Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 74 The real man

"Besieged by a group of beasts, the wind and rain are not clear, it is a great opportunity to sharpen my body skills, and it is also the best opportunity for me to improve my sword skills." Ye Chong's mouth drew a wicked arc, "Come on! Then kill it to your heart's content! "

Swish swish!

Ye Chong turned around in place, and the Dark Night War Saber flew up and down, flicking left and right, stabbing forward and back, like flowing clouds and flowing water, non-stop for a moment.






Bang bang bang!


All of a sudden, there was a crackling sound.

If you look at it from a distance, you can't see Ye Chong at all, not even the light of the knife.

The first impression that people give is that a group of huge crazy mutant beasts are scrambling for food.

Jump up and down.

Chaos and chaos.

Do not give in to each other.

If you look down from the sky, the scene that greets your eyes is a bit like a chef shaking a spoon, countless stumps are thrown up and down, and blood and brains are splashed in all directions. People can't help but think of cruelty and blood. word.

The defensive formation of the 00 team is still solid, but it is trembling constantly.

The slight collision between the alloy composite shields made a clanging sound of metal friction, which was a bit harsh, but it couldn't stop.

Because everyone's body was trembling uncontrollably.

Sun Mengmeng's face turned pale, and her eyes blinked frantically.

Eighteen or nine-year-old girls have never seen such a bloody scene since they were young.

When she first boarded the roof platform, she was still pitying her poor life, and was full of endless fear of those mutated sea wolves and mutated four-legged snake lizards.

But now, for some reason, she suddenly felt that she was very safe, just because he was there.

As long as she could see him, there would be nothing in this world that would scare her anymore.

"Captain? Captain Ye Chong?" Tao Xiangru murmured to herself, " is this possible? It is... obviously the most ferocious mutant beast, but...but why in front of the captain, it is better than...a kitten and a puppy Why not? Why do I feel that they are so pitiful, am I... am I crazy?"

Lin Xiaonuan bit her red lips lightly, her eyes were full of mist and other meanings.

Although she can't see Ye Chong now, her mind is full of his shadow.

Raised the knife and roared.

Pian Ruo startled.

Suddenly her body trembled, her face turned red, her hand stroked her chest, and it kept rising and falling.

"He is also a man, and also a member of the trial team. He is much stronger than me." Gao Shuang held his head high, restraining the excitement and trembling of his body, "This is the real man! He shoulders heavy burdens, with great ambition and pride." ! Unleash your own blood and life in the battle of life and death!"

Lin Xiaomei gently brushed her hair on her forehead, and a faint smile appeared on her face that looked as cold as ice in the past, as if a little lotus bloomed quietly under the nourishment of the sun and rain.

In the airship above.

"No!" The tall, thin, middle-aged man glanced at the handsome man beside him, "There is a problem with your data."

"Sir, these data have been updated in the database before coming here, there is no problem." The handsome young man hurriedly explained.

"I'm not saying you have a problem." The tall, thin, middle-aged man shook his head with a smile, "I mean, maybe those so-called latest models of automatic body measuring machines have malfunctioned, and the data is inaccurate."

"Sir..." The handsome young man was startled, a little tongue-tied.

The tall and thin middle-aged man waved his hand and sighed:

"The young man named Ye Chong now exhibits comprehensive abilities such as agility, speed, and strength, which are by no means what a person with a physical test score of 18 (7) can do. His combat experience, martial arts skills, and self-confidence Heart and judgment are not like melons like boiled water."

"Sir, what do you mean..." The bearded middle-aged man leaned over, "Is there something wrong with this person?"

"Hehe, no, that's not what it means." The tall, thin middle-aged man smiled and waved his hands, "I just think that Ye Chong must be guided by an expert, otherwise, he is a genius among geniuses."


The crowd around the lookout plate let out a whisper.

At this moment, Ye Chong stepped forward with his left foot, avoiding the big mouth of a mutated sea wolf, followed by turning his body around, and the dark night sword slashed, and the heads of the two mutated sea wolves were all crushed. Splitting, brains flying, and blood splattering.

Swish swish!

Ye Chong swung his knives three times in a row, and the two mutated sea wolves and one mutated four-legged snake lizard split their heads in half and fell to the ground.

"Through the tempering of this battle, my sword skills have improved a lot.

If it is on the level of martial arts, it has already reached the peak state.

However, it is meaningless to compare it with the sword technique in the future martial arts.

After all, one is based on strength and skill, while the other is pursuing the Dao of the Sword in martial arts.

In addition to the improvement of sword skills, what I really gained today is the improvement of body skills.

Speaking of which, my current agility should have improved by more than one level compared to before participating in the trial.

In particular, the integration of body skills and sword skills in actual combat will become one of the most valuable combat experiences for me in the future, which is of great significance. "


Ye Chong was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but look around.

Only then did I realize that there are alive and kicking mutated sea beasts around?

At the same time, he looked up subconsciously, and saw an airship slowly descending from the sky.

"What are you waiting for?" Ye Chong looked up at Team 00, which was still in a defensive formation, "Do you want me to collect the spoils for you?"


The 00 team immediately started to shout and commotion, as if they had just woken up from a sleep.

"Captain, these should be your spoils, Captain, not ours."

"Captain is amazing!"

"Long live the captain!"


The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he thought to himself:

"These oil bottles are scary.

It's like crazy now.

I'd better stay away.

Don't hurt me. "

However, although he thought so, he couldn't say so, but nodded and smiled:

"Hurry up and pack up the loot, first come, first served, before it's too late, as soon as the airship above lands, all these things will be lost!"

After speaking, Ye Chong pulled out his dagger, gouged out the eyes from the head of the largest mutated four-legged snake lizard at his feet, and went to the white-haired mutated sea wolf to collect the spoils.

Whoa whoa whoa!

The members of the 00 team immediately cheered and rushed to the place where the group of beasts fell dead.

Even the two ponytail girls and the short-haired girl smirked and surrounded a mutated sea wolf that couldn't die anymore and kicked it back and forth.

Lin Xiaomei did not participate in the action of confiscating the loot, but came to Ye Chong's side, brushed her hair lightly, and said with a light smile:

"How is it? My eyesight is not bad, right?"

"Huh?" Ye Chong was slightly taken aback, "What do you mean? Your eyesight is wrong, I don't know, but I feel that your eyes are not pure now."

"Hehe, captain," Lin Xiaomei smiled sweetly, "I mean, when I chose to join your team, I had a good vision, right? Otherwise, how could there be such a good result?"


Ye Chong shook his body, so he didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

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