After some muddled evangelism, and answering questions with ignorance, Ye Chong's image became taller and unfathomable in front of Zhou Xinxin and Gao Ang.

At the same time, Ye Chong, as the eldest brother of Ye Niaomen, naturally would not destroy his image and be modest and polite, but while accepting their respect, admiration and awe, he also contributed to the flames.

He said that if the two of them want to achieve substantial improvement in their respective fields in the future, they must increase the frequency of practice.

This is true whether it is refining medicine or refining equipment.

Only by appreciating the techniques learned in practice can we realize the true understanding.

And the continuous accumulation of quantitative changes will form qualitative changes.

Don't be afraid to fail, either.

Failure is the mother of success.

Success is the child of failure.

Without failure, there is no success.

To succeed, one must fail.

Fail, fail, fail again, and the child of success will come out.

When Ye Chong explained this theory, Zhou Xinxin and Gao Ang listened carefully, with deep desire and respect in their eyes.

In fact, speaking of it, they have all heard similar words before, but these words have different effects when they are spoken by different people.

Especially after Brother Ye Niaomen's explanation, it made them feel as if they saw the dawn in the endless night, and they felt suddenly enlightened.

Seeing that Zhou Xinxin's complexion had almost recovered, Ye Chong immediately smiled and waved, and the three started their journey again.

In fact, Ye Chong did one more thing during the period of delay in place.

He is listening.

Listen to the movement of mutant beasts outside the dense forest.

Listen to the movements of the mutant beasts in the dense forest.

So, after embarking on the journey again, he already knew where he was going.

Ye Chong moved very fast. After Zhou Xinxin and Gao Ang recovered, they also walked vigorously and moved quickly.

In addition, the three of them were already familiar with the environment in the dense forest, so while they were speeding up, the noise they made became smaller and smaller, almost silent.

After half an hour.

The sky was completely dark.

Now the depths of the dense forest have become invisible.

The movement speed of the three also decreased accordingly.

In fact, for Ye Chong, it doesn't affect much. After all, he has mental power as a helper. Although he dare not let it go too far, it is no problem to see the scene a few meters around him clearly.

However, too much mental energy is consumed, which can easily lead to fatigue and lack of concentration, so he dare not abuse it.

Neither Zhou Xinxin nor Gao Ang should have practiced spiritual skills before, so they could only move forward by relying on their senses, and naturally they couldn't get up to speed.

At this time, Ye Chong stopped quietly, then turned around and patted the shoulders of the two people following him, and then pressed down.

Soon, Zhou Xinxin and Gao Ang squatted down.

Ye Chong dodged and continued to float forward.

1 minute later.




Weird rustling sounds suddenly came from the dense forest in the front left, it sounded in a hurry, obviously in a hurry.

Insect beast.

Ye Chong frowned.

He knew very well in his heart that many insects like to move at night, and the purpose of their activities is usually for food.

And if they are rushing in a certain direction, it probably means that there are fascinating delicacies waiting for them.

The most terrible thing is that you can tell by the rustling sound that there are quite a few of these worms.

This could well mean something else.

They rushed to the place for supper, and there was a lot of food.

However, in this dense forest, it is difficult for large mutant beasts to enter, and the reptile land beasts like the anaconda only move around the periphery of the dense forest.

Therefore, the possibility of a large mutant beast corpse appearing in the dense forest is unlikely.

Therefore, it is very likely that there are no large mutant beasts in the direction where these rustling insects are heading.

So, what else could be food?

When Ye Chong thought of this, he couldn't help but frowned, and didn't dare to continue thinking about it.

However, the youthful and beautiful figures of Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina suddenly appeared in his mind.

This situation made his heart tighten, he sighed secretly, and then accelerated his forward speed.

After traveling in this way for more than a hundred meters, the rustling sound in front of the left suddenly disappeared.


The scene suddenly fell into extreme silence.

At this moment, when you can't see your fingers, and the silence is abnormal, people's nerves immediately tense up.

"Did they find me?"

An uneasy thought arose in Ye Chong's heart.

However, before he had much time to think, there was another rustling sound from the dense forest tens of meters ahead to the right.

Ye Chong listened intently, but did not dare to use his mental power to investigate.

no way.

The mental energy detection he can do now is only the most primitive way, and it needs to touch the target before returning valuable information.

However, doing so will obviously allow the other party to discover themselves.

He knew very well in his heart that in this cramped and narrow jungle space, once his whereabouts were exposed, it might mean being besieged.

For the human race, it is impossible to use it calmly, but for the smaller insects and beasts, it is the best battlefield.


Tens of meters away from the right rear, there was also a faint rustling sound.

Immediately after the next moment, there was also a rustling sound from the rear left, which was also tens of meters away.

Ye Chong frowned, stood still, and listened quietly.

As a result, after a short while, his complexion became a little ugly.

Whether it was the voice from the front right, the voice from the rear right, or the voice from the rear left, they all seemed to be approaching him in this direction.

Ye Chong quietly sensed that there was no food within a few meters nearby.

When he was hesitating, the rustling sound that disappeared from the front left sounded again, and the distance became only ten meters away from him.


There was a roar in Ye Chong's head, and he suddenly understood one thing - it turns out that the food of these rustling insects and beasts is far away in the sky, and it is not others, but him.

Immediately after the next moment, a creepy feeling suddenly spread throughout the body.

"It's a trick.

I was lured here.

And fell into their siege.

Then they must have spotted me before I set off.

Then, using the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain, they brought me here.

Just to eat me?


Their purpose of bringing me here should not be to eat me, but to eat Zhou Xinxin and Gao Ang.

Because if they want to attack me directly, there is no need to care about the two of them.

not good!

Something is going to happen! "

When Ye Chong thought of this, the back of his neck couldn't help but feel a chill.

At this moment, the rustling sounds from all directions suddenly burst out, rushing towards his direction.

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