Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 769 Just the opposite

"Boy, do you think you can still run this time?" The fat baby boy's voice came unhurriedly, "After being hit by my gas bomb, it's best to just stop and not move.

The more you move, the faster your Qi and blood will be consumed.

Physical and mental effects are also affected.

In the end, you'll be lying on the ground like a puddle of mud.


Can you imagine, will it be painful?

However, I found that I still like you crafty little guy.

If you stop, maybe I'll let you live, maybe. "

As the baby fat man spoke, his figure flickered and his speed suddenly increased.

"It's not impossible to stop." Ye Chong smiled, "But, I have to figure out what happened first? At have to let me know why you hunted me down?"

"You still have to ask this kind of thing?" The baby fat man sneered, "Who have you offended, don't you have any clues in your mind?"

"My enemies are all over the world, all over the world, and there are as many as a cow's hair." Ye Chong smiled casually, "If you don't tell me yourself, how will I know which onion you are?"

"Hehe, you are not a big man, but you have offended a lot of people," the fat baby man smiled slyly, "I was entrusted by someone, so I can't disclose the relevant information. Why don't you go to hell and ask the people you killed?"


Who did you kill?

Who did I kill?

The reference here is definitely not a mutant beast, but a human.

I killed people...

Killed the Mou family in the Leqing Mountains.

Long Jidi has made enemies of the Mou family twice.

The Martial Arts Field kills people from the subcontinent.

Yangwu conference group stage, knockout stage...

Many people were killed.

More people died because of me.

But it must not be Xiahou Bao, the big hammer.

It is definitely not Wubashan, the desolate warrior.

Because neither of them was killed by him.

Who is that? "

Ye Chong couldn't help asking in wild thoughts: "Just because someone died in a normal competition, you seek revenge. Isn't it against the law of survival of the fittest in martial arts?"

"Survival of the fittest?" The fat baby man smiled sinisterly, "Boy, I'm afraid you're thinking too much.


The law of survival of the fittest in martial arts does exist.

However, that law is for ordinary people.

For the privileged class in martial arts, there is no survival of the fittest, they are always superior, while ordinary people are always inferior.

When there is a conflict between the good and the bad, the good is of course left behind.

Boy, if you want to blame, blame you for killing someone who shouldn't be killed.

In fact, if you only killed No.1 and spared the people behind, the problem would not have been so serious.

Forget it, it's useless to say these things.


I think you are indeed a good martial arts talent.

It would be a pity if he died like this.


I can take your life if you want.

However, you need to promise me one condition. "

Hearing what the other party said, Ye Chong's thoughts turned, and he suddenly thought of the martial arts field of Kyushu Martial Arts Academy. At that time, he crushed and killed Hu Ke, and caused heavy casualties to ten black-clothed warriors.

The information heard from the baby fat man's words should be the closest to this scene.

"Huh~" Ye Chong let out a long breath, "Don't chase me so fast, I can't even speak now."

"Okay, tell me." The fat baby man really slowed down, "This is also an opportunity for you, it's better than dying now."

"What conditions are you talking about?" Ye Chong frowned, "Now that the mutant beasts are besieging the city, and the war is about to break out, you won't let me help the mutant beasts kill the clan, right?"

"Hey, how is this possible?" The fat baby man grinned, "I'm also a human race.

Even if I want to contribute to the orcs, do you think they will have a delicious life hanging around? "

"Okay, I believe you." Ye Chong smiled, "Talk about the conditions, how can I not die today?"

"Simple." The baby fat man smiled, his bloody head and face looked extremely hideous and terrifying, "Join the organization."

"What?" Ye Chong was taken aback, "What organization do you join? What is an organization?"

"Organization is not something, but our belief." The face of the fat baby man suddenly became serious, "Remember.

You heard what I said next, which is equivalent to knowing the secret of our organization.

If you don't join, you will die.


Do you still want to hear it? "

"Listen, of course." Ye Chong's mouth curled up, "If you don't listen, isn't it also death?

However, my brain is not working well right now.

Try to speak slowly so that I can understand you. "

"Okay, as long as you want to hear it." The fat baby man nodded with a serious face, "I'll make a long story short."

"Stop." Ye Chong quickly waved his hand, "I didn't mean that.

You'd better make a long story short.

I am not in a hurry.


If you can live more meetings, you will live more meetings.

and also.

I've been poisoned by you so much that I'm a little confused..."

"I'll try to make it clear." The baby fat man nodded, "The current human world consists of many empires.

The institutions of these empires governing people in martial arts are called the Budobu.

Although it is just a second-level department under the national first-level administrative system, it has great power.

Because it controls almost all the authority of all warriors in the empire.

Don't forget, warriors are not ordinary people.

They are the most feared force to maintain the empire and to subvert it at the same time.

The National Martial Arts Department has control of this part of resources, which also means control of the most powerful force in the empire.

Therefore, the actual power and authority of the National Martial Arts Department are very large, and even the imperial government cannot intervene at will.


There is also an organization in the world that connects the national martial arts departments of various empires together, called the Global Martial Arts Federation.

Although this is just a loose organization, it has great power, authority and symbolic meaning.

Because it is its existence that maintains the balance of power of the martial arts departments of various imperial countries.

Once the Global Martial Arts Federation ceases to exist, it is very likely that the Imperial War will break out in an all-round way.


Did you understand what I said? "

"Understood." Ye Chong nodded in surprise, "You mean... let me join the Global Martial Arts Federation, or... the National Martial Arts Department?"

"No, quite the opposite." The baby fat man grinned, then straightened his face and shook his head, "I'm talking about joining an organization that resists Quanwu and Guowu."

"Huh?" Ye Chong was obviously surprised.

"Okay, let me tell you the reason." The baby fat man continued, "Quan Wu and Guo Wu have spoken well to the outside world, and there are good reasons, just like the principle of survival of the fittest we just mentioned.

However, in fact, its existence violates the principle of free development of martial arts.

The rules passed down from the world of martial arts, apart from family rules and family laws, every person in martial arts has the right to pursue the ultimate development of martial arts.

To put it simply, there is no need for rules and regulations to restrict the freedom of martial arts.

"Warrior Law"?

we do not need.

What we need is force to be respected and the winner to be king.

Only in this way can martial arts be guided to true prosperity and strength.

At that time, they will not be chased and beaten by some mutant beasts like kittens and puppies like they are now.

So, you should also understand.

The organization I am talking about is an organization that opposes Quanwu and Guowu.

do you want to join "

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