"Brother, if we walk in this direction, we will definitely find our way home." Zhou Xinxin said softly, "Even if there is no way, we will be getting closer and closer to Zhongdu."

"I know," Ye Chong nodded, "I just feel a little strange, what are those beasts and worms chasing now? There is no reason why they were thrown off so easily by us."

"I don't think so," Gao Ang lowered his voice, and couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes, "Brother, you just took us through some operations, let alone those insects and beasts, even the human race will be confused of.

So, chasing down in the direction we set, there is nothing wrong with this. "

"You're too optimistic." Ye Chong shook his head lightly, "The IQs of beasts are not low, and the IQs of many races among insects and beasts are even comparable to those with high IQs of humans. If you want to get rid of them, you can't. It's not that simple."

"It seems a bit strange to hear what my elder brother said." Zhou Xinxin nodded, "Beasts have excellent eyesight and are very alert. If they lose track of them, they will definitely hover in the air, waiting for new ones. Clues, instead of being like a headless chicken, looking for a direction and chasing after it."

"You mean..." Ye Chong couldn't help but frowned.

"I'm a little skeptical now," Gao Ang took a step forward before Zhou Xinxin could speak, and said in a low voice, "Is there someone else in the dense forest?

When these people saw us throwing incendiary rods into the air, they thought we were signaling to rescue them.

So, I followed to the northwest.

After all, judging from the trajectory of the incendiary rod throwing, theoretically we are heading northwest, and there is nothing wrong with them going in that direction.

As a result, they attracted the attention of insects and beasts, thinking it was us, that's why the current situation occurred. "

"It's not impossible," Zhou Xinxin nodded, and looked at Ye Chong quietly, "Recently, there have been a lot of teachers and students from our Jiuwu Academy to do tasks, and it is very likely that there are people like us. , caught in the siege of mutant beasts.

After finally seeing a human race appear, and it is likely to come to rescue them, and then find that the other party is drifting away and is still sending signals, it is very likely that they will risk following them.

The main problem is that they dare not make a sound and can only follow silently, which resulted in the current situation. "

Ye Chong frowned, of course he had already thought of what Gao Ang and Zhou Xinxin said.

Moreover, he knew very well that this possibility was very high.

However, even if this is the case, it seems unlikely that those people are Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina.

After all, with their vigilance, even if rescuers arrived, they would not rush into the den of mutant beasts, but would choose to take advantage of the emptiness of the dense forest and retreat to the southeast.

The closer to home, the higher the possibility of survival.

However, Ye Chong thought again, the dense forest is deep, the space is cramped, and poisonous flowers, poisonous weeds and venom are everywhere. It is indeed difficult for Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina to move even if they are not prepared enough.

Most importantly, if the two of them smelled the third-level animal repelling powder, they would know that he had come to the jungle, so the possibility of chasing him would be very, very high.

"Let's go back." Ye Chong said in a low voice, heading northwest.

"Brother," Zhou Xinxin hesitated, "We..."

"Brother," Gao Ang also looked hesitant, "We managed to escape, now..."

"Now, you two should be able to return to Zhongdu, right?" Ye Chong said behind him, "So, you two, Ye Niaomen's right-hand men, don't need to follow me at all."

"No, brother, I'll follow you." Gao Ang puffed out his chest, and immediately took a step forward.

"I also choose to be with Eldest Brother." Zhou Xinxin brushed her hair lightly, "Wherever Eldest Brother is going, I will go too."

"No," Ye Chong smiled slightly, "What I said is true.

If you can return to Zhongdu safely from here, it will be the greatest help to me.

Otherwise, if there are other Jiuwu teachers and students in front of me, it will make it difficult for me to take care of you.

Ha ha.

I believe that based on your strength, there will be no problem in returning safely.


move. "

"No, I want to protect my elder brother." Gao Ang took another step forward, "I don't want to be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, but I want to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day."

"Fuck." Ye Chong frowned, "Damn it, speak auspiciously."

"Hehe, I'm not leaving either." Zhou Xinxin smiled lightly, "I was born to belong to Elder Brother, and I will die as Elder Brother's ghost."

"..." Ye Chong's head was about to explode.

He knew very well in his heart that it was useless to drive them away now.

Don't say it so nicely.

It sounds very passionate to be with him for life and death.

But in fact, it is clear that these two guys are greedy for life and afraid of death, need his protection, and dare not go home together.

Ye Chong couldn't say anything, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect Ye Niaomen to be so united and cohesive. Okay, then we will fight side by side and bring the people of Jiuwu back home."

Both Zhou Xinxin and Gao Ang cheered, while Ye Chong curled his lips secretly, and walked forward quickly with a wave of his hand.

Because he was going back and forth, he was familiar with the road, so the speed was naturally very fast.

In addition, the mutated beasts in the dense forest and the beasts in the air were all attracted to the northwest, and the forest was very quiet. Without any scruples, the speed of the three of them naturally increased by three points.

10 minute later.

Ye Chong raised his hand, stopped moving, and then ordered in a low voice: "You two are waiting here, I will go ahead and observe."

When Gao Ang heard this, his body trembled and he said: "Brother, I'll be with you, so I can take care of you."

"That's right," Zhou Xinxin looked up at the shadowy trees and the pitch-black sky above, "It's better for the three of us to stay together.

In case a very powerful mutant beast appears, the two of us can stand in the way for the elder brother.

Gao Gao is fatter, enough for mutant beasts to eat for a while.

I can also stuff mutant beasts between their teeth and stuff.

At that time, the eldest brother will have time to escape quietly. "

"Who are you calling fat?" Gao Ang was not happy when he heard that, "I am fat where I should be fat, and thin where I should be thin. I am not like you. The place where I should be fat is like a washboard, and the place where I should be thin is like a bucket."

"Gao Ang, you're talking nonsense," Zhou Xinxin frowned, "You shameless fat pig."

"..." Ye Chong looked confused.

But soon, he coughed lightly and said, "Both of you, pay attention to your identities.

Let's not talk about Ye Niaomen.

Just talk about the identities of the two of you as teachers of the Nine Martial Arts Academy.

Now you are making trouble like a child, are you still a little teacher?

All right.

Since you both want to go along, go together.

However, I have something to say first.

Once danger occurs, I may not be able to take care of you.

So, you'd better keep your feet up and don't get too far away from me. "

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