It's a long story, but Ye Chong's explanation time is really not long, it's 15 minutes at full count.

However, judging from Zhou Xinxin and Gao Ang's performance, they were obviously shocked by him.

Ye Chong really didn't know where they were shocked?

Don't think it's him who said it, but he himself is basically in the cloud, confused, and can't figure out one, two, three, four, five.

When he stood with his hands behind his back and let out a long sigh, and finally finished his explanation, both Zhou Xinxin and Gao Ang were still in a state of extreme agitation and agitation, unable to extricate themselves, and their thoughts were still unfinished.

"Understand?" Ye Chong smiled slightly.

"I understand but don't understand." Zhou Xinxin's beautiful eyes were a little dazed, "Those who understand seem to be enlightened, and those who don't understand are like heavenly scriptures, and they don't know anything."

"Yeah," Gao Ang said slowly with blurred eyes, "I understand about a tenth of it, but for me, it's already a great benefit.

you can say it this way……

Compared with the so-called refining techniques that I learned before, compared with the refining techniques explained by my elder brother, they are simply rubbish and dross.


Fortunately, I listened to the lecture of my elder brother today, which saved me a lot of detours.

Did not expect ah.

It turns out that this is the real refining technique.

I used to train myself to be a blacksmith, and the real art of refining is to let us grow into artists of refining, and even integrate bitterness, joy and sorrow into the weapons of warriors, so that we can create extraordinary things and make the lines of law full of life tension.

Brother, thank you. "

The corners of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he waved his hands casually. He was 1000 million confused in his heart. Is the art of refining that he explained so well?

Then talk about shit?

Do you feel at a disadvantage?

"Very good, you two can understand the alchemy and weapon refining techniques I'm talking about, and it's considered an achievement." Ye Chong stroked his chin and nodded, only regretting that he didn't have a long beard , the meaning is a bit off, "However, it is not a matter of a day and a half to really understand all the content I have explained.

So, you two have to work harder.

Also, I would like to remind you.

Don't think too simple about the alchemy and weapon refining techniques I mentioned.

Ha ha.

Not so easy.

and also.

The alchemy and weapon refining techniques I talked about must be experienced and comprehended by oneself.


Why is this happening?

Because what you experience and perceive by yourself is your own.

Those things that others tell you will only lead you astray.

I say that, can you understand what I mean? "

"Brother, I understand." Gao Ang nodded with certainty, "I have known for a long time that the more profound the classics, the more ever-changing they will be.

1 people have 1 understandings of it.

Different understandings get different perceptions.

Relying on other people's perceptions to help oneself understand seems to save trouble, but in fact it has buried a huge hidden danger. "

"..." Ye Chong nodded approvingly, but his heart was filled with confusion and 1 disagreements.

However, it's hard for him to say anything, after all, he really doesn't understand the art of refining, maybe the art of refining is just relying on nonsense to improve progress?

"Brother, the alchemy technique you mentioned really requires self-awareness," Zhou Xinxin nodded, "Moreover, it needs to combine theory with practice. Only in the real process of refining medicine can one slowly appreciate the essence of it." Connotation."

"Okay, just understand," Ye Chong smiled, "Then let's get on the road, it will take a lot of time."

"Wait, brother," Gao Yang suddenly raised his head, "I know that the art of refining requires self-awareness to truly achieve success, but if you can't even understand some of the terms, then you can't understand and understand at all."

"Oh, terminology?" Ye Chong coughed lightly, "Terminology actually requires awareness and understanding.

Of course, the premise is to understand the meaning of the term by consulting relevant classics.

As for the others, I won't say much. "

"But, brother, I've never heard of some terms," ​​Gao Ang looked a little anxious, "and I'm sure that this kind of term has never appeared in the refining classics I have come into contact with, brother... big brother ...Can I dial one or two?"

"What term?" Ye Chong felt dizzy for a while, feeling the urge to slap the other party.

"Xin Lian." Gao Ang frowned, "Why do we have to increase the success rate of Xin Lian in the process of refining the weapon? Xin Lian... What exactly is it?"

"Xin Lian?" Ye Chong touched his ear, "Did I mention this term?"

"I said it," Zhou Xinxin followed up, "Brother also mentioned this word when he explained the alchemy technique. I'm just trying to understand it according to my own meaning, and I don't know if I'm right?"

"Oh, yes, yes, Xinlian, that's the word, it's very important," Ye Chong nodded with a smile, and then nodded at Zhou Xinxin with an affirmative expression on his face, "Okay, you can have your own insights Very well, tell me about your understanding of this word."

"I'm just thinking about it, and my understanding is definitely wrong." Zhou Xinxin smiled and shook her head, "Sir, why don't you explain it to me, so I won't make a joke again."

"It's okay, tell me," Ye Chong looked at the other party encouragingly, "I will make supplements if there are discrepancies in what you said."

"Then... well," Zhou Xinxin brushed her hair lightly, and said slowly, "In my understanding of refining, it means that in the process of refining medicine, one's whole body and mind should be concentrated on the medicine being refined. Let our spiritual power act as a medium to promote the efficiency and effect of chemical reactions in the refining process, so as to produce spiritual elixirs.

Brother, I understand it this way... Is it a bit too subjective? "

"No, your understanding is very interesting, I can't say it's wrong," Ye Chong couldn't help but twitched his mouth when he said this, and turned his head to look at Gao Ang, "How is it?

Are you touched now?

come on.

I need to hear your sentiments.

Because this is the only way you can truly grow. "

"I..." Gao Ang glanced at Zhou Xinxin, then his expression brightened, and he looked at Ye Chong, "I understand.

In fact, the so-called heart refining is the fusion of the spirit into the weapon of the warrior, as it is often said in the art of refining, right?

Once emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow and joy are integrated into the warrior's weapon, then the refined warrior's weapon will have the corresponding temperament and characteristics.

The same knife, if it is blended with anger, it is a knife of anger, and if it is blended with sorrow, it is a knife of grief.

Brother, do I understand that, right? "

"Yes, very good, you have such an understanding, and you have a new interpretation of Xinlian." Ye Chong smiled slightly, and looked at Zhou Xinxin again, "Do you understand?

The same is true of alchemy.

Of course, it is different from the refining technique.

However, spirituality plays a large role in it. "

"Understood," Zhou Xinxin nodded, "Although refining medicine does not require any joy, anger, sorrow, joy, but if you can incorporate pure spiritual power into the medicine, it will greatly increase the success rate of the medicine. ?"

"Yes, very good." Ye Chong glanced at the two with a smile, "Your understanding is correct, this is your own thing.


Congratulations, you have made another step forward in cultivation. "

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