Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 752 What Are They Doing?

Ye Chong is sometimes stupid, but he is by no means a fool.

He's often casual, but not casual.

Especially at the critical moment of life and death, he is generally not casual, but once he is casual, he is definitely not a human being.


Ye Chong stepped on the ground with one foot and rushed straight up.

At the same time, there were rustling sounds of wings flapping and taking off in the surrounding space.

At the same time, he threw his left hand down from the air, and the third-level animal repelling powder spread out.

There was a sudden thumping sound, accompanied by whining.

Immediately after the next moment, Ye Chong had already rushed into the big tree above, and then he jumped up and went straight to the top of the tree.

But at this time, among the luxuriant branches and leaves of the big tree, suddenly there was a fluttering sound and the sound of small animals running back and forth.

As a result, before he had any reaction, countless mutated squirrels, mutated hozens, and mutated woodpeckers all rushed towards him.


How to hide?

Under the big tree are overwhelming insects and beasts flying straight up, above and around the head, there are mutated squirrels, mutated hozens and mutated woodpeckers, there is nowhere to escape.


The star blade in Ye Chong's right hand flew up and down like a windmill, turning non-stop, cha cha cha, bloody air immediately filled the air.

Almost at the same time, he raised his left hand upwards, and another handful of third-level animal repelling powder fluttered down.


A scream came from more than a hundred meters away, Ye Chong frowned suddenly, stepped on the trunk with one foot, clicked, smashed through countless branches and leaves, and flew straight into the night sky.

But at the same time, his expression suddenly changed.


I saw a black cloud in the air, a group of animals flying straight down.


I find it strange.

There was no cloudy sky, and even the moonlight and starlight couldn't see through. It turned out that the beasts had been lying in ambush in the sky.

It seems that we have been exposed long ago.

However, I can't help it now.

If you don't save people, Ye Niaomen will die. "

Ye Chong shook his body, and rushed straight to the top of the tree above the dense forest for a hundred meters.

Fortunately, most of these beasts in the air are huge, and they are involved with each other, leaving Ye Chong with a lot of space.

In addition, he was flying close to the top of the tree, using all his combat skills and flying skills, so his speed was unbelievably fast.

After a short while, he bypassed several waves of insects and beasts rushing out of the dense forest, quickly aimed at the gap, and plunged into the dense forest at once.

"Lights on!"


While Ye Chong shouted, he raised his left hand, and the third-level animal repelling powder was flying all over the sky, and a sweet smell suddenly filled the air.



Two shouts of surprise came out.

"Is anyone injured?" Ye Chong threw a burning stick into the distance with his left hand before he landed.

"No injuries, but the military wingman is pretending to be broken." Gao Gao threw the burning stick to the other side.

"I'm a minor injury, nothing serious," Zhou Xinxin said, throwing a burning stick into the distance, "Our burning sticks are all open flames, so they won't cause a fire, right?"

"Don't worry, it won't," Ye Chong approached the two of them, "Now the flowers, plants and trees have a high burning point, and our burning stick has its own oxygen, once it is exhausted, it will lose its burning effect and will not ignite. dense forest.

In addition, each of you throw another one, throwing it towards the place I just threw it, the insects have a strong phototaxis, once they pass, we can leave. "

"Yes, brother."

"Okay, big brother."

The two agreed one after another, and then each took out a cigar-shaped burning stick and threw it into the distance.

All of a sudden, more than ten meters away from the west side of the dense forest, the flames suddenly blazed, and the overwhelming rustling sound rushed there in unison.

Speaking of which, the Zerg is a kind of creature with strong phototaxis. Once there is light anywhere, especially the sudden light and heat source in the endless darkness, it will make them go crazy and mad. This characteristic of itself has not been changed.

At the same time, Ye Chong looked into the sky, heard the neighing of animals in the dense forest, and the sound of circling and flapping wings, and then stretched out his hand to point to the north side, and the three of them immediately sank into the darkness without a sound.

It was just that the sound of crackling and fighting came from that direction, and the sound of screams and wailing was endless.

After a while, the sound of fierce battle was heard further north, and it could be faintly heard, as if there were war knives whistling non-stop, and the smell of blood quietly permeated.

10 minute later.

200 meters northwest of where the three of them left, suddenly a burning stick rushed out of the dense forest.

The animals circling in the air suddenly quacked and croaked, and they all surrounded there.

Not long after, another burning stick flew into the air tens of meters northwest of the position where the burning stick rose into the sky last time, obviously higher than the one just now.


A huge animal stretched its neck forward, opened its mouth to bite the burning stick, and then swallowed it. With a bang, a puff of smoke spewed out.

As a result, the scene suddenly screamed and screamed, as if it was very dissatisfied with the huge beast eating the food all by itself.

At the same time, some of the apparently more agile beasts spread their wings and headed towards the northwest.

As a result, the rest of the beasts also screamed strangely, and chased after the flying away beasts.

At the same time, there was a sudden rustling sound in the depths of the dense forest, rolling towards the northwest.

Five 6 minutes later.

At the same place where Ye Chong plunged into the dense forest and met the two, three figures quietly emerged from the darkness.

The person in the lead waved his hand in the southeast direction, and walked away quickly, while the other two followed closely without missing a step.

After an unknown amount of time, somewhere in the southeast of the dense forest, three figures stood quietly on the spot without making a sound.

One of them looked up at the sky suspiciously, wondering what he was thinking.

The other two looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring to say anything, they seemed to be respectful.

"its not right.

I just led the insects and beasts to the northwest, but it's already at this time, why are they still chasing down?

What are you chasing?

Are you so stupid?

With their sentience, they should be able to know that we are not there at all.

Now that you know we're not there, what's the point of chasing us?

If they sense we're still there, we're now...

What is it? "

At this moment, Ye Chong's mind was in a mess, and he was obviously hesitant, not knowing what to do.

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