in, even if the baby fat man was a powerful junior martial arts general, he couldn't help but be afraid.

Don't forget, this is in the air.

It is the birds and beasts that occupy the right time and place, not his little human race.

But the more so, the more puzzled and incomprehensible he looked at Ye Chong, and he couldn't help but slow down his pursuit.

At this moment, Ye Chong continued to fly towards the air ahead full of urine, and it seemed that he was facing a group of beasts without any scruples.

30 m.

20 m.

15 m.

10 m.

5 m.

The distance between Ye Chong and the beast is getting closer and closer.

At the same time, the distance between the baby fat man and the other party became farther and farther.

10 m.

15 m.

20 m.

25 m.

30 m.

quack quack!

quack quack!

All the beasts made excited and excited calls.

At the same time, the baby fat man, who had already slowed down, began to show a meaningful sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

Whether Ye Chong died in his hands or in the mouth of a beast, to him, the mission was completed, there was no big difference.

Still, it's obviously better to die in the bird's beak.

At least he doesn't have to waste his energy and blood, and he doesn't have to smell the smell of fart anymore, and he can still watch a good show of massacre.

The fat baby man grinned, folded his arms, and quietly landed among the branches of the treetops. The remaining half of his eyes were full of excitement and anticipation.

Also at this time.

The beast in the air had already collided with Ye Chong fiercely, and the baby fat man immediately grinned happily and laughed out loud.

Only then came the next moment.

The place where Ye Chong and the bird's body met suddenly filled with powdered medicine, and there was a sweet smell.

At the same time, the scene immediately became chaotic, and all the animals ran away amidst the strange sounds of quacking and quacking. Seeing the fat baby man in front of him standing on the top of the tree like nothing happened, it was the animals who were in a state of distress and had nowhere to vent their anger. Naturally, without saying a word, he rushed over.


The fat baby man's head was covered with black lines, and he turned around and rushed towards the woodland below with a dazed look on his face.

He now completely understands that everything that happened was planned by that bastard Ye Chong.

It was obvious that he was chasing that guy, but in fact, he was stepping into the other's trap.

However, it was already at this time, and it was too late to regret it, the only thing he could do now was to escape from here as soon as possible.

Otherwise, what should I do?

Once he is entangled by these vicious beasts, he is not worried that the dead birds will kill him, but the problem is that there is a deadly guy next to him, and he is afraid that once the other party launches a surprise attack while he is in a hurry, It would really kill him.

Therefore, the baby fat man accelerated his escape speed as soon as he gritted his teeth.

The point is that now there are mutant beasts in the sky, trees and underground, and there is nowhere to run.

What's even more exasperating is that the guy he was chasing down didn't run away, but was still screaming up to the sky, obviously wishing that all the beasts in the Leqing Mountain Range could hear it.

"This is really not something people do!"

The baby fat man was so angry that he really didn't know where to go.



Swish swish!

The long sword in his hand flew all over the sky, constantly bombarding the mutant beasts around, and the sound of howling and screaming resounded through the sky and the earth.

At the same time, bloody aura filled the air, stimulating more and more mutant beasts to gather here.

At the same time, the fat baby man couldn't help grinning sinisterly, and took advantage of the chaos to shoot away from the branches.

At this moment, Ye Chong frowned, then plunged into the forest from the top of the tree, and rushed towards the southwest at high speed.

no way.

If you don't leave, the situation will be unfavorable.

After all, after the fat baby man entered the forest, he was in the dark, but he was in the light, and if he didn't pay attention, there would be problems.

Moreover, it will never be a small problem, but a big problem.

So, take this opportunity and run.

The baby fat man ran to the northeast, so he naturally went straight to the southwest.

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